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Ilyan | 28.02.2007 18:55 | World

Growth? or Survial through Economic Collapse

Today's Stock Market show the USA is resisting the downturn elsewhere. While the Chinese Governmant previously prevented Stock Market collapse by buying shares, they have given an undertaking not to interfere in the Market in that way again. The Americans do not believe them, and know just how massive a mountain of US dollars in now held in China. The Dow Jones index has to be supported in the USA because a collapse to take into account the reality of the Global outlook would enable China to buy US business at what are considered to be knock down prices. In reality, in view of the approaching Mass Extinction, at prices that grossly overvalue everything.

What a trap, without a global economic collapse at least as bad as 1932 life on the planet is headed for extinction in the short term. And the longer it is put off, the more certain is extinction. No Politician and no Economist has come up with policies that will stop the burning of fossil fuels. They take their money with false pretences.

Even if the Stock Market collapse goes through its full cycle back to the 1932 low of below 60 in the next few weeks it may not be enough to prevent Mass extinction. The Methane is bubbling out to work its own feedback,

The belly laugh comes because the way the Capitalist Moneymasters try to keep things going is through inflation - the choose to destroy the vale of Lifeblood of Capitalism.



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The US $

28.02.2007 19:14

is only a credit note of no worth.


Money Destroying

28.02.2007 23:55

Yes Bah,
So the Chinese should be selling their US dollars and buying a variety of other countries.

And perhaps I should write my texts where there is a spell checker, then cut and paste to here. I should have ended with "the way Capitalist Moneymasters try to keep things going is through inflation - they choose to destroy the value of the Lifeblood of Capitalism".


On titling an article

01.03.2007 03:02

It always helps if you can spell the words right
