An Open Letter to Geoge Monbiot on his 9-11 Flip Flopping
brian | 23.02.2007 23:18
George Monbiot has proven to be another 9-11 leftwing gatekeeper, and has published a series of vitriolic hitpieces disguised as articles attacking the 9-11 Truth Movement for its temerity in challenging the US government Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT).
Ive written to Mr Monbiot, whose journalism ive usually admired for its intelligence, perception, wit etc, twice, and received no reply to my first, have written a second, based on new information. Here is that letter.
Ive written to Mr Monbiot, whose journalism ive usually admired for its intelligence, perception, wit etc, twice, and received no reply to my first, have written a second, based on new information. Here is that letter.
George Monbiot has proven to be another 9-11 leftwing gatekeeper, and has published a series of vitriolic hitpieces disguised as articles attacking the 9-11 Truth Movement for its temerity in challenging the US government Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT).
Ive written to Mr Monbiot, whose journalism ive usually admired for its intelligence, perception, wit etc, twice, and received no reply to my first, have written a second, based on new information. Here is that letter.
What made George Monbiot change his mind about 9-11?
To Mr Monbiot,
I read your latest articles on 9-11. The nasty shrill
tone is so uncharacteristic of you and your usually
excellent journalism, that i wrote a letter to you not
long ago, for which i received no reply.
But a more serious aspect of this story is that you
once held view on 9-11 very similar to those in the
9-11 Truth movement. Did you actually write the
'"The more evidence US intelligence presents...the
less credible the story becomes.
"First there was the car. A man had informed the
police, we were told, that he'd had a furious argument
with some suspicious looking Moslems in the parking
lot at Boston airport. He led the investigators to the
car, in which they found a copy of the Koran and a
flight manual in Arabic (Flight manuals are 'always'
in English), showing that these were the
fundamentalists who had hijacked the planes.
"Now flying an aeroplane is not one of these things
you learn in the back of a car on the way to the
airport. Either you know how to do it or you don't.
"Leaving the Koran unattended, a Moslem friend tells
me, is considered sinful.
"And if you were about to perpetrate one of the
biggest terrorist outrages the world has ever seen,
would you draw attention to yourself by arguing over a
parking place?
"Then there is the passport. The security services
claim that a passport belonging to one of the
hijackers was extracted from the rubble of the World
Trade Centre. This definitive identification might
help them to track the rest of the network.
"We are being asked to believe that a paper document
from the cockpit of the first plane - the epicentre of
an inferno which vapourised steel - survived the
fireball and fell to the ground almost intact."When
presented with material like this, I can't help
suspecting that intelligence agents have assembled the
theory first, then sought the facts required to fit
SCEPTICISM." Collateral repair Society '
Apparently, you did...That means at one point you were part of what you now call a 'cult'. So what made you change your
mind so drastically, as to lose all sense of
journalistic objectivity, in your poison-pen pieces on
Brian Souter
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24.02.2007 00:38
Shouldn't you be worshiping at the alter of alex jones and paying him to air your views.
911 loon.
to the unknown commentator
24.02.2007 03:33
You didnt have the courage to leave your name...but the tone and language of your comment suggests you are the one seeking to censor anyone who questions the official 9-11 conspiracy theory. What are u afraid of?
Never mind the old bollox what's the next scam gonna be
24.02.2007 14:58
How they did it or helped/ allowed it to happen is of no concern, what interests me is what the
next scam will be. Sure conspiracy loons will at least have some idea of what is going down while the veg who placed comment (1) continue to vegetate and find that their "chips" self destruct as and when their credit expires.
Spring is here and we skipped the winter "an the times they are a changing" , what are we doing about it ?
just keep the foot hard down on the gas pedal and what the fuck !!!
Record profits for Oil companies, the mind boggles at what the cave trolls will dream up for the next 911.
Yo whatzup next
24.02.2007 18:31
What diffference does it make what my name is, bet you theres more than one brian in the world.
Did enjoy your censor comment, seems to me anytime anyone exposes your 911 'truth' movement for the frauds they are, they get the full two barrels - Monbiot, BBC, popular mechanics.
I did enjoy commeny ~(3) - I tell you what, you stop taking the drugs and they we'll talk - oh got to go my credit expire..................
on monbiot
25.02.2007 03:51
middle class
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