BIBLE - BIBLE - BIBLE...who understands the code...
BIBLE code understanding | 24.02.2007 19:11 | Analysis | Repression | Social Struggles | London | World
The BIBLE - do you realise it is not meant to be taken literally - one man in the British Isles who lives in west London has deciphered it.
Do you know the meaning???
Do you know the meaning???
The BIBLE - do you realise it is not meant to be taken literally - one man in the British Isles who lives in west London has deciphered it.
Do you know the meaning???
I have studied the OT & NT and go to Divinity lectures at Gresham College, Chancery Lane, which are interesting. [Next one is on Thursday, 1 March 2007 at 6pm – Keith Ward DD FBA, Gresham Professor of Divinity, Staple Inn Hall, by Chancery Lane Underground!].
Sadly, not one professor of divinity or theology in this country understands the true meaning of the NT. Certainly, NOT ONE can decipher the meaning of the NT!
I have identified the CODE that underpins both the OT+ NT.
To understand the OT you need to be aware of Jewish history + midrash writings.
The books were written by Jewish priests with Jewish understanding.
The Pentateuch [5 first books] of so-called ‘Moses’ are based on the 4 + 1 structure of Kabbalah.
[OT: i) Genesis, ii) Exodus, iii) Leviticus, iv) Numbers, + Deuteronomy (re-interpretation of the four previous books)]
Written by the Jewish rabbinic school of SHAMMEI – Traditional, Orthodox Jews – written after the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in 587 BC by the Babylonians [present day Iraq] that invaded Jerusalem.
After being taken into captivity, the PERSIANS [present day Iran] released the Jews from Babylonia [present day Iraq]. Ezra the Scribe was king and high priest of the Jews it is believed that he wrote the Five 'Books of Moses'. [The name "Moses" links to a very important man in ancient Sigmund Freud well understood the nature of the secret... yet he did not reveal it... he merely thought it was most odd what was going on... in his book: "Moses and Monotheism" between the legitimate inheritor linked to the ancient Egyptian royal family... and the destruction of a dynasty linked to A(n)kh-en-aten [the ankh - the male and female symbol in one is the symbol of life - it is the true origin of the true cross!!!] who closed the orthodox temples to follow the one god... fascinating...] His other name or birth name was Amen-hotep IV [This is the real derivation of the word AMEN in all churches in the world! As the supreme God was known as Amn or Amen. Whereas the Aten was to topple the Amen as the true God to worship. A "Hotep" was not a place of sacrifice, as practiced in Judaism, but a place of offering.] Yes, his son was universally respected around the then world and he died when he was a young man.
The NT is based on the same 4 + 1 structure of Kabbalah.
[NT: i) Matthew, ii) Mark, iii) Luke, iv) John, + Acts (re-interpretation of the four previous books)]
Written by the Jewish rabbinic school of HILLEL – Liberal, Reform Jews – written after the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in AD 70 by the Romans [present day Italy].
The whole compilation of the books of the Bible (37 + 29 books) is not and were NEVER ever meant to be taken literally true!!! It is spiritually and metaphorically true but it is NOT meant to be taken as literally true!
[I live in west London - I think it fair to say that I believe I know more about the ‘SECRET’ understanding of the writings of the Bible than any other person in the British Isles – as I have deciphered the ‘SECRET’ code. I can prove the code that underpins all biblical writings].
Without understanding of Jewish midrash and Jewish history it is impossible to decipher the meaning of the New Testament.
The NT was used as a tool for control of the people of the Empire by the wicked evil tyrant dictator [in the mould of the evil TONY BLAIR?] Roman Emperor Constantine the Great who took advantage of the ignorance of the people and used the pagan sign of the LABARUM to say he saw the so-called "Christian cross" when it was the pagan sign of CHI-RHO [ChReston - meaning a good omen or good sign!]
Constantine summoned the Council of Nicea in AD 325 and the bishops agreed the beliefs of the new church. His friend, Eusebius, wrote the history of the Church! [A fix if ever there was one! - not unlike Tony Blair getting his pals at MI6, John Scarlett and Jonathan Buchanan to put together a false report to decide there were WMD in Iraq - when no such weapons existed - as the foremost expert Dr David Kelly well knew.]
Several people have written books on trying to understand the NT of the Bible but so far none have understood what exactly is going on. For that matter the same applies to the OT - as it is so full of fascinating midrash!!!
Who will decipher the Code???
It links to ancient Egypt, Indian names and numerology. But the names in the NT needs to be deciphered to understand it fully...
It is very very clever...
If only the priests knew... there would be no divisions but a uniting of all...!!!
According to the Mayan calendar - a MAJOR WORLD WAR for us humans will be in the upcoming year of 2012...2012...2012...
will this prophecy be revealed?
First, IRAQ next IRAN... [neither have WMD - but that matters not a jot in the opinion of our congenitally lying and deceitful politicians!]
Certainly too few people understand the Book of Revelation written in the apocalyptic tradition as in the book of Daniel in the same OT tradition.
Too many ignorant people do not have a clue of its meaning and speak rubbish of it and fail to understand what is being asserted.
Apocalypse of Daniel, Apocalypse of Elijah, Apocalypse of Ezra, Apocalypse of Sedrach, Apocalypse of Revelation...
Do you know the meaning???
I have studied the OT & NT and go to Divinity lectures at Gresham College, Chancery Lane, which are interesting. [Next one is on Thursday, 1 March 2007 at 6pm – Keith Ward DD FBA, Gresham Professor of Divinity, Staple Inn Hall, by Chancery Lane Underground!].
Sadly, not one professor of divinity or theology in this country understands the true meaning of the NT. Certainly, NOT ONE can decipher the meaning of the NT!
I have identified the CODE that underpins both the OT+ NT.
To understand the OT you need to be aware of Jewish history + midrash writings.
The books were written by Jewish priests with Jewish understanding.
The Pentateuch [5 first books] of so-called ‘Moses’ are based on the 4 + 1 structure of Kabbalah.
[OT: i) Genesis, ii) Exodus, iii) Leviticus, iv) Numbers, + Deuteronomy (re-interpretation of the four previous books)]
Written by the Jewish rabbinic school of SHAMMEI – Traditional, Orthodox Jews – written after the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in 587 BC by the Babylonians [present day Iraq] that invaded Jerusalem.
After being taken into captivity, the PERSIANS [present day Iran] released the Jews from Babylonia [present day Iraq]. Ezra the Scribe was king and high priest of the Jews it is believed that he wrote the Five 'Books of Moses'. [The name "Moses" links to a very important man in ancient Sigmund Freud well understood the nature of the secret... yet he did not reveal it... he merely thought it was most odd what was going on... in his book: "Moses and Monotheism" between the legitimate inheritor linked to the ancient Egyptian royal family... and the destruction of a dynasty linked to A(n)kh-en-aten [the ankh - the male and female symbol in one is the symbol of life - it is the true origin of the true cross!!!] who closed the orthodox temples to follow the one god... fascinating...] His other name or birth name was Amen-hotep IV [This is the real derivation of the word AMEN in all churches in the world! As the supreme God was known as Amn or Amen. Whereas the Aten was to topple the Amen as the true God to worship. A "Hotep" was not a place of sacrifice, as practiced in Judaism, but a place of offering.] Yes, his son was universally respected around the then world and he died when he was a young man.
The NT is based on the same 4 + 1 structure of Kabbalah.
[NT: i) Matthew, ii) Mark, iii) Luke, iv) John, + Acts (re-interpretation of the four previous books)]
Written by the Jewish rabbinic school of HILLEL – Liberal, Reform Jews – written after the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in AD 70 by the Romans [present day Italy].
The whole compilation of the books of the Bible (37 + 29 books) is not and were NEVER ever meant to be taken literally true!!! It is spiritually and metaphorically true but it is NOT meant to be taken as literally true!
[I live in west London - I think it fair to say that I believe I know more about the ‘SECRET’ understanding of the writings of the Bible than any other person in the British Isles – as I have deciphered the ‘SECRET’ code. I can prove the code that underpins all biblical writings].
Without understanding of Jewish midrash and Jewish history it is impossible to decipher the meaning of the New Testament.
The NT was used as a tool for control of the people of the Empire by the wicked evil tyrant dictator [in the mould of the evil TONY BLAIR?] Roman Emperor Constantine the Great who took advantage of the ignorance of the people and used the pagan sign of the LABARUM to say he saw the so-called "Christian cross" when it was the pagan sign of CHI-RHO [ChReston - meaning a good omen or good sign!]
Constantine summoned the Council of Nicea in AD 325 and the bishops agreed the beliefs of the new church. His friend, Eusebius, wrote the history of the Church! [A fix if ever there was one! - not unlike Tony Blair getting his pals at MI6, John Scarlett and Jonathan Buchanan to put together a false report to decide there were WMD in Iraq - when no such weapons existed - as the foremost expert Dr David Kelly well knew.]
Several people have written books on trying to understand the NT of the Bible but so far none have understood what exactly is going on. For that matter the same applies to the OT - as it is so full of fascinating midrash!!!
Who will decipher the Code???
It links to ancient Egypt, Indian names and numerology. But the names in the NT needs to be deciphered to understand it fully...
It is very very clever...
If only the priests knew... there would be no divisions but a uniting of all...!!!
According to the Mayan calendar - a MAJOR WORLD WAR for us humans will be in the upcoming year of 2012...2012...2012...
will this prophecy be revealed?
First, IRAQ next IRAN... [neither have WMD - but that matters not a jot in the opinion of our congenitally lying and deceitful politicians!]
Certainly too few people understand the Book of Revelation written in the apocalyptic tradition as in the book of Daniel in the same OT tradition.
Too many ignorant people do not have a clue of its meaning and speak rubbish of it and fail to understand what is being asserted.
Apocalypse of Daniel, Apocalypse of Elijah, Apocalypse of Ezra, Apocalypse of Sedrach, Apocalypse of Revelation...
BIBLE code understanding