your favorite picks!
Fran | 01.03.2007 09:02 | Culture | London
this is why I'm called pointer
from the Nessie Files
dead pool
list your favorite picks!
Yes, that morally bankrupt act of speculating on the future deaths of celebrities and public figures for the sake of gambling. If my Grandparents could only see me now… Tears, tears I tell you…tears of pride would be welling up in their eyes.
If you’ve not trolled so low in life as to come across a death-pool, let me fill you in on the inner workings. A group of people get together and choose whom amougst the ranks of celebrities and public figures (anyone who’s death would make national news) are likely candidates to die in a fixed period of time. My pool requires each gambler to select 30 choices for dirt-napdom during the calendar year of 2007. For every death accurately predicted, one point will be earned for every year under 100 years-old the deceased is at his/her age of deceasing. So a common strategy is to balance between the selection of young candidates, due to their points potential, and some older candidates, due to the higher likelihood of death.
Let me say, I threw aside any questions of morality and attacked my death pool list with a vigor usually reserved for the NCAA March Madness bracket. I trolled cancer patient forums for news on celebrities (Pavarotti and Farah Fawcett made the list in this fashion), as well as hitting the gossip pages (where several out of control celebs made the list). Once you get past the inhumanity of it, it was truly lots of fun. This is of course what I would imagine Hitler would pen as his Myspace quote.
This past week the world tragically lost a shinning star. Well, it lost Anna Nicole Smith. She who bestowed the world with horrific B-movies to be watched only for the brief nude scenes, now bestowed me with 61 points. When the news was posted on Yahoo’s main page it was all I could do not to dance a jig in my office. If cousin Balky were around, a happy dance would joyously have been performed. I wrongly tried to brag about my selection to my coworkers, but for some reason they were hung up on the tragedy of the event. Newborn child this, loss of a young life that, blah-blah blah. I just wanted to yell back ‘there are 61 points to be had here, lets not use the word tragedy too freely!’
So if there is an afterlife and you don’t see me there after we have both passed, you’ll know the reason. Also, if you see a flag at half mass and I seem oddly upbeat on a day of melancholy mourning, know that I must have put a couple more points up on the board.
from the Nessie Files
dead pool
list your favorite picks!
Yes, that morally bankrupt act of speculating on the future deaths of celebrities and public figures for the sake of gambling. If my Grandparents could only see me now… Tears, tears I tell you…tears of pride would be welling up in their eyes.
If you’ve not trolled so low in life as to come across a death-pool, let me fill you in on the inner workings. A group of people get together and choose whom amougst the ranks of celebrities and public figures (anyone who’s death would make national news) are likely candidates to die in a fixed period of time. My pool requires each gambler to select 30 choices for dirt-napdom during the calendar year of 2007. For every death accurately predicted, one point will be earned for every year under 100 years-old the deceased is at his/her age of deceasing. So a common strategy is to balance between the selection of young candidates, due to their points potential, and some older candidates, due to the higher likelihood of death.
Let me say, I threw aside any questions of morality and attacked my death pool list with a vigor usually reserved for the NCAA March Madness bracket. I trolled cancer patient forums for news on celebrities (Pavarotti and Farah Fawcett made the list in this fashion), as well as hitting the gossip pages (where several out of control celebs made the list). Once you get past the inhumanity of it, it was truly lots of fun. This is of course what I would imagine Hitler would pen as his Myspace quote.
This past week the world tragically lost a shinning star. Well, it lost Anna Nicole Smith. She who bestowed the world with horrific B-movies to be watched only for the brief nude scenes, now bestowed me with 61 points. When the news was posted on Yahoo’s main page it was all I could do not to dance a jig in my office. If cousin Balky were around, a happy dance would joyously have been performed. I wrongly tried to brag about my selection to my coworkers, but for some reason they were hung up on the tragedy of the event. Newborn child this, loss of a young life that, blah-blah blah. I just wanted to yell back ‘there are 61 points to be had here, lets not use the word tragedy too freely!’
So if there is an afterlife and you don’t see me there after we have both passed, you’ll know the reason. Also, if you see a flag at half mass and I seem oddly upbeat on a day of melancholy mourning, know that I must have put a couple more points up on the board.