Deportation from US shows corruption, hypocrisy over our shared heritage
Robert Corcoran | 28.02.2007 11:00 | Migration
I was deported from the US in 1999 after a 51 day hunger strike protesting at bigoted treatment by police following an altercation over a trivial argument with a female university student in Boulder in November 1993. The ensuing struggle -to clear my name, address American ignorance and arrogance, and play my part in amending their hypocritical immigration laws -epitomises political corruption. What follows is an e-mail sent to journalists following a scheduled sentencing at Blackfriars Crown Court, London last September over this issue.
Re 'Berserk Knifeman' case,
I will not turn up in court to be sentenced -I have had enough.
I have experienced virtually suicidal levels of frustration as the result of a demonic struggle against being discriminated against by the American immigration law. For years I lived and displayed the exact same mentality of a work ethic and a desire to assimilate and produce and progress in life as built America.
I made friends with many people from many classes and walks of life and lived as a member of their society whilst living in America. The immigration law prevented me from living towards my potential, because I have no status to change the unjust law. Just recently the law was amended to allow 'illegal' Mexicans and others to apply for residency -but I never arrived as one, and complained once I saw the imbalance, of the British numbers, less than one million, versus our heritage and production and contributions in every area of life, over 400 years. This is a sick joke. Who is anyone to tell me about legal/illegal when I get told garbage like 'He's illegal so he's going back to England or wherever the fuck he's from' (Boulder, CO police officer) and 'Fuck the queen' (Mexican Denver jail official). The police who lied on oath in my trial could not even lie properly, talking about me spraying blood deliberately and spelling 'FCO Corruption' on the office wall. I have no criminal record, they ignored complaints over five years, saw me cut myself ONCE I KNEW I WAS BEING LIED TO, WATCHED ME DO IT THEN DID NOTHING TO STOP IT BY MAKING A SIMPLE SERIES OF TELEPHONE CALLS -the issue has never been addressed.
I was accused by the quack Cookson in his report on me after being interviewed at Wandsworth Prison of wanting to be a martyr like Gandhi -it is the argument he was pursuing and the length of his struggle that I was referring to. I mentioned many facts and he wrote them down wrongly. His eyes lit up when I mentioned I got headaches when thinking of the pain of this whole business as though it was a disease -perhaps he would add sleepless nights and anxiety and depression to that.
The process of struggle can be seen to be cyclical, as follows-
1 People are abused by simple-minded and arrogant fools protected by society.
2 They fight back but (temporarily) this inflames the argument as that behaviour is supposed to justify the already negative perception of the 'victims'.
3 The same ones who abuse are the same ones who choose to ignore the argument. It is they who will perpetuate the need to listen to reason. Ignoring this is a sign of injustice.
4 A victory may be won by violence -because the abusers will not listen even up to the point of being overwhelmed by force.
5 Once settled, the greatest hypocrisy is shown by those who abused now taking the new view for granted as if to say that there should never have been a reason to oppose it.
The disgrace of this entire issue is that I should have had to go through so much suffering to achieve a level of justice and to be understood -when addressing this is so simple, when the US and UK are supposed to be friends, and when eg making calls as my blood-soaked body indicated on that fateful day in December 2005 was important to me as it would be to others.
And not A SINGLE THING has happened to address this issue, when it could have been so easy, and would have directly addressed the case.
We are a rich country -that is why people here and in the US can make flippant comments about my deportation and its aftermath and where the standard liberal posture is to forget about it and abandon the argument, only being too keen to be distracted by other things -then pursuing it once someone else has suffered to change it for the better.
Presumably even the Blackfriars judge Gregory Stone would not tolerate-
Terminated phone calls/unanswered e-mails in the hundreds
Unanswered letters/faxes
Obfuscation continuously and especially with the Foreign Office
Lost documents
And at the same time he wanted THIRTEEN YEARS of this CRAP and CORRUPTION summarised in about fifteen minutes; ignoring the stress, despair and waste of this case. There will be a retrial.
What would be HIS reaction to this damage to his life? What would HE do?
If I am not mentally fit, does it show in any other area of my life?
If this argument does not matter, how is it that 'bad' immigration from Jamaica/Muslims/asylum seekers is the no. 1 issue politically?
If addressing this issue is so simple why do the aforementioned cowards and liars terminate calls by the dozen and lie through their teeth including in court under oath?
I bothered to address the injustice of abuse of my country by ignorant Americans.
Instead of ignoring the argument I bothered to articulate myself and fight the discrimination.
My reactions therefore are and were related directly to this abuse and to subsequent obfuscation by them and the British establishment, especially the Foreign Office.
My left hand has lost its use despite a £20,000 operation in February 2006 lasting 12 hours; I am still homeless; and the exact same situation still exists with the various authorities -the Foreign Office in London and the Boulder police in Colorado and the senator Wayne Allard and the lawyer Neil Peck.
The basic argument -over my right to live as a Briton in the US, our heritage there, and dicrimination and abuse received there and in Britain over this struggle -is ignored. I am going through it, that is my incentive to change it. Once done, so many others take the struggle for granted. Unfortunately we are all hypocrites in this regard.
There is zero difference ultimately between the UK and US in terms of its economic outlook and culture and our mutual interdependence has furthered both our nations over the course of hundreds of years.
This relationship is so often ignored by those who bennefit from others' suffering -hence the continued stereotyping and ignorance of us -a display of vanity and arrogance which is a disgrace.
I bothered to complain about and assert this -because it is WRONG and could not be more contradictory in the light of what is now clearly seen as America's massive ignorance towards other countries.
The point is NOT that I had an overreaction to this attitude -it is that others CAUSED it -there simply was no other way to go.
When I bothered to explain all this in front of the judge Stone, I was cut short; the same when I attempted to explain how people act with freewill, from intuition, from learning and as a reaction to events. Stone chose to ignore this last point -the one thing that would centre the entire case against the incompetence, apathy and corruption of others WHO CHOSE TO DO NOTHING.
Need I repeat the hundreds of phone calls and e-mails sent to and ignored by the Foreign Office, Neil Peck the American lawyer, the Boulder police and others?
This is why we had the Nigerian immigrant Taylor killed by the black animals in Peckam.
This is why we have to tiptoe around the bleatings of so many other nationalities -because our greatness has created wealth which attracts those who dare to put us down once they are here -wanting us to accept the same cultural failings that caused the migration in the first place.
I long for the day when this is all over. I just want to write and create. Damn all the scum who are in positions of power here and across the Atlantic and who knowingly ruined my life because I bothered to address this issue.
Deal with Jamaican gangs and Muslim fanatics in this way -not 100% assimilable and useful migrants like me who have built other societies as part of our heritage and who have a legitimate purpose in this life.
Robert Corcoran
Re 'Berserk Knifeman' case,

I will not turn up in court to be sentenced -I have had enough.
I have experienced virtually suicidal levels of frustration as the result of a demonic struggle against being discriminated against by the American immigration law. For years I lived and displayed the exact same mentality of a work ethic and a desire to assimilate and produce and progress in life as built America.
I made friends with many people from many classes and walks of life and lived as a member of their society whilst living in America. The immigration law prevented me from living towards my potential, because I have no status to change the unjust law. Just recently the law was amended to allow 'illegal' Mexicans and others to apply for residency -but I never arrived as one, and complained once I saw the imbalance, of the British numbers, less than one million, versus our heritage and production and contributions in every area of life, over 400 years. This is a sick joke. Who is anyone to tell me about legal/illegal when I get told garbage like 'He's illegal so he's going back to England or wherever the fuck he's from' (Boulder, CO police officer) and 'Fuck the queen' (Mexican Denver jail official). The police who lied on oath in my trial could not even lie properly, talking about me spraying blood deliberately and spelling 'FCO Corruption' on the office wall. I have no criminal record, they ignored complaints over five years, saw me cut myself ONCE I KNEW I WAS BEING LIED TO, WATCHED ME DO IT THEN DID NOTHING TO STOP IT BY MAKING A SIMPLE SERIES OF TELEPHONE CALLS -the issue has never been addressed.
I was accused by the quack Cookson in his report on me after being interviewed at Wandsworth Prison of wanting to be a martyr like Gandhi -it is the argument he was pursuing and the length of his struggle that I was referring to. I mentioned many facts and he wrote them down wrongly. His eyes lit up when I mentioned I got headaches when thinking of the pain of this whole business as though it was a disease -perhaps he would add sleepless nights and anxiety and depression to that.
The process of struggle can be seen to be cyclical, as follows-
1 People are abused by simple-minded and arrogant fools protected by society.
2 They fight back but (temporarily) this inflames the argument as that behaviour is supposed to justify the already negative perception of the 'victims'.
3 The same ones who abuse are the same ones who choose to ignore the argument. It is they who will perpetuate the need to listen to reason. Ignoring this is a sign of injustice.
4 A victory may be won by violence -because the abusers will not listen even up to the point of being overwhelmed by force.
5 Once settled, the greatest hypocrisy is shown by those who abused now taking the new view for granted as if to say that there should never have been a reason to oppose it.
The disgrace of this entire issue is that I should have had to go through so much suffering to achieve a level of justice and to be understood -when addressing this is so simple, when the US and UK are supposed to be friends, and when eg making calls as my blood-soaked body indicated on that fateful day in December 2005 was important to me as it would be to others.
And not A SINGLE THING has happened to address this issue, when it could have been so easy, and would have directly addressed the case.
We are a rich country -that is why people here and in the US can make flippant comments about my deportation and its aftermath and where the standard liberal posture is to forget about it and abandon the argument, only being too keen to be distracted by other things -then pursuing it once someone else has suffered to change it for the better.
Presumably even the Blackfriars judge Gregory Stone would not tolerate-
Terminated phone calls/unanswered e-mails in the hundreds
Unanswered letters/faxes
Obfuscation continuously and especially with the Foreign Office
Lost documents
And at the same time he wanted THIRTEEN YEARS of this CRAP and CORRUPTION summarised in about fifteen minutes; ignoring the stress, despair and waste of this case. There will be a retrial.
What would be HIS reaction to this damage to his life? What would HE do?
If I am not mentally fit, does it show in any other area of my life?
If this argument does not matter, how is it that 'bad' immigration from Jamaica/Muslims/asylum seekers is the no. 1 issue politically?
If addressing this issue is so simple why do the aforementioned cowards and liars terminate calls by the dozen and lie through their teeth including in court under oath?
I bothered to address the injustice of abuse of my country by ignorant Americans.
Instead of ignoring the argument I bothered to articulate myself and fight the discrimination.
My reactions therefore are and were related directly to this abuse and to subsequent obfuscation by them and the British establishment, especially the Foreign Office.
My left hand has lost its use despite a £20,000 operation in February 2006 lasting 12 hours; I am still homeless; and the exact same situation still exists with the various authorities -the Foreign Office in London and the Boulder police in Colorado and the senator Wayne Allard and the lawyer Neil Peck.
The basic argument -over my right to live as a Briton in the US, our heritage there, and dicrimination and abuse received there and in Britain over this struggle -is ignored. I am going through it, that is my incentive to change it. Once done, so many others take the struggle for granted. Unfortunately we are all hypocrites in this regard.
There is zero difference ultimately between the UK and US in terms of its economic outlook and culture and our mutual interdependence has furthered both our nations over the course of hundreds of years.
This relationship is so often ignored by those who bennefit from others' suffering -hence the continued stereotyping and ignorance of us -a display of vanity and arrogance which is a disgrace.
I bothered to complain about and assert this -because it is WRONG and could not be more contradictory in the light of what is now clearly seen as America's massive ignorance towards other countries.
The point is NOT that I had an overreaction to this attitude -it is that others CAUSED it -there simply was no other way to go.
When I bothered to explain all this in front of the judge Stone, I was cut short; the same when I attempted to explain how people act with freewill, from intuition, from learning and as a reaction to events. Stone chose to ignore this last point -the one thing that would centre the entire case against the incompetence, apathy and corruption of others WHO CHOSE TO DO NOTHING.
Need I repeat the hundreds of phone calls and e-mails sent to and ignored by the Foreign Office, Neil Peck the American lawyer, the Boulder police and others?
This is why we had the Nigerian immigrant Taylor killed by the black animals in Peckam.
This is why we have to tiptoe around the bleatings of so many other nationalities -because our greatness has created wealth which attracts those who dare to put us down once they are here -wanting us to accept the same cultural failings that caused the migration in the first place.
I long for the day when this is all over. I just want to write and create. Damn all the scum who are in positions of power here and across the Atlantic and who knowingly ruined my life because I bothered to address this issue.
Deal with Jamaican gangs and Muslim fanatics in this way -not 100% assimilable and useful migrants like me who have built other societies as part of our heritage and who have a legitimate purpose in this life.
Robert Corcoran
Robert Corcoran
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