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Stop Gun Crime Posters..

Doodledubz | 23.02.2007 13:30 | Anti-militarism | Culture | Iraq | London

2 posters to highlight the hypocricy of it all!!


After watching the news last night, and seeing tony blair feature in both leading news items, first off saying how everything must be done to stop gun crime on the streets of britain, and then immeediatly after praising prince harry, for wanting to go and get tooled up and kill people in another country!!.....??.....!!.....

What was agreed in both news items was though how it was very bad that the death of the british boys both home and abroad was a bad thing.

Can someone please make these posters into a better printable format that is accessible to all, as im a compooter wally and it took me 2 hours to acheeve just this much,cheers!!



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Dirty Harry

23.02.2007 17:32

Nice one Doodle. Would love to see these up around the city!



25.02.2007 14:12

Me too, but oi livez in Devon!!



19.04.2007 09:06

You must be out of your F****** mind. How can you compare gun crime on the streets of Britain to the duties of our country's servicemen operating on behalf of our Government and Queen and Country.

You make me sick.



19.04.2007 09:15

You must be out of your F****** mind. How can you compare gun crime on the streets of Britain to the lawful duty of our country's servicemen operating for the government and queen and country.

You make me sick.



29.07.2007 17:57

I think these posters are naive and stupid . Hyproscy in politics, you don't say ! Your creative powers would be better served fighting against both these issues separtly rather than confusing these two very different problems. Wise up !
