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Autonomous Bloc on the Anti-Trident Demo in London

autono mouse | 19.02.2007 13:49 | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Terror War

call-out for antiu-authoritarian presence at the upcoming Stop the War/No Trident demo this weekend

On the Saturday the 24th of Febuary, tens of thousands will be travelling to London fom around the UK to protest the government's replacement of Britain's nuclear aresnal. There has been a callout for an autonomous bloc on the day, so that people with anti-authoritarian beliefs can march together. Autonomous blocs have worked well in the past at providing a large and visible anti-authoritarian presence. The group calling the bloc have no fixed plans for the day, other than providing a visible autonomous bloc on the march. As such, all decisions taken as to what happens on the day can be made collectivley on the demo.

We will be meeting at 12 noon near speakers corner in hyde park. To find us, look for a large red and black banner with 'RESIST' printed on it in large white letters.

A poster has now been produced, which you can download from this post, please use it, edit it (should you wish) and distribute as widely as possible.

Lets make this a large and successful bloc.

See y'all on the 24th

autono mouse
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Hide the following 9 comments

Autonomous bloc, really?

19.02.2007 15:10

Just seen poster, who are you kidding, this is not an "autonomous" bloc this is an anarchrist inspired front. Everything about it smells of anarchist from the Red & Black flag to the anarchist "A" logo.

It would be like the communist party declaring that they are holding an autonmous bloc and then saying "oh by the way, the autonmous bloc will meet by the red flag with the hammer and stickle". yes very automous indeed.

Please this is a blanant lie, there will be nothing autonomous about this bloc just like the anarchists. The anarchist belong to a same loose party, follow similar ideological lines, have same aspirational leaders (either dead or alive), they interpret events in similar fashion, please, please pull the other one.

red letter

trot is as trot does

19.02.2007 16:05

> It would be like the communist party declaring that they are holding an autonmous bloc
> and then saying "oh by the way, the autonmous bloc will meet by the red flag with the
> hammer and stickle". yes very automous indeed.

No, it would be like the communist party declaring that they were having a communist bloc and then saying "oh by the way, the communist bloc will meet by the red flag with the hammer and stickle".


autonomy blah

19.02.2007 16:08

well red letter, autonomy is about taking a bit of space and using it without the pressures of authority constantly pressing down on you. i'm not an anarchist, but unfurtunately it is only the anarchists (and the few of us who are prepared to co-operate with them) who have the guts to do anything particularly 'autonomous'. if you and your mates wanted to do something autonomous then that's great, go join the autonomous bloc and then it will no longer be a purely anarchist bloc. so please just stop this victim mentality. if something's wrong, go do something about it.

that said, the poster is just full of crude anarcho-punk subcultural cliches that the majority of proper discerning anarchists would run a mile at the sight of. yuck.


Red Letter

19.02.2007 16:21

You really don't have a clue do you red letter? Still, I guess it must be a getting more than a little fogged up over on the old old Left.


so what?

19.02.2007 16:54

>that said, the poster is just full of crude anarcho-punk subcultural cliches that the majority of proper discerning >anarchists would run a mile at the sight of. yuck.

I didn't spot any, and even if I did I think I'm intelligent enough not to 'run a mile' from somthing because of a few (percieved) design cliches.

discerning anarchist

Proprietary format

19.02.2007 19:30

As for me, I didn't get to see the poster because it's saved in a proprietary format (Microsoft Word) -- please use open formats for files (I would suggest PDF as a standard for this type of things).


Wear your 'A' with pride

20.02.2007 12:03

I don't understand why the label Anarchist is used pejoratively - particularly on this site which is for non-mainstream news and views. I'm so proud to be an anarchist as it is the rejection of damaging hierarchy and oppressive authority that brings misery, the world over. I hate it that people set themselves up above others and profit by domination and power.
Anarchy goes hand in hand with autonomy - whereby everyone is empowered to determine their own paths and actions. And anarchy and autonomy work best in Community - where we work together and help each other to feel equally powerful. All this has very little connection with Communism - which with a few alterations was a continuing of hierarchy and domination.
A similar story : I'm a woman and have come across people who have said accusingly "Are you a Feminist?" Am I proud to believe that women should have the same rights as men? You bet I am. I'm not going to let the stereotyping of others swerve me in what I know to be right and true.

Proudhon -I wish

poster above

21.02.2007 03:17

proudhon was incredibly sexist or do you just read anarchist and agree with it

moron (you are)


Imposter above

23.02.2007 17:25

Proudhon may have been sexist (I don't know) but I do know he was born about 200 years ago, when most men were! Most women had no expectation of any other life than being second-class citizens to men, either. Should we ignore the good things he did and said and bekieved passionately in, because of a widespread ignorance of his time?
You called the poster before a 'moron'. That is a pejorative name for somewhat with a learning disabilitiy and this, in a time of enlightenment about such discriminations. Does that mean everything good you ever say, do or think, be ignored or dismissed as rubbish? Of course not.
