Posh Fash Throw Down Gauntlet
riot act | 23.02.2007 01:01 | Migration | London
A group of hard right and ultra nationalist organisations have thrown down a gauntlet to the left by threatening to march on mayday demanding the right to an English parliament.
Their website at
http://www.justiceforengland.com/ stays quiet on the subject of who is actually organising this event, although the few links on the site point to some usual suspects.
An English parliament may seem a relatively harmless distraction for those on the libertarian left who would rather see the end of any parliament whatsoever. It does seem however that some of those organising this march have a slightly more extreme viewpoint then they first let on.
The website for the event appears to be registered in the name of one Steve Garrett. Steve garret is also the web chairman for the English Democratic Party, an English nationalist party not far removed from the BNP.
They wouldn’t agree, they are emphatic in their denials of racism, stating on their website:
“The EDP takes a hard line on anyone suggesting the English Democrats are racist and will seek legal remedy for anyone slandering the party in this way.”
So the racist fuckwits want to get legal on our asses, well we say go ahead. The poor old EDP seem unable to grasp the principle in British law that political parties cannot sue for libel as established by Goldsmith vs Bhoyrul and Others (1997) .
When this blogger (1) accused them of being quasi-facists they were quick to threaten legal action until being forced into a gruelling climb down after reading up on the basics of libel law.
We won’t call them fascists here though, it wouldn’t be quite accurate.
One of the links on the EDP’s website points
http://www.anglosaxonsociety.co.uk/, an organisation which seeks to establish the English as an ethnic group and makes repeated references to the white race.
The mixture of conspiracy theory ands vague esotericism, as well as downright paranoia on this site makes for a depressing experience. The Anglo-Saxon Society ask us:
“Why through TV are the Anglo Saxon/Celtic peoples portrayed as dysfunctional in all forms, derided in advertising as stupid, shown as killers and rapists in the soap operas in socially engineered lies to promote and reflect their own agenda to a gullible public ?”
There’s no answer to that and it gets worse. The part of their site devoted to the history of the ‘white race’ contains several chapters from a book called March of the Titans, "The complete and comprehensive history of the White Race". This dodgy tome features several chapters on the second world war which read like a fawning eulogy to nazi Germany.
Holocaust denial is par for the course with these misfits as they state:
“All things said, to have been a Jew in Nazi Germany could not have been a pleasant experience: but, as the over 4.3 million claims against the post war German state from Jews who suffered as a result of this persecution, (by 1998 the German state had paid out over $50 billion in reparations), certainly far fewer died than what is most often claimed. Increasingly, all the evidence urges a complete revision of this aspect of the history of World War Two.”
Meanwhile one of the EDP’s spokespersons appears to argue for a tacit alliance with the England First Party (EFP). Speaking on the crossofstgeorge forums (2) ‘English Democrat’ states:
“England first party - Working hard to get English Nationalist Councillors elected, is something that should be respected, even if specific areas of policy are not in line with the English Democrats views.
A National Council directive NOT to attack other English Nationalist parties was passed a few months ago by the English Democrats National Council.”
The EFP was formed by Mark Cotterill, former member of the National Front and one of the founder members of the BNP.
Back to the EDP, their policy on asylum seekers states:
“The UK should refuse to accept any further asylum seekers
In order to end the mass inflow of asylum seekers into the UK, the UK must withdraw from the 1951 UN Convention on Refugees.”
There is no mass inflow of asylum seekers into the UK (currently around 15-20,000 applications per year) so what would motivate the EDP to lie about this other than out and out racism we can only guess at.
The EDP also demand:
“We call for the compulsory flying of the English flag, the cross of St George, on all state-maintained public buildings in England.”
Whilst that may seem a fascist policy to some we’d go further here at the void. Their obsessive English nationalism, promotion of weird esoteric views on race and culture as well as their dictatorial views on what it means to be English are far more akin to nazism than traditional economic fascism.
The other supporters of this mayday march appear to be equally repugnant. Whilst they try to hide their true colours under a mask of victimhood, unfortunately they don’t do it very well.
We Are The English (3) appear to be linked to the organisers of this march. Their website recommends the English Independence Party (4), stating: "Well worth a look. The clues in the name..."
Policies of this party include:
“4.2 Reduced population of England (they don’t say how exactly)
We will bring about a reduction in the population of England from 50 million to less than 45 million people. This will reduce all our problems of congestion, including pressure for more new housing in our precious countryside.
We will allow NO MORE IMMIGRATION into England. We will enforce this by increasing the resources of the Customs and Immigration Service, using available military personnel when convenient.
4.4 Repatriation
Over time we will encourage post-WW2 non-European mass immigrants to return to their countries of origin, culture and extended families.”
This site also links to
http://www.wodensfolk.org.uk/ another esoteric, nationalistic affair trading on the two staples of nazi ideology - conspiracy theory and pseudo-esoteric bullshit about national origins. Woden’s Folk warn us:
“This is why Woden's Folk will co-operate with all peoples around the world who seek to break free from this world domination by the Dark Forces.”
Whether those dark forces refer to jews, muslims or communists remains unclear.
Also on the list of links affiliated with this daft demo are auld enemy The Freedom Association. We’ve covered these union busting, apartheid supporting muppets before (5) in the void but it seems that they still seem intent on forcing their own warped version of freedom on the general populace.
How currently apathetic TUC members will react to the Freedom Association marching on mayday is anyone’s guess, here’s hoping that it perks them up a bit, they’ve still got some big lads after all.
Meanwhile, as anarchists the question is do we bite?
Do we allow this motley bunch of racists, nazis and crypto-fascists to pollute the streets of London on mayday … our day.
Chances are that the Met will step in long before we even get a chance to decide. For all their brave chat it seems doubtful that these little Englanders will be given permission to march and it’s further doubtful that they will have the balls to go ahead against police advice.
Nervy cops will be keen to avoid a showdown which could lead to a public order situation of hilarious consequences so it’s likely that this event will be down the swanny before the month is out. If not a militant anti-fascist response may be called for, if only for want of something fun to do this mayday, given the lack of any other inspirational suggestions.

An English parliament may seem a relatively harmless distraction for those on the libertarian left who would rather see the end of any parliament whatsoever. It does seem however that some of those organising this march have a slightly more extreme viewpoint then they first let on.
The website for the event appears to be registered in the name of one Steve Garrett. Steve garret is also the web chairman for the English Democratic Party, an English nationalist party not far removed from the BNP.
They wouldn’t agree, they are emphatic in their denials of racism, stating on their website:
“The EDP takes a hard line on anyone suggesting the English Democrats are racist and will seek legal remedy for anyone slandering the party in this way.”
So the racist fuckwits want to get legal on our asses, well we say go ahead. The poor old EDP seem unable to grasp the principle in British law that political parties cannot sue for libel as established by Goldsmith vs Bhoyrul and Others (1997) .
When this blogger (1) accused them of being quasi-facists they were quick to threaten legal action until being forced into a gruelling climb down after reading up on the basics of libel law.
We won’t call them fascists here though, it wouldn’t be quite accurate.
One of the links on the EDP’s website points

The mixture of conspiracy theory ands vague esotericism, as well as downright paranoia on this site makes for a depressing experience. The Anglo-Saxon Society ask us:
“Why through TV are the Anglo Saxon/Celtic peoples portrayed as dysfunctional in all forms, derided in advertising as stupid, shown as killers and rapists in the soap operas in socially engineered lies to promote and reflect their own agenda to a gullible public ?”
There’s no answer to that and it gets worse. The part of their site devoted to the history of the ‘white race’ contains several chapters from a book called March of the Titans, "The complete and comprehensive history of the White Race". This dodgy tome features several chapters on the second world war which read like a fawning eulogy to nazi Germany.
Holocaust denial is par for the course with these misfits as they state:
“All things said, to have been a Jew in Nazi Germany could not have been a pleasant experience: but, as the over 4.3 million claims against the post war German state from Jews who suffered as a result of this persecution, (by 1998 the German state had paid out over $50 billion in reparations), certainly far fewer died than what is most often claimed. Increasingly, all the evidence urges a complete revision of this aspect of the history of World War Two.”
Meanwhile one of the EDP’s spokespersons appears to argue for a tacit alliance with the England First Party (EFP). Speaking on the crossofstgeorge forums (2) ‘English Democrat’ states:
“England first party - Working hard to get English Nationalist Councillors elected, is something that should be respected, even if specific areas of policy are not in line with the English Democrats views.
A National Council directive NOT to attack other English Nationalist parties was passed a few months ago by the English Democrats National Council.”
The EFP was formed by Mark Cotterill, former member of the National Front and one of the founder members of the BNP.
Back to the EDP, their policy on asylum seekers states:
“The UK should refuse to accept any further asylum seekers
In order to end the mass inflow of asylum seekers into the UK, the UK must withdraw from the 1951 UN Convention on Refugees.”
There is no mass inflow of asylum seekers into the UK (currently around 15-20,000 applications per year) so what would motivate the EDP to lie about this other than out and out racism we can only guess at.
The EDP also demand:
“We call for the compulsory flying of the English flag, the cross of St George, on all state-maintained public buildings in England.”
Whilst that may seem a fascist policy to some we’d go further here at the void. Their obsessive English nationalism, promotion of weird esoteric views on race and culture as well as their dictatorial views on what it means to be English are far more akin to nazism than traditional economic fascism.
The other supporters of this mayday march appear to be equally repugnant. Whilst they try to hide their true colours under a mask of victimhood, unfortunately they don’t do it very well.
We Are The English (3) appear to be linked to the organisers of this march. Their website recommends the English Independence Party (4), stating: "Well worth a look. The clues in the name..."
Policies of this party include:
“4.2 Reduced population of England (they don’t say how exactly)
We will bring about a reduction in the population of England from 50 million to less than 45 million people. This will reduce all our problems of congestion, including pressure for more new housing in our precious countryside.
We will allow NO MORE IMMIGRATION into England. We will enforce this by increasing the resources of the Customs and Immigration Service, using available military personnel when convenient.
4.4 Repatriation
Over time we will encourage post-WW2 non-European mass immigrants to return to their countries of origin, culture and extended families.”
This site also links to

“This is why Woden's Folk will co-operate with all peoples around the world who seek to break free from this world domination by the Dark Forces.”
Whether those dark forces refer to jews, muslims or communists remains unclear.
Also on the list of links affiliated with this daft demo are auld enemy The Freedom Association. We’ve covered these union busting, apartheid supporting muppets before (5) in the void but it seems that they still seem intent on forcing their own warped version of freedom on the general populace.
How currently apathetic TUC members will react to the Freedom Association marching on mayday is anyone’s guess, here’s hoping that it perks them up a bit, they’ve still got some big lads after all.
Meanwhile, as anarchists the question is do we bite?
Do we allow this motley bunch of racists, nazis and crypto-fascists to pollute the streets of London on mayday … our day.
Chances are that the Met will step in long before we even get a chance to decide. For all their brave chat it seems doubtful that these little Englanders will be given permission to march and it’s further doubtful that they will have the balls to go ahead against police advice.
Nervy cops will be keen to avoid a showdown which could lead to a public order situation of hilarious consequences so it’s likely that this event will be down the swanny before the month is out. If not a militant anti-fascist response may be called for, if only for want of something fun to do this mayday, given the lack of any other inspirational suggestions.





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