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Inside Bristol's Royal Arch masonic temple

Tony Gosling | 22.02.2007 18:15 | Analysis | Culture | Gender | World

You don't often see pictures from inside the secretive freemasons' halls

Inside the Royal Arch temple in Bristol freemasons' hall
Inside the Royal Arch temple in Bristol freemasons' hall

As you may or may not know the Royal Arch temple is layed outin a similar fashion to a Jewish synagogue. But with no natural light. What is a giant phallic symbol doing there??
I think we should be told!

Tony Gosling
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thats an absured insinuation

22.02.2007 22:01

shussh dont be go an tellen them all our magic. they need to bevevie its all them A-rabs. and thats why the hate our freedoms and our shopping sponsors. just relax people continue in what your doing its all good for your country, as if we your leaders would ever think of doing evil huh. dont forget to buy more war BAE, its great for the economy work harder you know you want to be decent hard working americans and hey you could even offset by joining CND or some such its easy as the Klansman with his money in fairtrade.

soon there may be great challenges ahed but mah fellow americans we will face them with the spirit and pride of one notion under god having sexual relations with that woman to protect the american people by verichip under the skinn then we will be able to teel who has H5N1 and sorry folks that was Manchester and Glasgow we incinarated can you just follow the yellow jacket to the train station no the kids go on the special train for decontamination first its works just like a shower right Dick?

dont let a smoking gun become a mushroom cloud.

ease your conscience

george w
mail e-mail:

thanks ;-)

22.02.2007 22:12

more please

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in fact

23.02.2007 12:35

most freemason halls can be visited by the public. Even the great Lodge in London conducts tours inside. And, anyway, how is this post relevant to Indymedia? What are you saying exactly? I think you've too much spare time on your hands...

not so secret


23.02.2007 13:21

pennants of the twelve tribes of Israel in masonic royal arch temple
pennants of the twelve tribes of Israel in masonic royal arch temple

The pennants or flags in the centre of the temple are of the twelve tribes of Israel


Tony Gosling
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