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"This country is ruled by donkeys."

Thisisengland | 02.03.2007 13:52

Al Fayed quote by thisislondon.

"They are gangsters and murderers and Nazi bastards who killed my son."I would like to hear this from Al Fayed.I watched the interview today and he seemed pretty calm and reasonable.After the court ruled that the death of Diana and Dodi must be heard by a jury Al Fayed was happy that 12 good people made up from the public would decide.The judges ruled to not have a jury would be illegal.and predjudicial to members of the public.And that Mr Al Fayed had accused members of the royal family working with agents of the state.And that this must be looked into.I would like thisislondon to to show the evidence of this alleged outburst by Al Fayed.



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Fuggin hell

02.03.2007 15:09

Is it a surprise that Al Fayed's had a sweary rant? Er, no. He is well known for his outbursts and swearing - his use of the word "fuggin" has practically become a catchprase in Private Eye (like the front page it ran of Fayed with the caption "Give me a fuggin passport").

Norville B

Waiting for

02.03.2007 15:46

a reply from Al Fayad.It will be posted when it comes in.


You never post

02.03.2007 16:42

you only undermine with comment.who pays you?need i ask

Fugg Off Norville