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War is now the only option

Condi Rice | 27.02.2007 12:23

Otherwise it's jail time for Cheney and Bush

Bush in Prison
Bush in Prison

War with Iran is now the only option.

Otherwise Cheney and Bush go to jail.

Cheney and bush have to attack Iran otherwise Congress investigations will uncover their criminal dealings so far.

The fabricated the evidence for the war in Iraq.

They stole the Iraqi oil money and used it for terror purposes, Iran/Contra style, with Saudi Prince Bandar on point.

They criminally failed to stop 9/11.

With the upcoming war on Iran this will all be forgotten as we struggle with $100 a barrel oil.

Pelosi must stop this.

Condi Rice


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27.02.2007 12:47

The jig is pretty much up.

These assholes are gonna hang for war crimes by the summer.

The people, as few as it may take, need to stand up and stand out and be counted. It's time to rally the peaceful and exert our rights to peace and justice for all, not just the madmen who get off on killing other people's children and making a quick buck looting during the devastation.

Sick bastards have pretty much run out of options here in London and are running from the trials of Brian Haw and barbara Tucker as the trail leads straight to the Hague for those criminals.

The money lenders will sacrifice these pawns to hide themselves from the gallows. Trouble is, the ugly truth always comes to light and the people are far greater by number than the few assholes running this sick G8 ring circus.

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Charity Sweet
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