OJ Simpson Acquitted but forbidden from Confessing by News Corp
Karen Fish | 03.02.2007 21:13 | World
Many people consider Gordie Howe to be the greatest right winger of all time. Others prefer Ronald Reagan. In “The Exorcist” did Regan’s head swivel clockwise or counter clockwise? It used to be a defense in England that the accused was possessed by Satan. Psychiatrist M. Scott Peck M.D. sold 5 million copies of “The Road Less Traveled”. In “People of the Lie” and “Glimpses of the Devil” Dr. Peck recounted several exorcisms which he had performed and videotaped. Satan was not that photogenic and had to be airbrushed.
The most famous exorcist of all time and probably the most effective was Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was a socialist. He commanded his followers to sell all of their possessions and give all of the money to the poor. He upset the tables of the money changers in his father’s Temple and lashed out at the religious leaders of his day for having turned the Holy Temple in Jerusalem into a den of thieves.
Dr. Peck, the first cousin of Gregory Peck, used Gregorian chants to perform his exorcisms. He said that psychiatrists are spirits who don’t know that they are spirits. L. Ron Hubbard claimed that spirits were Thetans. He convinced Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, John Travolta, David Beckham and his beautiful wife Posh Spice. Psychiatrist M. Scott Peck M.D. said that psychiatry had actually categorized devils in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatry as people suffering from narcissistic personality disorder. Al Pacino who played “The Father of Lies” in “The Devil’s Advocate” said “Vanity is my favorite sin.” It was through people’s vanity that Satan controlled them.
Rupert Murdoch controls News Corp. News Corp is a media conglomerate which reaches 4.5 billion people including the watchers of Fox News. Rupert Murdoch became the ultimate neo con right winger during his friendship with Ronald and Nancy Reagan. Freedom of the press is not very helpful when society allows 1 man like Rupert Murdoch such immense control over what people are allowed to know. In law the prosecution must make full disclosure of their case to the defendant whose life is on the line. In the real world Rupert Murdoch can allow you to see only what he wants you to see and hide what he doesn’t want you to see. This is why preserving net neutrality is so vital to our freedom. Fox News is so biased to the Republican agenda and the war in Iraq that when O.J. Simpson began to confess in detail on the factor spin zone Bill O’Reilly screamed at him, “Shut Up!”
Who is Bill O’Reilly to tell O.J. Simpson, number 32, a football legend to shut up? Jesus Christ hated the vain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. Jesus hated the vain self righteous people who took the front pews in the Synagogues and marched around with the Torahs. Jesus called for the abolition of buildings to worship in. Jesus said that people should pray in their closets. One never knows if Bill O’Reilly will ever come out of the closet like Mary Cheney but Wolf Blitzer doesn’t need to. We all know that he likes sheep.
Who do you like in the Super Bowl tomorrow Johnny Unitas or Mike Ditka? I’d like to see Bill O’Reilly tell Mike Ditka to “Shut Up!” Mike Ditka would fulfill the fantasy of the left wing crowd and stuff Bill O’Reilly into a coke can and then kick him through the uprights for the winning field goal. It all boils down to this. Do you want your news given to you by the boss of Bill O’Reilly Rupert Murdoch and his cronies or do you want full disclosure so that you can make a fully informed decision on your own? If you prefer full disclosure then you must stand up for net neutrality now. The United States Congress is about to revoke net neutrality while you sleep. What kind of a congress and President would vote that you could only hear biased reporting in which many of the facts are absolute made up lies, like global warming is a myth, the United States did not invade the Middle East to steal their oil and cigarettes are good for you.
Go tell the polar bears which are now forced to eat their children that global warming is a myth. Go tell the Siberians whose snow has turned oily smelly bright yellowish orange that global warming is a myth. Don’t put oil executives in the White House secretly doctoring the scientific research which Americans are allowed to see so that people think that global warming is a myth. Jesus said that the truth would set us free. This is only true if we act upon the truth. A lie can only hurt you if you believe it. Greedy evil lying spirits living inside of powerful people will soon lead to our extinction. Look at the filthy lies coming out of the Black House beating the hateful drums of war: “Muslims are terrorists, insurgents, Islamofascists.”
This is the kind of lying racist filth which Adolf Hitler and his Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels used to convince 50 million German people to attempt to conquer the world and sanitize it of every non white person. Sure if Adolf Hitler had won Nicole Brown would still be alive today but Ronald Goldman and Denzel Washington would not. Put yourself into the other person’s shoes. If Saddam Hussein had invaded the United States to steal our oil and killed President Bush and set up a puppet government in Washington led by Rupert Murdoch and we had no electricity, no running water, no toilets and there was complete anarchy in the streets and 100 innocent American children were tortured and killed in the most horrific manner every day, little Jon Benet Ramseys, with holes drilled into their heads, and little American girls’ schools were bombed for four years, would we call the brave American boys and girls who did whatever it took to win our country back “Insurgents” or “Brave Heroic Freedom Fighters”? Your media except on the internet repeatedly calls black white and you sit there as your politicians vote to remove your only source of truth the independent news websites on the internet which cannot afford to pay the new heavy fees which are petty cash to Rupert Murdoch and News Corp and Fox News. You are putting a fox in charge of your hen house.
O.J. Simpson was charged with the murder of his beautiful wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. He was found not guilty at his trial. Now he wants to do what every Christian person is told to do and that is to confess his sins but Rupert Murdoch and News Corp cancelled the publication of O.J. Simpson’s book. We watched the white Bronco chase, sat on the edge of our seats for a year during the trial of O.J. Simpson, screamed bloody murder when he was acquitted and now when he wants to make a full and detailed confession Rupert Murdoch and News Corp and Fox News who control what we can and cannot hear and see says, “No O.J. you cannot confess.” Imagine a court in which the defendant being tried for the murder of your child stands up in the middle of the trial and says “I’d like to make a confession now” and the judge screamed at him and said “Shut Up and Sit down!” This is the house you are building for yourselves.
The most famous exorcist of all time and probably the most effective was Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was a socialist. He commanded his followers to sell all of their possessions and give all of the money to the poor. He upset the tables of the money changers in his father’s Temple and lashed out at the religious leaders of his day for having turned the Holy Temple in Jerusalem into a den of thieves.
Dr. Peck, the first cousin of Gregory Peck, used Gregorian chants to perform his exorcisms. He said that psychiatrists are spirits who don’t know that they are spirits. L. Ron Hubbard claimed that spirits were Thetans. He convinced Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, John Travolta, David Beckham and his beautiful wife Posh Spice. Psychiatrist M. Scott Peck M.D. said that psychiatry had actually categorized devils in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatry as people suffering from narcissistic personality disorder. Al Pacino who played “The Father of Lies” in “The Devil’s Advocate” said “Vanity is my favorite sin.” It was through people’s vanity that Satan controlled them.
Rupert Murdoch controls News Corp. News Corp is a media conglomerate which reaches 4.5 billion people including the watchers of Fox News. Rupert Murdoch became the ultimate neo con right winger during his friendship with Ronald and Nancy Reagan. Freedom of the press is not very helpful when society allows 1 man like Rupert Murdoch such immense control over what people are allowed to know. In law the prosecution must make full disclosure of their case to the defendant whose life is on the line. In the real world Rupert Murdoch can allow you to see only what he wants you to see and hide what he doesn’t want you to see. This is why preserving net neutrality is so vital to our freedom. Fox News is so biased to the Republican agenda and the war in Iraq that when O.J. Simpson began to confess in detail on the factor spin zone Bill O’Reilly screamed at him, “Shut Up!”
Who is Bill O’Reilly to tell O.J. Simpson, number 32, a football legend to shut up? Jesus Christ hated the vain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. Jesus hated the vain self righteous people who took the front pews in the Synagogues and marched around with the Torahs. Jesus called for the abolition of buildings to worship in. Jesus said that people should pray in their closets. One never knows if Bill O’Reilly will ever come out of the closet like Mary Cheney but Wolf Blitzer doesn’t need to. We all know that he likes sheep.
Who do you like in the Super Bowl tomorrow Johnny Unitas or Mike Ditka? I’d like to see Bill O’Reilly tell Mike Ditka to “Shut Up!” Mike Ditka would fulfill the fantasy of the left wing crowd and stuff Bill O’Reilly into a coke can and then kick him through the uprights for the winning field goal. It all boils down to this. Do you want your news given to you by the boss of Bill O’Reilly Rupert Murdoch and his cronies or do you want full disclosure so that you can make a fully informed decision on your own? If you prefer full disclosure then you must stand up for net neutrality now. The United States Congress is about to revoke net neutrality while you sleep. What kind of a congress and President would vote that you could only hear biased reporting in which many of the facts are absolute made up lies, like global warming is a myth, the United States did not invade the Middle East to steal their oil and cigarettes are good for you.
Go tell the polar bears which are now forced to eat their children that global warming is a myth. Go tell the Siberians whose snow has turned oily smelly bright yellowish orange that global warming is a myth. Don’t put oil executives in the White House secretly doctoring the scientific research which Americans are allowed to see so that people think that global warming is a myth. Jesus said that the truth would set us free. This is only true if we act upon the truth. A lie can only hurt you if you believe it. Greedy evil lying spirits living inside of powerful people will soon lead to our extinction. Look at the filthy lies coming out of the Black House beating the hateful drums of war: “Muslims are terrorists, insurgents, Islamofascists.”
This is the kind of lying racist filth which Adolf Hitler and his Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels used to convince 50 million German people to attempt to conquer the world and sanitize it of every non white person. Sure if Adolf Hitler had won Nicole Brown would still be alive today but Ronald Goldman and Denzel Washington would not. Put yourself into the other person’s shoes. If Saddam Hussein had invaded the United States to steal our oil and killed President Bush and set up a puppet government in Washington led by Rupert Murdoch and we had no electricity, no running water, no toilets and there was complete anarchy in the streets and 100 innocent American children were tortured and killed in the most horrific manner every day, little Jon Benet Ramseys, with holes drilled into their heads, and little American girls’ schools were bombed for four years, would we call the brave American boys and girls who did whatever it took to win our country back “Insurgents” or “Brave Heroic Freedom Fighters”? Your media except on the internet repeatedly calls black white and you sit there as your politicians vote to remove your only source of truth the independent news websites on the internet which cannot afford to pay the new heavy fees which are petty cash to Rupert Murdoch and News Corp and Fox News. You are putting a fox in charge of your hen house.
O.J. Simpson was charged with the murder of his beautiful wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. He was found not guilty at his trial. Now he wants to do what every Christian person is told to do and that is to confess his sins but Rupert Murdoch and News Corp cancelled the publication of O.J. Simpson’s book. We watched the white Bronco chase, sat on the edge of our seats for a year during the trial of O.J. Simpson, screamed bloody murder when he was acquitted and now when he wants to make a full and detailed confession Rupert Murdoch and News Corp and Fox News who control what we can and cannot hear and see says, “No O.J. you cannot confess.” Imagine a court in which the defendant being tried for the murder of your child stands up in the middle of the trial and says “I’d like to make a confession now” and the judge screamed at him and said “Shut Up and Sit down!” This is the house you are building for yourselves.
Karen Fish
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