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Anti-BNP demo, Wednesday 21st February, Reading

rasputin | 19.02.2007 15:25 | Anti-racism | London | Oxford

Nick Griffin is coming to Reading on Wednesday to sir up racial hatred, and to try to organise the BNP.

According to their regional organiser Roger Robertson;
"Reading is one of our areas where we have quite a large number of member but we have no organiser. If we have a meeting to organise a structure, I feel sure we may be able to field some candidates - two, three or four - in the coming local elections in May"

Over our dead bodies!

Counter demonstration at Reading Townhall 7:30 - Bring your mates.



Good Demo

22.02.2007 16:38

The location of Griffin and his chums was not known to us - Reading Town Hall was just a convenient meeting place, as well as being a good background for a photo shot by the Evening Post reporter.

Turnout (ours!) was very encouraging - at least a couple of dozen, probably more. Queen Victoria helped us by holding a placard (with a little help from a mountaineering student).

There should be a proper report with some photos appearing soon.

Gregor Samsa


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20.02.2007 23:25

'Over our dead bodies!'

One day real soon.


What's actually happening

22.02.2007 09:58

Are the BNP meeting at Reading Town Hall, what is actually happening?

This is all a bit vague, once outside the building will we be waving little yellow loppy pops, storming the building or what?????


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What a joke

22.02.2007 13:43

...storming the building or what?????

lol! Thats the funniest fucking thing I've heard in ages you ponce!!
Thanks for that.
........priceless mate!

Oh by the way; or what then?

Never to late for 88

Like it !

23.02.2007 21:40

Like your banner :-)

Well just the message got !


Where was the direct - action then ....

23.02.2007 21:43

Well couldnt see the point of standing about in the picture, you should have stormed the meeting with baseball bats and smashed them out of Reading !

For Militant Anti - Fascism !

Mirage Warrior

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