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Minutes of UK antiG8 meeting

Marco! | 07.02.2007 13:52 | Globalisation

These minutes are from an anti G8/ Dissent! meting held in Nottingham on the 28th of January 2007.

About thirty people from various locations attended this meeting, responding to a well-publicized call for a UK-based anti G8/Dissent! gathering.

We began with an update on the current situation, including feedback from the preparation camp, Camp Inski, held in Germany in the late summer of 2006. Topics discussed included the details of policing tactics and expertise, the landscape surrounding the location of the actual summit, details of the 2.3 metre high fence now under construction in Northern Germany, differences in UK and German law and the possible make-up of any convergence centre.

A resume of the political picture in Germany was then given, which revealed that three groups were in existence in relation to the G8 protests:-

1) Dissent and ‘Friends of Dissent’, for example anti fascist groups etc.

2) The Rostock Alliance, started by the Interventionist Left.

3) The Revolutionary Alliance, based around Marxist/Leninist groups.

It was stated that there is a level of cross-over between these groups, who were described as still getting on ok at the time of the meeting!

Everyone present expressed an interest in, and energy for, travelling to Germany as part of a mobilisation. However, people were hungry for more information with regard to travel and plans in place for the actual protests, blockades and demonstrations. It appeared that the success of the Stirling camp and the Gleneagles G8 summit protests had increased the level of resolve to make things happen in Germany 2007.

A list of useful working groups was drawn up, with contact details to be placed on the Dissent! website. Groups included Transport, Trauma, Legal, Publicity and Blockades. Every working group had at least one volunteer who agreed to take things forward in their particular area.

An info-point network was also created at the meeting, covering areas such as South Wales, Yorkshire, Lancaster, Cambridge, Brighton, London and the Bath/Bristol area. Again, each info point had at least one volunteer, details to be placed on the website.

With regard to publicity, support was given for posters/leaflets/stickers etc, with a view to spark interest rather than give reams of information. Following a separate Publicity Working Group meeting, these matters were discussed together with the possibility of producing an information book, a newsletter and the printing of a legal booklet/phrase book. Consideration was also given to the production of a publication after the summit itself, giving accounts and reflections on what had occurred.

A Blockades Working Group meeting also took place, here are some comprehensive minutes of that group’s discussions:-

The group decided that it was too early to discuss the blockades in detail for two main reasons:-
First, we were not a centralised organising committee. We felt we should be a group to aid groups who wished to participate in blockades, rather than tell groups what to do.
Second, we didn't have the logistic information for any serious planning.
Conclusion: If we as a group gathered blockade logistic information, then that information could assist autonomous groups in their plans for blockades.
It would be up to the autonomous groups to do whatever they wanted with the information. The information would be on issues such as geography, G8 meeting venues, photos of areas etc.
We discussed 3 topics.
i) Communications
ii) Information for blockades
iii) Information for groups

i) Communications - Someone (London) volunteered to gather information about communications.
a) It was felt that the police in Germany would be planning their actions with the knowledge that we are planning blockades (as in UK and France).
Our strength was in autonomous actions. To allow autonomous groups to respond to police actions quickly, we needed good communications for the day of hte blockades. This is to be investigated
b) It was felt that in UK some groups did not know the effectiveness of their actions. Even if they were not on a blockade, every little group contributed to the overall disruption of the G8. This lead to some groups feeling dis-empowered. We need to investigate communications to stop this happening.

ii) Information for blockades.
A volunteer (Holland/England) offered to try and coordinate information for planning blockades. Some of this could mean –
Providing links to German planning information resources; providing information on getting relevant maps; providing photos, coordinating information for UK Dissent Web page.
iii) Info for groups.
We needed people to discuss how we interact with other G8 working groups. Some felt that in the UK mobilisation, it was unclear whether the resource groups (publishing, media etc.) worked for the action groups, or were independent, and simply produced their own information. If the latter, then the blockades group needs to provide stickers, etc for the action.
It was felt overall that the planning meeting was very productive.


A fairly lengthy discussion took place with regard to transport options for Germany, with some support being shown for travelling in a large group. The need for independent travel was also mentioned. It was suggested that those wishing to travel to Germany get in touch with an info-point. This option is to be re-visited at a later meeting if it appears that info-points are becoming over-loaded. Transport is to be the subject of further research, particularly in relation to the options open to border police, both in Germany and in the UK.

The make up of the convergence centres was spoken about, with people expressing an interest in a barrio system based on area/nationality or being tactics-based. Most present would like there to be an info point available when arriving in Germany.

During the latter part of the meeting, training opportunities were discussed, with the website being the place to obtain details. Finance for printing was agreed, and the next meeting was given a provisional date for around the end of March2007.

Finally, a proposal was made that Dissent! network, being a non hierarchical organisation, be sustained and used for anti G8/WTO type purposes. This was agreed.



map: where´s the g 8

07.02.2007 19:21



