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Did Bristol's top cop collude with Loyalist assassins?

Tony Gosling | 24.02.2007 03:01 | Analysis | History | Repression

On the Avon and Somerset police website it explains that Avon and Somerset's present Chief Constable Colin Port headed an 'independent' investigation into the 1999 car-bombing and murder of Republican lawyer Rosemary Nelson.

Rosemary Nelson
Rosemary Nelson

Avon and Somerset Chief Constable Colin Port
Avon and Somerset Chief Constable Colin Port

Colin Port's web page explains, "Between 1999 and 2002 he was seconded to Northern Ireland to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of Rosemary Nelson."

Colin Port's so-called independent investigation team was partly made up of RUC officers, operating out of Lurgan barracks, the station from which most of the death threats against Rosemary Nelson emanated.

After three years on the case Port's found nothing and prosecuted no-one.

So disgusted were the Irish people, from both sides of the divide, that the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland was forced to begin a new inquiry in 2004. That inquiry was mysteriously slow to open and has been stalled further since Security Service MI5 became formally involved in September last year (2006).

Hearings have now been postponed indefinately and this is hardly suprising since the Security Service MI5 is implicated in Republican killings. A mystery car seen at one murder scene has been traced back to them.

Colin Port's responsibility for protecting rather than questioning Rosemary Nelson's alleged killers is slowly sinking in around Avon and Somerset.

As is the fact that since the Orange Order and Freemasonry are so closely connected to Loyalism that any association Port may have with the Freemasons would make his investigation of Rosemary Nelson's murder not just the travesty of justice, but a criminal offence by him too for failing to declare his interest.

Hopefully pressure from concerned citizens, elected Councillors, the Police Authority and from honest cops within the constabulary will force Colin Port to publicly explain why he didn't question prime RUC murder suspects in the Rosemary Nelson case. If he doesn't want to do that he might quietly resign, retire,or be sacked for bringing the force into disrepute.

With Port's lack of credibility as an honest public servant much of the force is demoralised and defeatist. Worse still a notion is becoming clear, rightly or wrongly, that corruption starts at the top at Avon and Somerset Police.

Colin Port - Avon and Somerset police

see also
Unit linked to N.I. death squads may be in Iraq

Tony Gosling
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did the copper collude?

25.02.2007 03:49

given how many coppers are in the bnp, and murder blacks, is it likely that he DIDN'T collude


Orange Order Freemasons???

06.03.2007 12:20

The Orange Order is not part of the Freemasons. If you had bothered to research it then you would realise this. I can only speak for the Orange Order as a long standing member, but we are a Christian Organisation who strictly adhere to firsat and foremost Christian and secondly Protestant principles. As for being part of Loyalist gangs as the author pushes for you to believe, He could not be further from the truth. For the Orange Order openly renounces any person who is part of these criminal gangs, who use the excuse for Loyalism and 'Orangism' to make money through Criminal dealings and violence. Sure they believe they are fighting the IRA but the folklore is a far cry from the truth. Money moneymaking, quarreling amongst themselves and bloodshed in their own communities is this their game.
Of course the Orange Order may have members whose persuasions may lean to the Paramilitaries but they do so without knowledge of the Orange Order. Once found out they will be expelled. Also the Orange Orders name has been used for the gain of others who do so to promote their 'cause' and gain the sympathies of the the protestant population in N.Ireland and else where. However these smokescreens are usually soon blown away, but he damage is done and heartfelt amongst the Orange Order members. For the world over the media and personally I'd say especially the BBC report that 'Loyalist Orange Men' are petrol bombing and throwing stones at police and soldiers. This is the sort of reporting that helps lead to the ignorance of the majority of the people on Mainland Britain as to who is who in N.Ireland. I should know, as I currently live and work in the South West. The usual questions I get are Orange Order?, they are part of the IRA aren't they? And Ian Paisley? he wants a United Ireland?
Nothing could be further from the truth, for the plain truth is that this goes against the ethos and the Orange Order rules, (which can be found online along with the requirements to be an Orangeman). Of course some of our members are serving and ex members of police and armed forces or related to them, but hardly to the levels that would allow for widespread collusion etc. For the majority of us in the Order the closest we would get to collusion is the comparisons of beef prices and the price of cattle feed. For a hefty majority of Orders outside of the big towns and predominately agriculteral.
At one time the Orange Order was closely linked with the Ulster Unionists but thankfully we have cast that burden aside aside and broke the link that sought to cloud our existance.
Now for links with the Freemasons then the author should look to the Black Preceptory. But even then the Royal Black Institution is an institution on its own.
see for information on the groups above. Some of it should be taken at face value, but the rest is close enough to the truth, some of it worringly a sign of the times.
