BBC broadcast news of collapse of WTC 7 23 minutes before it actually happened
dh | 26.02.2007 23:41
BBC News said on 9/11 that WTC 7 had collapsed some 23 minutes before it occurred
Archive footage has a woman reporter reporting the collapse while WTC7 is clearly standing behind her
Archive footage has a woman reporter reporting the collapse while WTC7 is clearly standing behind her
google video has been pulled already
27.02.2007 00:08
can someone who's already got it post it hear instead of relying on some lame corp site.
That's what indymedia's for, innit?!
That's what indymedia's for, innit?!
27.02.2007 01:11
Discussion, Torrent
Also Flash on Demand -
Also Flash on Demand -
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27.02.2007 00:01
27.02.2007 00:09
were is
What a surprise
27.02.2007 00:38
27.02.2007 00:44
Those Google bastards
27.02.2007 00:53
Will retrieve a source as soon as
Try the torrent
27.02.2007 00:58
all of 9/11
27.02.2007 01:21
i videod
liveleak in the
27.02.2007 01:54
When will you conspiracy theorists go back to the JKF assasination?
27.02.2007 02:11
conan spiracy
Continue to LiveLeak
27.02.2007 03:00
The story over the first few minutes
And the unacknowladged prediction that the WTC will fall, before it actually has
Grab this
27.02.2007 03:31
to justify invading other countries?
pleeeeeeeease, you really are jokers and freaks
27.02.2007 08:50
Don't believe the MSM
27.02.2007 09:49
"leave indymedia alone"
Many activists are supporters of the main stream media's account of 9/11, they don't want the justification of the Imperial slaughter in the Middle East to be questioned. This is rather sad.
Thankfully there are also activists involved with Indymedia who do question the official fable, for example see this centre column feature articles:
11th September 2001, Five Years On
And the "War on Terror" topic:
open you eyes
Let's assume...
27.02.2007 11:05
IF that was to be the case, would that still justify the "war on terror", the slaughter for millions across the world? No it bloody doesn't. It was a pretty handy thing to happen, I'll give you that, to allow the neocons to whip up a frenzy regardic "Arabic turrists", and the end result is all too obvious, with Iran next on the list. It suited PNAC's need for a "Pearl Harbor" to revitalise its defence industry.
But whatever really happened is academic at the end of the day, the thing was that it did happen and allow the PNAC neocons to go ahead with their evil plans.
This is as far as I will go, as I don't want to embroil myself in a debate about "whodunnit" regarding 9/11, since the end result is always the same, the same old circular arguments with neither camp willing to budge. I now wait for the imminment accusations of "spook" "plant" "(insert US/UK intellengence agency here) agent".
Mr. Humph
Um ...
27.02.2007 11:50
OK - good!
27.02.2007 14:17
Fair enough.
Can one ask then just what exactly your purpose in adding to this thread is?
Did your ego get loose and demand that you say something ... anything ... just so long as we all focus on you for a short while? Or is it more complicated than that?
As for the dreary 'nothing to see here' brigade, with their usual amateur psycho-analysis ... there are plenty of un-natural and anatomically impossible acts you could amuse yourselves with, rather than display your ignorance here ... so go play and let the adults alone for a few minutes.
If it were your people/country/tribe having the shit bombed out of it, my guess is that you would want the truth to come out IMMEADIATELY ...
"Can one ask then just what exactly your purpose in adding to this thread is?"
27.02.2007 16:57
And since the 9/11 "Truth" movement is pretty anti-censorship (particuarly after having to deal with so much of it), it's a tad hypocritical for one to decree what (or who) can and cannot be said on this thread, methinks...
Mr. Humph
The truth about 911 is pivotal
27.02.2007 20:23
I'd say that uncovering the story of 911 is critical to any reactionary movement and may boost the human capacity for the burgeoning resistance probably more than any recruitment and awareness-raising event ever could.
double tea
Never mind the old Borrox
27.02.2007 20:26
that the sheeple think that WTC complex was destroyed by a couple of cave trolls.
The important question is what will the next 911 style scam ??
I always fancied a barge full of explosives up along side the old HP sink it at high tide and then let her rip should while they are all in the bar on late night duty, should also flood the Tube, couple of Iranian sea captains
seen escaping on flying carpets, sounds better than the official 911 and I have only been on the case for less than five minutes
Vera Mente
The BBC responds.
28.02.2007 00:29
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