Stop BBC2 9/11 whitewash on Sunday!
Sources within the BBC | 16.02.2007 01:10 | Anti-militarism | Other Press | Terror War
Battle over Sunday's 9/11 documentary
Will this Sunday's BBC documentary whitewash 9/11?
Will this Sunday's BBC documentary whitewash 9/11?
Thanks to a dedicated poster and campaigner on the 9/11 UK forum (whose name is associated with the initials SG), I put this together and sent it round my e-mail list. I believe Ian Crane is also posting something, so you might like to wait for that as well.
Review - and decide on your action:
We have discovered from a source inside the BBC that there are 2 versions or "edits" of the upcoming conspiracies documentary - one of which is a "whitewash" version. Our source tells us the guy pushing for the Whitewash Version to be broadcast is GARTH ANCIER:,,2013028,00.html
He was in the Guardian YESTERDAY. Coincidence?
e-mail the addresses below, and any others you may be aware with a message like the one below. Let them know we know the gist of the game. We know from our source there are people in the BBC pushing for the truth to come out - so let's hear it for them. Well, what are you waiting for?
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and any other BBC ones you can think of! (or re-work the message below to send to other organisations)
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Dear Sir/Madam,
We have discovered from a source within the BBC that there are 2 versions of the upcoming "Conspiracies" documentary about 9/11. We understand that there are people in the BBC who want the truth to come out and other ones that don't. We understand that the main person backing the "whitewash" version is Mr Garth Ancier.,,2013028,00.html
Of course, as you will realise, this calls into question the standards of professionalism, journalism, honesty and integrity which seem to be at work in the BBC. We KNOW 9/11 was an inside job, and however many times David Icke or "No Planes" is mentioned in relation to it, it will not detract from the smoking guns which more and more people have now seen and understand.
We therefore strongly advise that the "honest" version is broadcast on Sunday, because if it is not, the BBC's reputation as a news broadcasting entity will be forever tarnished or destroyed. Clearly, we must also call into question the motives of an executive who can (or is trying to) influence what is to be broadcast, and this matter will need serious review also.
As you may know, William Rodriguez, Decorated hero and survivor of the World Trade Centre Disaster, is speaking around the UK. His testimony blows apart the official story of 9/11 and this will likely have been heard and read by 10s or 100s of thousands of people by the end of this month.
So, we know what the game is, and we are now "calling your bluff". We are watching you and waiting for your response.
Yours Sincerely,
Ask the Tough Questions, Folks!
Sources within the BBC
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What a shame !
16.02.2007 08:49
Despite the official line of calling for an in depth investigation from a real news organisation like the BBC the horror of them really doing it has long been the elephant in the room for you all hasn't it ? After all once a proper journalistic investigation takes place and shows that most of the theories you have been pushing for years are no more than nonsense that makes your source of income for books, DVD's, and the well paying lecture circuit dry up rather quickly.
I suppose the creation of a secret BBC alternative ending was the only way out of this dilema, now once they produce their piece which will quickly debunk your ideas you can spend the next few year pushing the "they know the truth but are hiding it" story to the same bunch of gullible fools who have bought into the first round of rubbish. No doubt the BBC version of David Shayler is only an industrial tribunial away, ready and willing to join David on the "cover up" circuit in return for 'expenses'.
Let me make a prediction here. The BBC will discover the following:
Two aircraft hit the Twin Towers in New York
One aircraft hit the Pentagon in Washington
One aircraft crashed in a field
These events occured because the aircraft were hijacked by some young men who had a distorted view of Islam.
The US military did not react fast enough because following the end of the Cold War nobody anticipated an airbourne attack on the US mainland.
Thousands of people died as a result of the above.
You've had a good living out of this nonsense for some years now, I suggest out of respect for the families of those who were killed that day you now fade away.
feeling sorry for you in a funny way
The public
16.02.2007 08:50
16.02.2007 14:54
funny, "liars" seems the be the word most often used when talking about Indymedia at the moment during its current 'All Jews Are Bad' campaign
What a joke
17.02.2007 08:43
This site is already in enough trouble without you supporting the wonderful world of the movement. The last thing IM needs is anymore hits to its credibility at the moment.
feeling sorry for you in a funny way
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