Climate Change Impact 'underestimated due to undeclared emissions'
reposted | 19.02.2007 17:33 | Ecology
The UK's real impact on global warming has been
hugely underestimated, according to new research
out today.
hugely underestimated, according to new research
out today.
From the
UK climate change impact 'underestimated due to undeclared emissions'
A report published by Christian Aid reveals millions of tonnes of greenhouse gases
produced by some of the UK's top firms are not being declared.
Almost 200 million tonnes of carbon dioxide - equivalent to around one-third of the
UK's currently declared annual emissions - is missing from the annual reports of
major companies on the London Stock Exchange. But these "missing millions"
are only a small fraction of total undeclared emissions.
UK climate change impact 'underestimated due to undeclared emissions'
A report published by Christian Aid reveals millions of tonnes of greenhouse gases
produced by some of the UK's top firms are not being declared.
Almost 200 million tonnes of carbon dioxide - equivalent to around one-third of the
UK's currently declared annual emissions - is missing from the annual reports of
major companies on the London Stock Exchange. But these "missing millions"
are only a small fraction of total undeclared emissions.
