Crowing about Turkey Spam
DannyP | 09.02.2007 09:17 | Other Press
The Times and various other papers today lead on the story that Bernard Matthews has another factory farm in Hungary, where there was an outbreak of the exact same strain of H5N1. I'd figured that out on Monday just by searching on "Bernard Matthews"+Hungary after reading that the strains are identical. One thing that proves is you don't need to be a great journalist to scoop the UK papers by a week and I'm not back to boast about that.
In passing I would like to boast about beating the New Scientist article on the Jakarta floods angle by three hours as I've never beaten them to a story before. I only had that one line though, Jakarta - floods + flu + poverty = trouble , which would have made a pretty poor article so I waited until someone posted a bird flu article. As it happened the next person to post on bird flu was Milan Rai, the venerable anti-war veteran who wrote about a new action group he has setup to tackle the issue.
Call me arrogant if you want, but the other posts on Milans thread are the usual discreditable 'Porton Down killed my hamster' and 'Bertrand Russell was Adolf' types, the sort of half-baked spam that puts serious people off reading Indymedia, barely relevant drivel and certainly not activism - and you know some of it is designed to do that. I would like to restate anyone who cares for animals or poor people are missing the importance of this story, except Milan and his friends obviously. I would also like to point out that the IM admins could have cropped Milans thread back to the important posts ( mine! ) or even to just Milans call to action instead of allowing it to be debased. To those posters I've just insulted, well, start your own thread on Russell or mycosma or whatever, don't hijack other peoples threads on more important topics.
The reason I'm happy to say this is I was told to "stop spamming threads with allegations, smears and other non news." This is after I had a 'tiff' with Kune Kune - in fact after I'd exposed Kune Kune as a Military Intelligence agent who has been assigned to post disinformation on Indymedia, specifically about Iran in this case. He posts here under various names and I recognise him because I've had lots of dealings with him. Some of you will remember Mr Magoo, Spook-Plant, MI5 etc. I can spot him from his spelling mistakes and such, and I'm loathed to publish too much information on how I spot him online, but I have already said I know when he is available to post. I've already mentioned he loves to smear his opponents with the phrase 'tin-foil hats'
This is the phrase that identified him last time
"And stay away from and, no good ever comes of them."
Anyone can scroogle or google for joint mentions of those websites here and see which posters use them ( in reality he is the only one under various assumed names). They are crap websites but that isn't the point.
Now I recruited for a demo once here and this agent was the only person to show up - in fact he relocated especially. He has used that to infiltrate a small and rather stupid group of activists which includes an IM admin.
I can prove all this and have offered to to any IMers or member so of that group but noone is interested. The fact he is active on the uk channel, and the fact he now has an admin pal explains why I'd rather be contacted or at least have the discussion 'out front' - however none has.
My dealings with this agent have been written off as a personal tiff. I'm pretty easy to wind up so I do have tiffs but this isn't one of them. However I do have a little credibility left yet. I scooped the H5N1 -factory farm story ( first posting on it when it first emerged ), I got the London whale-Sonar story as I'd already been involved ( and that has just been admitted in the mainstream ) and I recently caught the journalist who broke the PNAC story quoting one of my old posts on his own story ( not that I mind, I just recycle other peoples news normally ).
I have got the inside scoop on this agent and I'm going to use it as it as has fairly wide implications. It does affect IM as he is a constant poster here under various names, and when I knew him his interest in this wire was phenomenal. He'd ask about the identity or truthfullness of posts written years before. He has since used this to become best friends with someone with admin rights.
So this post isn't news, and does relate to the admin of IM, and since I have mentioned it before you could call it spam. I think it is of intest to IM readers which is why I'm posting it and I would ask whichever admins choose to hide it to identify this as a collective decision. I would ask you to discuss the other suggestions I've made to secure this wire from deliberate government interference, if not with me then among yourselves.
These aren't the only stories I'm working on, but they will appear on other IM forums. Anyone else speak Dutch or French ?
Bird Flu - Chomsky et al call for global solidarity
Milan Rai - Pandemic Action | 05.02.2007 01:04 | Globalisation | Health | World
Factory farmer Matthews = Typhoid Mary
05.02.2007 12:38
From The Times
February 09, 2007
Bernard Matthews faces ‘illegal’ imports inquiry
Jakarta - floods + flu + poverty = trouble
05.02.2007 09:15
Health fears as floods wash over Java
* 12:59 05 February 2007
* news service
"There are fears that the flooding could help spread bird flu among infected poultry and complicate measures against the virus that has already killed 63 people in the country."
Call me arrogant if you want, but the other posts on Milans thread are the usual discreditable 'Porton Down killed my hamster' and 'Bertrand Russell was Adolf' types, the sort of half-baked spam that puts serious people off reading Indymedia, barely relevant drivel and certainly not activism - and you know some of it is designed to do that. I would like to restate anyone who cares for animals or poor people are missing the importance of this story, except Milan and his friends obviously. I would also like to point out that the IM admins could have cropped Milans thread back to the important posts ( mine! ) or even to just Milans call to action instead of allowing it to be debased. To those posters I've just insulted, well, start your own thread on Russell or mycosma or whatever, don't hijack other peoples threads on more important topics.
The reason I'm happy to say this is I was told to "stop spamming threads with allegations, smears and other non news."

This is the phrase that identified him last time
"And stay away from and, no good ever comes of them."
Anyone can scroogle or google for joint mentions of those websites here and see which posters use them ( in reality he is the only one under various assumed names). They are crap websites but that isn't the point.
Now I recruited for a demo once here and this agent was the only person to show up - in fact he relocated especially. He has used that to infiltrate a small and rather stupid group of activists which includes an IM admin.
I can prove all this and have offered to to any IMers or member so of that group but noone is interested. The fact he is active on the uk channel, and the fact he now has an admin pal explains why I'd rather be contacted or at least have the discussion 'out front' - however none has.
My dealings with this agent have been written off as a personal tiff. I'm pretty easy to wind up so I do have tiffs but this isn't one of them. However I do have a little credibility left yet. I scooped the H5N1 -factory farm story ( first posting on it when it first emerged ), I got the London whale-Sonar story as I'd already been involved ( and that has just been admitted in the mainstream ) and I recently caught the journalist who broke the PNAC story quoting one of my old posts on his own story ( not that I mind, I just recycle other peoples news normally ).
I have got the inside scoop on this agent and I'm going to use it as it as has fairly wide implications. It does affect IM as he is a constant poster here under various names, and when I knew him his interest in this wire was phenomenal. He'd ask about the identity or truthfullness of posts written years before. He has since used this to become best friends with someone with admin rights.
So this post isn't news, and does relate to the admin of IM, and since I have mentioned it before you could call it spam. I think it is of intest to IM readers which is why I'm posting it and I would ask whichever admins choose to hide it to identify this as a collective decision. I would ask you to discuss the other suggestions I've made to secure this wire from deliberate government interference, if not with me then among yourselves.
These aren't the only stories I'm working on, but they will appear on other IM forums. Anyone else speak Dutch or French ?
Bird Flu - Chomsky et al call for global solidarity
Milan Rai - Pandemic Action | 05.02.2007 01:04 | Globalisation | Health | World

Factory farmer Matthews = Typhoid Mary
05.02.2007 12:38

From The Times
February 09, 2007
Bernard Matthews faces ‘illegal’ imports inquiry
Jakarta - floods + flu + poverty = trouble
05.02.2007 09:15

Health fears as floods wash over Java
* 12:59 05 February 2007
* news service
"There are fears that the flooding could help spread bird flu among infected poultry and complicate measures against the virus that has already killed 63 people in the country."
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