Dutch government to compensate for rain forest destruction
Reinhard Behrend | 09.02.2007 19:51 | Ecology | World
The Netherlands government has recognised that it was wrong to subsidise as “green energy” palm oil produced at the cost of rain forests, reports a German rain forest advocacy group. “It has recognised that often palm oil production often involves catastrophic destruction of rain forest and promised to learn from this,” writes Rettet den Regenwald e. V.
“The Netherlands parliament has called on the government to pay compensation for the damage caused through this in Kalimantan [the Indonesian section of the island Borneo].”
The group’s Reinhard Behrend writes that now the responsible government ministers have to be reminded of that.
“They must be stopped from agreeing with the European Commission in passing high guidelines for biofuels.
“We need strict guidelines for energy efficiency and must lower our energy consumption instead of sacrificing tropical forests for biofuel plantations.”
More information on the action and a sample letter in Dutch with German translation are at www.regenwald.org.
Please distribute this as widely as you can by email.
Reinhard Behrend
Rettet den Regenwald e. V.
Friedhofsweg 28
22337 Hamburg
040 4103804
The group’s Reinhard Behrend writes that now the responsible government ministers have to be reminded of that.
“They must be stopped from agreeing with the European Commission in passing high guidelines for biofuels.
“We need strict guidelines for energy efficiency and must lower our energy consumption instead of sacrificing tropical forests for biofuel plantations.”
More information on the action and a sample letter in Dutch with German translation are at www.regenwald.org.
Please distribute this as widely as you can by email.
Reinhard Behrend
Rettet den Regenwald e. V.
Friedhofsweg 28
22337 Hamburg
040 4103804

Reinhard Behrend