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UK To Ban Non-English Speaking Immigrants?

Huw Jones | 22.02.2007 10:00 | Anti-racism | Culture | Migration | World

An official British Government agency chose to mark UNESCO’s International Mother Language Day and its theme of ‘harmonious environment for all languages’ by questioning whether non-English speaking immigrants should be admitted to the country.

The recently established Commission on Integration and Cohesion “wants ministers to consider changing immigration rules to ensure new arrivals have some command of the language before being allowed to come as a worker or through marriage”. The BBC also report that “The government also proposes to cut benefits to those who cannot prove they are learning English”.

Where such statements to be made regarding skin colour or religion there would be howls of protest, however the London government takes for granted language supremacy of the and the need force it upon all those unfortunates who have not yet been civilised with the Queen’s English.

Despite much tolerance towards immigrant communities regarding dress and religion why is it that the British seem to feel such great discomfort with those who do not adopt English as their mother tongue? This is stark contrast to hundreds of thousands of British people when they themselves re-locate and refuse to learn the languages of the countries they have moved to such as the Mediterranean costas or rural Wales.

In the past indigenous languages such as Gaelic and Welsh were prohibited form the British education system in an attempt to eradicate them. Even this Saturday (24 Feb, 2007) campaigners will hold a demonstration outside Belfast City Hall calling for basic rights and recognition for Irish, a language illegal in British ruled Northern Ireland until the early 1990s.

Huw Jones


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Second skin

22.02.2007 11:25

"Where such statements to be made regarding skin colour or religion there would be howls of protest"

- you can't learn a new skin-colour; and if you could, that would imply discarding the present colour. It's not the same thing.

"why is it that the British seem to feel such great discomfort with those who do not adopt English as their mother tongue?"

Nobody is being asked to change their mother tongue; they are being asked to learn the local lingo, as a second language, if they want to immigrate.

"This is stark contrast to hundreds of thousands of British people (...)"

Are we supposed to see the behaviour of the British abroad as examplary? I hope not.

It would be a major benefit to immigrants if they could learn the language. Many immigrants, especially women, are prevented from learning the language. This is disempowering. They have restricted access to work, and are excluded from political processes. I think it's nuts that we allow people to immigrate without making any commitment to learning english.

Mr. D.

Don't confuse

22.02.2007 14:54

What you think would be of great benefit to some1 and what is enforced on some1. They are 2 different things. I believe the world would benefit through a stateless society where there is no power structure and the decission making process takes place in a collectivised manner (in short, Anarchy). This doesnt mean i'm going to enforce it on society. THis is just another demonstration by the govt of the depths its willing to go into in order to create the idea of the island race. Nationalism has no place anywhere but in prison. It will not pass!



22.02.2007 14:59

This enforcement is not constrained within the island. British call centres in india enforce policies such as the viewing of eastenders and other icons of british culture to their employees during training in order for ppl in india to identify with the british and provide 'good customer service'. Capitalism Imperialism and Nationalism go hand in hand.


ban the deaf aswell

23.02.2007 03:43

The majority of profoundly deaf people have there own language and to some extent culture.
How dare they , they should be taught to speak Lizzies English at once.
Gettin' like bleedin' Deffistan round ere lately.


Oh the hilarity!

23.02.2007 23:03

HM Gvt. is on one hand making English a prerequisite for immigrants and on the other hand it has been knocking the financial stuffing out of English lessons for refugees and immigrants.

They are just beating the right-wing straw men again.

A certain degree of local language is essential for the social mobility of any incomers. Do you really think that it is a bad thing to insist that immigrants empower themselves with a certain level of communication? Or do you think it is totally fair to leave them in minority language ghettos?

The sick thing is Blair is silently backtracking on helping immigrants from gaining the very skills he is demanding.

The argument shouldn't be about whether they should learn English but rather to get away from that distraction and demand that the government puts it money where its mouth is.

English Language Teacher

Agreed But

24.02.2007 08:52

The choice of learning english should remain a choice. No1 is arguing that english is inessential in England, however it is fascistic to force people to learn the language. If they don’t want to, let them be. I wonder If the british govt would be sympathetic to say the Nigerian govt not allowing british oil companies exploit the country coz their british employees don’t speak the local lingo. O doubt it. Infact…… I predict a tantrum.
