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Pipeline update - Trees around brecon being felled now

boris dancer | 22.02.2007 19:37 | Climate Chaos | Ecology

see above

not much to say - except above need people at trhe camp urgently.

directions below -

rotest camp is up in the trees in ancient woodland 4 miles west of Brecon on the A40 close to Bettws Penpont church.It is located at Ordnance Survey national grid reference SN9728728525.

The ancient woodland is scheduled for decimation by National Grid to clear a path for the 48" high pressure gas pipeline. The protesters aim to stop the destruction of yet more ancient woodland by National Grid and it's contractors.

There are over 15 people on site at the moment and they are requesting any donations. Please send supplies of all sorts, food, water, warm clothes and bedding, camping and cooking gear, wood, rope, nails, etc etc etc. They would also like any people interested to join them and show solidarity in this battle to save our environment.

Map link :-〈=&keepicon=true

boris dancer


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We visited the Brecon camp.....

16.03.2007 11:12

I have added some pictures from the Brecon camp on my website in the protests section. It can also be viewed on my blog.

Please take donations to them if you can!!! We'll be back up there next weekend.

Love the earth! xoxox

Dready Sam
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