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March for Abortion Rights

Laura Sterry | 03.02.2007 15:21

Nottingham University Women's Campaign is travelling to London to march for abortion rights on March 3rd - there's still space on the minibus - join us!

Following a call by the Feminist Fightback conference, there will be a torchlit march for abortion rights in London at 6pm (starting from ULU Malet Street), 3rd March 2007 as part of International Women's Week.

The march is organised by an autonomous women’s steering committee but the march is open to people of all genders

The marchers will call for
- The right to abortion on demand (this means an end to having to get the consent of 2 doctors) up to the legal times limit.
- The extension of abortion rights to women in northern Ireland
- Abortion to be integrated into the NHS as an ordinary medical service
- An end to privatisation and fragmentation in the NHS; increased public funding to guarantee access to abortion
- Improved access to and increased choice of publicly funded contraception
- Clear, honest, comprehensive and confidential sexuality and relationship education for all children which addresses issues of consent and domestic violence
- A real 'right to choose' which also means the right to have a child free from economic and social pressure. This requires a living wage or equivalent in benefits, publicly funded childcare and an end to the stigmatisation of single mothers.

To join the Nottingham delegation on the march contact Laura - or 07966286629

We will be travelling to London on a minibus on saturday afternoon (this is a free service but donations are welcome). Space is limited so please get in touch as soon as possible!

For more information see or

Laura Sterry
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Hide the following 4 comments


03.02.2007 17:23

If only the process of giving women and women having abortions was that cut and dry. Shut up love, the whole abortion thing is violent and traumatic and sadistic towards women and children.Why not encourage responsible contraception since prevention is better than any so-called cure or try campaigning for peace instead.

A mother

back street late abortions are even more murderous & brutal

03.02.2007 19:07

This seems to be a call out for more education, love & contraception . No one appears to be arguing Abortion is great, it is though sometimes the only option & its better done early in a hospital than late in a back street.
That abortion is illegal in N.Ireland is barbaric, as everyone knows abortion has been performed primitively for thousands of years & to allow that to continue is far more barbaric.
I do agree that contraception needs to practiced especially in areas like the texas bible belt, BNP households & especially their corporate fascists banker buddies during strikes & depression areas like the Bushes & Rockefellers.

Here are some links from Brighton Earth First & Do or die for Herbal abortion with links to phone number for advice in the uk. Theses manuals say the herbs recommended are non toxic if not ingested internally but it is highly recommended to contact a herbalist before the attempting herbal procedures
Up until a few centuries ago this knowledge was deeply hidden in the uk due to murder & burning of thousands of herbalists or wise women. Also includes herbal info on nettles that are an amazing source of iron & vitamin c if picked as advized early then boiled & made into tonic with a
little sugar

a human

abortion or...

05.02.2007 00:28

Abortion or peace? why not both... Women who want an abortion should have the right to have one like they do in much of the rest of the civilized world. It seems more ethical to allow it under safe conditions than have desperate girls experimenting with herbs, or worse... after all, would you prefer your 16-year old have an abortion, a child, or poison herself?

a woman

educated people

02.03.2007 13:19

Of course abortion should be legal & herbal abortion done by trained herbalists, if people are educated & its done early enough this is more natural & not a an operation which can be more dangerous than herbs that are only poisonous if ingested orally.
Not everyone has easy access to a doctor or a pharmacy, herbalists need recognition in health practice in the uk.

a human