Esso: Number One Denier
16.02.2007 19:22 | Climate Chaos
Thirty climate activists shut down an ESSO petrol station Feb 9th on Upper Brook Street in Manchester for two hours, using bits of fencing and traffic cones. The action aimed to highlight the link between the oil industry and global warming. As a symbol against car culture, three people locked themselves with D-locks to bicycles. Two others were locked to concrete based signs. Two large banners were displayed reading “no.1 supplier, no.1 denier, no.1 profiteer” and “closed for denying climate change”.
Climate change has become very topical of late. A week earlier and coinciding with the latest IPCC report on climate change, an illustration of a carbon footprint was found decorated on pavements in Manchester outside flight centres, petrol stations, supermarkets and a humvee garage. Remaining on a climate theme, there is to be a celebration in Manchester of the perfect antedote to global warming, the bicycle. From 30th March to 20th April the I Bike MCR festival takes place - a grassroots festival organised by cyclists for cyclists with diverse events that will entice any cyclist.
Carbon Footprints: What Do They Mean? | I Bike MCR festival | Esso garage Shut Down