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Moles in the Kucinich Campain 0r How I got kicked off the site

Margie | 12.02.2007 23:36

If anyone out there cares, please help me let Dennis know that his web team is working against him, not for him.

Interesting post I found on progressive independent
I am "Nadia" on the message board and have been posting all sorts of actions, news stories, etc. as well as volunteering to help organize the message board and add news,events, media appearances to the site. Elizabeth even asked that I be allowed to add news stories to the front page so last weekend Evan, the volunteer coordinator allowed me to work on the test site to "show them my stuff" so I implemented much of the volunteer ideas, adding an events block, and upcoming/recent media appearances block. I shortened his issue page and put it on a pdf so everyone could print it up and pass it around. I did the same with his 12 point plan. I fixed the message board so we were more centrally located, right now there are 230 categories and no one can find anything. So I did all this work for the campaign, and then they 'accidentally' erased it.

Even so I continued until this morning as I was adding Dennis' C-SPAN appearance tonight, as well as his upcoming appearance at the Feb 21 debate...they erased it three times. They moved actions like our media forum topic to an obscure category,erased my threat about DU. The web moderators are doing whatever they can to work against the volunteers, and the web team, of which there are like ten of them, have done no work for two months, keep stalling. Because I have been desperately trying to work for change, they finally kicked me off completely.

I created this website to show Dennis what I had worked on before on the campaign test site, before they erased it all...

Dennis is extremely busy so I do not think he is aware of what is happening, and they are counting on this.

If anyone out there cares, please help me let Dennis know that his web team is working against him, not for him.

link to

homepage: homepage:

- Homepage:


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Info to Kucinich for President Campain

13.02.2007 00:44

I looked at thje URLs in this and found a Political Campaign so sent this that I sent to Saddam perhaps a month before Blair and Bush made complete idiots of themselves:

"Stale info that might interest

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/12/2007 - 18:32.

> I wanted to send a message to Saddam Hussein, so I sent it to the address in what they said was his website. It came back undelivered, perhaps the site was swamped, I tried again and it seemed to go through O.K. :

> Politicians always seem to get it wrong - to the extent that if they didn't make you cry you'd die of laughing.
> >
So what could Saddam do to ram two fingers into both Blair's and Bush's nostrils? He has to leapfrog the corrupt American (duff machines in Democrat wards) and British (Labour leader Blair is a worse Tory than Thatcher) democracy, and announce his faith in the Democracy of the American founding Fathers, and the Democracy of Switzerland.
> >
He would immediately arm all the people, and tell them to set up mutual defence Cantons on the Swiss model. He would show guts and determination greater than the Swiss (they pandered to feminists) and insist on sex equality so that in order to vote you have to be armed and skilled in the use of arms. That should apply to all sexes. In Switzerland it only applies to men, perhaps they believe Mao- "Political power comes out of the barrel of a gun".
> >
The Swiss have a Duty to be armed to defend all the Swiss (bitter Catholic-Protestant enemies) against foreigners. The American founders wrote it into the Constitution that there be a Right to bear arms because people can be relieved of duties but not of rights, by their Government. There is an obvious duty to fight against those who would deprive you of your rights.
> >
Having done that, Saddam might be wise to remove himself to Paradise. He will have taken the first step on the necessary road of undoing the mischief the politicians wrought in the Versailles treaty and world carve up. He will have become the Best of the Politicians. Not much of an accolade, but what else can we offer?
Best Wishes
> > Ilyan"

At the moment it is at I wonder if they will dump it.


this public political stuff is good

13.02.2007 01:52

I would appear that indymedia is also a place for people in indymedia to air their grievences. This has to be good. Not the grievences but the fact they are so public. Indymedia is fantastic, long live indy media. I really hop you manage to iron out the problems. Could they be a deliberate attempt to cause problems, Could it be M15. If so it is worth recognising that military inteligence is an oxymoron.
