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. | 13.02.2007 17:35

Nobel Prizes by country

Nobel laureates by country
Pos Country Total

1 United States 160
2 United Kingdom 110
3 Germany 94
4 France 54
5 Sweden 27
6 Switzerland 25
7 USSR and Russia 21
8 Italy 19
=9 Canada 18
=9 Netherlands 18
11 Hungary 16
=12 Denmark 14
=12 Poland 14
14 Japan 12
=15 Austria 10
=15 Belgium 10
=15 Ireland 10
=18 Australia 9
=18 Norway 9
=18 South Africa 9
=21 India 8
=21 Israel 8
=23 Spain 7
=24 Argentina 5
=24 China 5
=24 Czech Republic 5
27 Egypt 4
=28 Bangladesh 3
=28 Belarus 3
=28 Finland 3
=28 Mexico 3
=28 New Zealand 3
=32 Algeria 2
=32 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2
=32 Chile 2
=32 Timor-Leste 2
=32 Greece 2
=32 Guatemala 2
=32 Portugal 2
=32 Romania 2
=32 Saint Lucia 2
=32 Republic of China 2
=42 Albania 1
=42 Bulgaria 1
=42 Colombia 1
=42 Costa Rica 1
=42 Croatia 1
=42 Ghana 1
=42 Iceland 1
=42 Iran 1
=42 Kenya 1
=42 Lithuania 1
=42 Myanmar 1
=42 Nigeria 1
=42 Pakistan 1
=42 Palestinian Authority 1
=42 Puerto Rico 1
=42 Republic of Macedonia 1
=42 Serbia 1
=42 Slovenia 1
=42 South Korea 1
=42 Tibet 1
=42 Trinidad and Tobago 1
=42 Turkey 1
=42 Ukraine 1
=42 Vietnam 1
=42 Venezuela 1
=42 Yugoslavia 1
