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Vesuvius - Get Out.

James Jones | 28.02.2007 12:17

Home owner's on the slopes of Vesuvius are facing compusary purchess of their property.

With the earthquake near Portugal last week,unreported in the main media.Volcanologists chatrooms predicted last week the eruption of Stromboli today.They are concerned about Vesuvius as it is in the chain of the Africa/Eurasia plate.The main concern being it has a plug in the crater.And that Naples and over a million people are in danger if it erupts.Their computer model predicts the liklihood of an earthquake in Istanbul.Stromboli is a caldera though not as large as Yellowstone.

James Jones


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power from Volcanoes?

28.02.2007 17:35

Shit hope people in Naples are prepared, lets hope we get our shit together as a species & start slowly tapping the power from places like vesuvius to make energy which would hopefully diffuse the build up of eruptions.
Instead we are belching out co2, but that keeps the corporate oligarchies world going around, how many more 100's of millions have to die before we get rid of the bastards ??????

Robin Ludd