G8 BIKE RIDE 2007.
ya ya | 17.02.2007 12:08
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After several sucessfull bicylce caravans in the last years ()urther bicycle caravans are planned for the upcoming G8 summit in Heiligendamm 2007. They are one of many parts of Movin' Europe [1], a concept to get the whole of Europe Moving during six months in the summer of 2007 by a whole range of political and cultural actions in different places.
There are currently two nearly well prepared (and some efforts to do more) bicycle caravans to the 2007 summit:
Bicycle-Caravan "East":
http://dissentnetzwerk.org/wiki/Bicycle-Caravan_"East" G8 bikeride from Budapest(HU) to Heiligendamm(GER)
Bicycle-Caravan "West":
http://dissentnetzwerk.org/wiki/Bicycle-Caravan_"West" Gr8chaoskaravaan07 from Brugge(BE) to Heiligendamm(GER)
Other Bicycle-Caravan Parts:
http://dissentnetzwerk.org/wiki/"Other-Bicycle-Caravan-Parts" Other bycicle Caravan Parts in progress
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map of the rides found here:

After several sucessfull bicylce caravans in the last years ()urther bicycle caravans are planned for the upcoming G8 summit in Heiligendamm 2007. They are one of many parts of Movin' Europe [1], a concept to get the whole of Europe Moving during six months in the summer of 2007 by a whole range of political and cultural actions in different places.
There are currently two nearly well prepared (and some efforts to do more) bicycle caravans to the 2007 summit:
Bicycle-Caravan "East":

Bicycle-Caravan "West":

Other Bicycle-Caravan Parts:

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map of the rides found here:

ya ya