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Duel between Al- Fayad and Philip.

jim Ones | 02.03.2007 13:33

Al-Fyad to win


Egyptian father and Harrods-owner Mohamed al- Fayed Friday won a major victory in his long-running battle for transparency in the investigations of the death of his late son, Dodi, with Princess Diana, in Paris in August 1997.

In an unprecedented legal action, al-Fayed won a ruling at the High Court in London which overturned an earlier decision that an official British inquest into the deaths should sit without a jury.

Three senior judges Friday ordered that the coroner hearing the inquest "shall do so sitting with a jury."

When he started his legal action, 74-year-old al-Fayed said he wanted the "British people" to have the last word over his own belief that Diana and his son were murdered.

The princess, then 36, and Dodi al-Fayed, 42, died when their Mercedes crashed in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris in 1997 as they sped away from pursuing paparazzi.

Al-Fayed also owns the Ritz Hotel in Paris, from where Diana and Dodi started their fateful journey.

Commenting on the ruling, which comes ahead of the 10th anniversary of the couple's death, al-Fayed said: "This is not the end of the road, but an important step."

"The jury must now be allowed to hear the entirety of the evidence, but I fear there will be attempts to keep it from them. If so, that will be yet another battle I will have to fight," he said.

jim Ones


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ho hum

02.03.2007 15:08

Some people just cannot accept that car crashes are two a penny and even princesses get to die in them sometimes especially if they use a driver who was as pissed as a fart. Grace Kelly too remember? I would need more than one hand to count the number of people that I have known in my life and who have been killed on the roads.

crash test dummy


02.03.2007 17:53

Does anyone who frequents indymedia care if some rich cow died in a car accident or if there was some conspiracy to off her. Rich person dead! Good! Hopefully this will happen more often and there will be less of them to kill in the future, thus conserving resources(bullets) and protecting the environment. :-)


Queen of all our hearts

02.03.2007 19:27

How can you say such horrible things about the peoples princess our Queen of hearts! She cared about the proletariat and even touched thier dirty hands. Diana also made the world aware of the plight of AIDS sufferers and banned land mines world wide. Maybe if Diana were alive today she would find the evil Bin Laden and bring peace and joy to her subjects.

Jenny Bond

she would be killed in a car crash

02.03.2007 20:25

and she was.a bit like the bbc and wtc 7

di said

ha.ha, yeh, kill the rich & eat their children

03.03.2007 02:41

The aristocracy & oligarchy have always murdered their own in power struggles, many think nothing of murdering millions of people for profit,
Will killing all "rich" people change things?, whats your definition of rich?
but yeh the corporate oligarchs & politicians do sometimes make me feel this way though sometimes.

robin ludd