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socialist wanker caliinicos gets it wrong again

not swp | 23.02.2007 02:19 | Analysis | History | Workers' Movements

callinicos posits that the UK has always supported the US since WW2

Why does this intellectual freak not realise that the Americans were wholeheartedly opposed to the Suez escapade, supported by the french and israel.

what a shit thick "professor" of politics

typical of the social worker freak show

someone please put them out of their misery

not swp
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and your point is....?

23.02.2007 09:49

Sorry, I am a little confused by your attack on Callinicos (am I the only one here?) it would help if you could expand your agruement a bit more.

red letter

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illogical captain

23.02.2007 10:48

just because US has not always supported UK does not disprove the assertion that UK has always supported US since ww2.

Point is US has been in position on supreme power in west and over UK since WW2. UK has only just paid off huge post world war two reconstruction loan to US. UK is beholden to US for its Trident nukes and is now deeply involved in joint military technology developments.

yes but

illogical captain

23.02.2007 10:49

just because US has not always supported UK does not disprove the assertion that UK has always supported US since ww2.

Point is US has been in position on supreme power in west and over UK since WW2. UK has only just paid off huge post world war two reconstruction loan to US. UK is beholden to US for its Trident nukes and is now deeply involved in joint military technology developments.

yes but

non-SWP - you make no sense

23.02.2007 15:15

what, so you deny the UK subserviant relationship to the US since WW2. Whilst Roosevelt did not support Anthiny's Eden's ill-thought out intervention in Eygpt in 1956, how do we know that MI6 didn't receive some support from elements within the CIA? certainly Isreal were involved alongside britain in this relationship.

if you are going to criticise, then have an argument - not just some vitriol without saying anything. prick


get a life

23.02.2007 16:55

Get a life, your analysis was so good i really think you managed to pick apart his article. Theres better things to be doing than attacking the SWP.

Chris S (non swp)
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the swp

25.02.2007 04:01

maybe if the swp weren't so rich, they might concentrate on the British working class rather than ingratiating themselves to every god-forsaken third world shit-hole and it's people who flood this country


you, get a life!

26.02.2007 07:29

SWP is backed and set up by the MI5. Lets be clear.

not swp

grow up

28.02.2007 18:37

come on man founded and backed by m15 dont talk shite. it wouldnt surprise me if they,mi5, had a few people in it but after what 30 years of going nowhere dont you think they would have been told the UK left can keep itself divided and weak without our help


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