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CALL: Wipe out Capitalism everyday

22 January SABOTAGE faction | 05.02.2007 12:25 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles

Let this be a call not only to discuss at international gatherings, but also one to get inspired to Act!

Wipe out Capitalism everyday

“From a certain point onward, there is no turning back.
That is the point that much be reached.” – Franz Kafka
Capitalism is on the move! In last years it destroyed most of the things people were fighting for last centuries. We should try to stop it before it is too late.

Each year there are mass actions against the G8 summits as they also are being organized this year against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany.

But only blocking these summits is not enough. The G8 and the other big players (corporations, banks, etc.) are the ones extorting the whole world for their own gain. This fight should not only be against big institutions or once a year during these summits, rather it is the entire capitalist structure of control and exploitation that should be overthrown.

Every day people live their life without thinking about what consequences their behaviour might have on others. Day by day oil companies dump their raw oil into the ocean. Every day big banks extort countries because of loans given out to these countries during dictatorial rule. And every day is a day that we – activists of all countries – could and should bring about change!

Already people have organized themselves and wage war against capitalism and neo-liberalism on a daily basis.

In the last few years we have seen an increase in repression. New anti-terrorism laws, raids on info café's and people homes, CCTV, harsh immigration regulations, etc.

Martin Luther King once said, "those who make peaceful revolution impossible, only make violent revolution inevitable". We will not go as far suggesting that violence should be the answer. Rather we are calling to everyone for non violent actions. Remember that we do not fight people but only the institution, the empire of Growth and Greed.

This resistance is only that successful because people demand change, both in their own countries and on the world scale in solidarity with other people. Also they are not scared of using radical approaches and use a ‘diversity of tactics’–approach.

The time for debate is over. We should fight! We are at war with capitalism, hierarchy and injustice. The capitalist machine must be shut down!

Direct action should be our weapon. This method is not about radicalism, but about inventiveness and usefulness. It is not wrong to destroy property, if it is only aimed at inanimate objects. It is wrong to see something unjust and not try to do something about it. So let’s hit those bastards where it hurts them the most: property!

Property destruction is no violence at all. Is it violent to destroy weapons, which themselves kills hundreds and hundreds of people? Is it violent to destroy machines which themselves destroy acres and acres of rainforests? There is no violence in taking these murderous things away. On the contrary: it prevents violence. It is just a a step beyond civil disobedience.

So hereby we will ask you, readers of this call out, to do the same: do not wait for international gatherings, summits or whatever. Get on the street and overthrow the capitalist system now!

Go out in the night, dress in black and use that monkey wrench to do what...? Well we should remember that nothing good has ever come into this world without struggle.

The possibilities are endless, use your imagination and your possibilities will only be limited by your spirit and passion.

Give rise to change and bring about a revolution!

22 January SABOTAGE faction
[Slay A Banker Or Totally Against G8]

22 January SABOTAGE faction


Hide the following 4 comments


05.02.2007 12:51

Was that quote not from, Jon F Kennedy not Martin Luther King?

Animal Rights

You can't blow up a social relationship

05.02.2007 13:46

It's good we're talking about everyday resistance as opposed to just annual spectaculars - but the idea capitalism can be dismantled one window pane at a time by masked nocturnal monkey-wrenchers is just plain wrong. have a read of this:

capital is reproduced daily not by 'banks and corporations', but by our labour - "capital is dead labour, which vampire-like sucks on living labour, and lives all the more the more it sucks"- it is this capacity - being proletarian - that gives us the potential to destroy capital through mass working class action, to which nocturnal shenanigans are at best a compliment (like squadding in the miners' strike etc).

- Homepage:

one lives in hopes

06.02.2007 01:35

"it is this capacity - being proletarian - that gives us the potential to destroy capital through mass working class action"

Unfortunately I doubt that the proletariat of this country will be organising in any "mass working class action" for many years to come, unless the Sun tells them someone on some their estate is possibly a paedophile, of course. Apart from that, they are too busy concerning themselves with the latest celebrity scandal, worried about the asylum-seeker bogeyman taking their jobs away from them, and cowering in fear of the latest "terrorist threat".

It's not nice, it's just the way it is. Sad world we live in...

Mr. Humph


06.02.2007 09:06

no need to be patronising is there?, depressing as the lack of collective resistance may be. class struggle is certainly at a low ebb at the moment, but recently hundreds of baggage handlers wildcated in support of Gate Gourmet workers, resistance amongst the public and staff is bubbling up to NHS cuts, workers are currently blockading their factory in Irvine ( ) ...

The point is that it is as the working class, collectively that we have the *potential* to destroy capitalism, whereas covert nocturnal fun and games, outside of mass struggle don't have the potential to be more than an occasional nuissance. it ain't easy building the confidence to say 'no' to management in your workplace or council cuts in the community etc, the culture of resistance has been largely broken for a generation since the miners were smashed (poll tax excepted), but it takes groundwork in times of low struggle for events to take a libertarian turn when struggle increases, and ideally to contribute to the increase of that struggle.

the danger comes when frustration with this state of affairs leads to the abandonment of collective action as the mode of change, replacing it with isolated individualistic acts of sabotage etc which are at best a revolutionary cul-de-sac.

"Today classes still exist, but manifested through infinite degrees in consumption, and no one expects a better world from public ownership of industry. The "enemy" is an impalpable social relationship, abstract yet real, all-pervading yet no monster beyond our reach: because the proletarians are the ones that produce and reproduce the world, they can disrupt and revolutionize it. The aim is immediate communization" - Gilles Dauvé
