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Blair Visits Hulme, Manchester

News Carrier | 22.02.2007 16:12

Tony Blair was at the Zion Arts Centre on Stretford Road in Hulme today.

After a rumour circulated around Hulme at lunchtime that Blair was coming to visit a bunch of local residents waited for several hours for the PM's arrival.

His entourage were met by a group of 30 protesters holding placards. As he left his car he was greeted with a loud booing and jeering.

Protesters were shouting "No Gun Crimes, No War Crimes! Blair's Not Welcome Here!"

Placards called for "No War Crimes", "No More War", "No New Nukes", "Solar Not Nuclear".

At the time of writing he is still in the Zion Centre and the group of local residents outside is growing.

News Carrier


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22.02.2007 17:20

It was cold. Inside Zion Arts Centre he was talked about gun crime. Sure he didn't squirm as much as on Radio 4's Today programme today, when asked to take some, any, responsibility for the shit in Iraq. The SWP turned up with age-old chants. Someone else tried a few more locally and currently relevant ones - they were funny. Police surveillance plane, odd-search/IDing, and Blair did a tried & tested smiley wave on his way into his Jag in the direction of most people there protesting. He was accompanied by your friend and ours, Mike Todd, head of Manc police after transferring from London, where he piloted zero-tolerance for 'Mayday rioters'. Jolly.

there too

Peace Week on the telly...

22.02.2007 18:59

On North West Tonight's reporting of Tony Blair's visit to "Peace Week" at the Zion Arts Centre, the sound of mass booing and jeering at Blair as he went in and out of the Zion was clearly audible. There were shots of placards and protesters as well.

What were the organisers of "Peace Week" doing, meeting up with war crimminal Tony Blair?
Their own website puts it better than I could:

"Say 'no' to peace
If what they mean by peace
Is a rampart of gleaming missiles
The arming of distant wars
Money at ease in its castle
And grateful poor at the gate"

Peace Week 2007 Website:

News Carrier


22.02.2007 22:46

At the time of writing he is still a capitalist bastard and organising things on behalf of the UK bourgeoisie.

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