The Chemtrail Matrix Film
Paul T | 27.02.2007 12:42 | Ecology | Globalisation | Health | South Coast
Paul T
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stick to your day job
27.02.2007 13:29
someone hide this crap
fucking fruitcake
That is rude
27.02.2007 14:30
The first stage of the seven stages of acceptance is denial.
Try reading the information on my website that is advertised at the end of that said film.
you don't have to be so mean you know.
I am doing what I believe in, what do you do that you believe in?
One day the truth will come out, I hope.
And because you don't like something you would deny other people the option to view it in the public eye? that is fascist Mr/Mrs. Fruitcake. FASCIST.
3. a person who is dictatorial
3. inclined to dictate or command; imperious; overbearing: a dictatorial attitude.
"I will rage against the dying of the light"
-Dylan Thomas
"the only hope is the in the proles" - George Orwell
Paul T
well I'm totally convinced
27.02.2007 15:17
g ullible
lacks evidence
27.02.2007 20:09
double pea
like so many
27.02.2007 22:06
... turns out they know very little.
Paul T is one of the few posters here that always uses a return email address and in doing so opens themselves up for reply, debate and further insults.
I also always use a return email address and Paul has used it to reply debate but NEVER insult.
All power to you Paul.
For those who would admit to gaps in their knowledge and have humility enough to WANT to fill them, look up 'ethylene di-bromide' ... move onto 'jp8' ... finish with 'morgellans'
I suggest you use a search engine rather than the opinions of those who ae little better than school yard bullies when it comes to information exchange
Remember, it is no crime to be wrong but to fail to act on a point of ethics will eat you up.
Budda said ...
There are three things that can not hide for long:
The Sun
The Moon
The Truth
wotcha Paul T
28.02.2007 01:26
Remember? Or do you always deny the simply described truth when a wonderfully complex and contrived conspiracy theory will do?
Oh, and Jacks Lucid, care to elucidate on those search terms? I googled them all briefy but could not find anything to link them to chemtrails, sorry contrails. Please bear in mind that some of us do not have all the time in the world to read all the wacko websites from top to bottom. We have more useful things to do in our lives. Also bear in mind that NET stands for Not Entirely True.
And a message to IMC admins, shouldn't this sort of junk science posting be hidden? It drags IMC down to the level of prison planet, infowars and other such conspiraloon sites.
a scientist
Replying to 'a scientist.'
28.02.2007 11:43
Just an ordinary contrail? I wonder if it really is? (source:
Paul T: Hi there 'a scientist',
'a scientist': Still peddling this chemtrails drivel? Not having heard from you in a while I assumed you had found something else pointless to pursue. I demolished your previous post about it here:
Paul T: Thankyou for your comments on this page, I appreciate the time you have taken in your attempts to refute my posting.
'a scientist': Remember? Or do you always deny the simply described truth when a wonderfully complex and contrived conspiracy theory will do?
Some times conspiracies are real, See this here:
Millions were in germ war tests;
Much of Britain was exposed to bacteria sprayed in secret trials.
by Antony Barnett, public affairs editor, Observer.
Sunday April 21, 2002 :
'a scientist': And a message to IMC admins, shouldn't this sort of junk science posting be hidden? It drags IMC down to the level of prison planet, infowars and other such conspiraloon sites.
Paul T: You are still like Mr/Mrs Fruitcake , trying to silence an alternative opinion to your own.
Why should your opinion be ok to post but not mine? please explain.
And what type of scientist are you? mabye a lab tech?
Please say what field of science you work in? what are your degrees in ? do you have any?
kind regards,
I value your input a scientist, thank you for your comments and your time.
with my respect to you,
Paul T.
Paul T in Brighton UK
so, anonomous scientist
28.02.2007 17:52
Not only that, but with a nasty snearing tone and an open insinuation of mental health problems in those that disobey your exulted commands as a scientist!?
I call you out as a liar, a non scientist and a poor excuse for a radical.
You sound more like a different kind of investigater to me.
If in the lengthy three hours you had 'googling' those terms you managed to find nothing, I suggest you use a better search engine, or even a meta search engine that doesn't rely on a large coroporate input.
To those that might be reading this still, don't be put off, search out those terms and come to your own conclusions.
The issues do not have to be conspiratorial in nature, the very fact of the increased and permanant excess of air travel and the pollutents such entails is a very serious threat to the environment itself, let alone from the openly stated plans[sic] to use airborn chemical/biological weapons in tests and in warfare (and even population control).
Sticking yer fingers in yer ears and humming: 'it can't happen here' has never prevented any of the things that have happened here and elsewhere happening!
Paul T and Jacks Lucid
01.03.2007 14:52
What is your response to my perfectly clear and simple science explanation of why the area from the Severn estuary to East Anglia is clear in the photo of CONtrails lifted from YOUR website? Here is my original demolition of your chemtrails CT.
And here is the CONtrails photo on your own website.
No need for you to query my credentials over this Jacks Lucid cos this is easy peasy O level physics stuff and if either of you had ever paid attention in school science class you would know, undestand and accept this yourselves. And do you really think I, or anyone for that matter am crass enough to boast about qualifications here? And don't make me laugh. Do you think I would waste 3 whole hours of my life searching for your vague and meaningless directions? I spent about 10 minutes which is all I am prepared to expend on this pointless process unless you were to point out somewhere that comes up with hard science facts rather than paranoid hippyish nonsense.
If you guys really are so convinced about these chemtrails, why do you not conduct your own irrefutable experiment? Hire a plane to fly through them and take air samples and get them chemically analysed. It just amazes me that no one like you has ever done this. Except of course some chemtrails believer probably has but has then been just too embarrassed to report the results because they would show that chemtrails=contrails=water.
a scientist
Please explain
02.03.2007 10:29
I followed up on the search terms you suggested and I have a question. Why did you suggest they be looked up?
They turn out to be:
1. A chemical that is used to remove lead from gasoline and is used as a pesticide amongst other things although its usage is being phased out.
2. A jet fuel that is actually less harmful than others that are used
3. A non existent disease
Please explain how these three items in any way help to show that chemtrails / contrails are in an issue.
PS. The actual film that was posted by the OP is a piece of utter nonsense. Whether or not you beleive in the notion of chem / con trails as a campaigning tool it is a pointless waste of time. And sadly i pointlessly wasted my time watching it.
jacks is away chasing building 7 now
02.03.2007 16:55
so i doubt you will get an answer on this now.
must be a hard life
... well ...
05.03.2007 18:04
Meanwhile, back in the world of cause and effect ...
The consequences of spreading this anti-knocking agent (used, correctly as you say, to remove (excess)lead from fuel) in increasingly large amounts around populated areas will be an increase in related cancers.
JP8 is rapidly becoming the fuel of choice for commercial aviation (has been used by the military for some time) ... again, merely the chemical consequences of using this fuel, will prove a growing threat to health to those under flight paths (its effects on high altitude processes are unde reported[sic]
Mogellians is a newly emerging medical phenomena. I am sure those scientists, doctors and health practicioners studying it now, would welcome your considerable experience and informed input.
This is not even touching upon the possibilities that high altitude research projects have not, are not or will not impact upon gia systems and individual lifeforms. These include, electromagnetic experiments (such as HAARP) and the speculation that certain seeding of target areas with exotic materials can potentiate the effects sought or observed therein.
Then thereare the class of activities seeking technological solutions to global warming, such as atmospheric release of 'dimming' materials.
Moving swiftly past the very real development of airborn chemical/biological weapons and population control devices[sic] ad the operational necessity of testing such ...
In short, there is very much in the issues worthy of study and reasonable comment. Now why is it there is always some bright spark who comes along and attempts to shout down debate, to ridicule and insult seekers of truth ... we can't all be right all the time. If the atmosphere (no pun intended) is poisoned to the extent that deviation from status quo mentalities are constantly having to fend off displays of vulger ignorance ... what then?
How dull
and just so
06.03.2007 08:22
Take a gander at these words here: