The Police Answer to No-One
Anthony Rodgers | 04.02.2007 13:52 | Sheffield
The local Police have now been given far too much power. They target young and vulnerable people on our Estates. They do this to prove they have the power and as a detterent. It is a fact. They will target the families of anyone that dare to criticize them or to report them. I myself have been a well known critic of the Police for a long time. I have also praised them where this has been appropriate. ( Not very Often ). Now my family especially my Nephew who lives with me is a target. He has no criminal record. But he has been harrassed and assualted by the Police on more than one occasion. I have been told shut my mouth or else. I have been threatened. Abusive phone calls. False rumours spread by certain Police Officers. Yet I am not afraid of them, We must be brave enough to stand up and fight this cancer within our society
Anthony Rodgers
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Put that in your pipe and smoke it
05.02.2007 00:44
Lex Ahram
What a load of rubbish.
17.02.2007 18:56
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