End the Repression of people seeking asylum!
National Colition of Anti Deportation Campaigns News Service | 15.02.2007 15:50 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression
Halkevi, Day-Mer, and Gik-Der, Kurdish and Turkish organisations in
the UK are circulating a petition calling on the Home Secretary to
urgently review the treatment of people from Turkey seeking asylum in
the UK.
the UK are circulating a petition calling on the Home Secretary to
urgently review the treatment of people from Turkey seeking asylum in
the UK.
End the Repression of people seeking asylum!
As a direct result of anti-democratic and repressive immigration
policies, substantial numbers of people seeking asylum are kept in
detention centres. Innocent asylum seekers have not only been
criminalised but are also subject to inhumane treatment in these
centres. The government insists on detaining, criminalising and
callously mistreating guiltless people seeking asylum. Thus Halkevi,
Day-Mer, and Gik-Der, Kurdish and Turkish organisations have
initiated a petition campaign demanding better conditions for people
seeking asylum. These petitions are due to be handed in to the Home
Office in the forthcoming months.
The demands of the campaign are as follows:
- Shut all detentions centres!
- Stop detaining people seeking asylum in detention centres while
their cases remain under consideration
- Remove the mandatory monthly/weekly/daily reporting to enforcement units
- Do not deport family members of British citizens!
- End "dawn-raids"!
- Save English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses!
- Give people seeking asylum back the right to work!
Please send the completed petition forms back to Day-Mer, Turkish and
Kurdish Community Centre, Howard Road, London, N16 8PU


Gik-Der (Migrant Workers Cultural Association)
From: "Day-Mer"
In related news:
In Northern Iraq, another war looms
- While the world focuses on Baghdad's security, a series of
bombings here may be the long-feared start of a second deadly war in
Iraq - this one between Kurds and Arabs, both with claims on a
territory atop one of the world's largest oil reserves.
Full story:

National Colition of Anti Deportation Campaigns News Service