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“Milk is Murder” in red paint stunt

Alf | 02.02.2007 18:06 | Animal Liberation | Health | Cambridge

Today animal rights protesters covered dairy products and beef with red paint in the ASDA supermarket in Cambridge. The action was in designed to highlight the link between live exports and the milk industry. According to a spokesperson for campaigners “when consumers buy milk products they are supporting the inhumane export of young male calves from the milk industry to other European countries, the animals, if they get there alive may be subject to conditions so inhumane they are illegal in the UK” . According to the protesters, they are exported in order to be raised in veal crates for their 'meat'. "This trade causes suffering and distress to both the baby calves and the mother cows, who have their babies taken at a few days old."

The action was planned to coincide with Jill Phipps Week of Action, Ms Phipps was killed under the wheels of live export truck whilst protesting against the trade. A spokesperson for the protesters says “Jill died trying to stop this terrible trade, we hope that everyone will keep her fight alive until the trade ends for good”.

The protesters are calling for a boycott of all dairy products as well as veal and say that they “hope that the people of Cambridge get behind the boycott in a big way and replace dairy with healthy non-animal products”.



Hide the following 61 comments

Milk is suicide

02.02.2007 18:52

People in England quite happy with murder, less happy with any risk to their own health. Maybe you should educate the public more about how the hormones present in milk are so similar to their own hormones that it causes cancer. Or that all cheap milk is full of cow pus from a thousand beasts. Or that new Monsanto GM cows in Wallmart-UK milk have even more casualities. It's odd to be able to buy a breats-cancer awareness badge at the checkout while buying the milk that caused the cancer.

Sure, as Alf your main concern is the welfare of the poor, wrung-dry animals. Most people only care for themselves though so if you want to have more of an effect, be more PR sus. Ignoring the cows, cows milk is deadlier than absinthe and yet people drink it everyday thinking they are doing themselves some good. The medical case against it is undeniable.


You really need to rotate and resize such pics before uploading

02.02.2007 19:06

Thanks for doing the action and reporting it. That pics need to be resized before uploading may not be that obvious although recommended pic sizes are given on the publish help page. However it should be very obvious that no one should have to crick their neck by having to turn their head to view your sideways-on pics. Just about any photo or graphics editing software is capable of easily resizing pics so that they are no more than 640 pixels wide and also rotating them 90 degrees to the right. If you really don't have any graphics editor then Photofiltre for windows is a small download and very easy to use.

- Homepage:


02.02.2007 20:42

all the fucking waste good food ruined by scum there are people in poverty and you do this?

Mandy Osmosis

I Agree

02.02.2007 21:16

I completely agree with Mandy, such waste is terrible when people such as herself are obviously in need of dairy products and the suffering they entail. Now if Mandy would post her full address then future socially concious animal rights activists could deliver what she obviously needs.

Welsh Andy


02.02.2007 22:47

What you goning to do then 'Welsh Andy'?

Wait till she comes out and hit her with a baseball bat?
Send her some ordinance through the post?
Dig up a dead relative?

Why don't you put your details up?


fuck the dairy industry go vegan

03.02.2007 01:34

Nice job!

Mandy osmosis (hippy? no?) let's have you repeatedly impregnated and milked to death for years on end till you can't stand up right then you can fucking comment dumbass.


bootiful H5N1

03.02.2007 11:35

Hey Alf,

The thousands of dead turkeys at Bernard Matthews factory-farm are H5N1 positive. Which highlights the diseases spread by meat yet blamed on animals. You don't need to be a meat-eater to be at risk from the meat industry.



03.02.2007 15:06

Hi Everybody !
Sadly I have had to increase some of the prices at my place but hope you will still suppoort me.
Bread with Jam is now 2p a slice
Bread with Pure Spread is now 2p
Vegan roule is now 10p a slice
Carrot and Gillarna Soup is now 25p a bowl.
Various Vegan Cakes are still 30p a slice.

Any Queries please drop me a line .

Steve Mclean

dead birds

03.02.2007 16:51

The meat industry only exists because of those who choose to continue to scavenge over dead animal corpses. With any luck it will be them that contract bird flu and die and leave the rest of us to live in peace with the earth and its varied species : ) Fingers crossed.

vegan earth

Get a Grip

03.02.2007 17:44

" With any luck it will be them that contract bird flu and die and leave the rest of us to live in peace with the earth and its varied species"
vegan earth

So, you're some kind of hate-filled food fascist, eh vegan earth? With any luck, human beings that wish harm on other human beings will all die and leave the rest of us to live in peace with the earth and its varied species.
Are you implying some sort of "with us or against us" attitude? One wonders where you got THAT from?
Not all meat eaters are evil scumbags you thoughtless tosser, some of us support the animal rights activists and are making inroads into changing our diets. But if it means I become an arsehole like you, maybe I won't...?


dry your eyes

04.02.2007 00:15

"Not all meat eaters are evil scumbags".

ok they're kindly, compassionate and generally good all' round souls.

get fucking real. Tosser. 99% of them know the suffering incurred to animals because of their greed for the want of the luxury of consuming anothers dead and rotting body.

vegan earth

People who should be shot

04.02.2007 12:44

" 99% of them know the suffering incurred to animals because of their greed for the want of the luxury of consuming anothers dead and rotting body. "

Sure, but since they are happy to be murderers then maybe you should emphasise the dangers to themselves and their kids, from eating the crap and from factory farming the animals. This virus can't discriminate between vegans and meat-eaters or even between humans and birds.

Public perception of their own safety is a great motivator. Say for instance the Sun got a press-release pretending that some animal rights extremist had found a dead wild bird or discarded turkey and had started spreading the disease deliberately in other factory farms and meat processoring plants, or had infected themselves and was travelling on the tube everyday. Jolly jape or evil plot ?

"People who should be shot

- Fascist thugs
- Religious fundamentalists
- People who write lists telling you who should be shot"

not Banksy


04.02.2007 15:20

I am vegan, but I definitely don’t think all meat-eaters are bad people, many of us started out meat-eaters ourselves, I hope people come to understand why its wrong to kill other animals and join us.

If you eat meat or drink milk visit



05.02.2007 21:56

but you can pry my cheese out of my cold dead hands!

I have no problems with vegans as long as they don't get preachy and try and force it down everyone elses throat, which unfotunately people this site tend to do a lot. In an ideal world all meat and dairy would be organic, free range, non factory farmed. We have been using meat and dairy long before we had capitalism without any effects on the environment, it's the capitialist methods of production that are causing most of the problems.

And yes, if push came to shove I would be willing to kill my own animals for food if it came down to it. I don't eat meat anyway cause of the whole "the grain used to feed a beef cow can feed 10 times as many humans" arguement, although this is strictly due to methods of production then being anti-meat for the sake of being anti-meat.

The preachy self-rightout attitude of some vegans actually makes me less inclined to become one.

Mr. Humph

Property is theft? Milk is theft!

05.02.2007 23:15

You are entitled to your opinions, but isn’t that a bit like saying you don’t have to keep a (human) slave but just don’t tell me not to? Why are animals so less important than humans are?

If you are against capitalism (and you presumably advocate for its end) are you not “preaching” and telling people what not to do?


vegan proposaganda is offputting

06.02.2007 00:13

Veganism is strangely ethnocentric - try telling the majority of the worlds remaining tribespeople, and much of 'modern' america, africa, europe, eurasia and australasia that they are evil and should die because of what they eat. They'll look at you the way you deserve to be looked at. I don't eat meat by the way, I'm just an evil murdering pescatarian who will no doubt go to hell some point soon. No doubt I have spelt things wrongly in this comment too - ignorance is bliss huh?

Not vegan

Do they look at animals the same way too?

06.02.2007 00:36

"They'll look at you the way you deserve to be looked at"

Meat/Dairy is Murder.

miracle to be alive

Dead birds give away

06.02.2007 00:57

TV reporters were trying to give away (for free) packages containing dead bird parts in supermarkets today and hey, guess what? None were taken!


"Why are animals so less important than humans are?"

06.02.2007 01:11

Why are lions so less important than antelopes are?
Why are dolphins so less important than fish are?
Why are foxes so less important than rabbits are?
Why are cats so less important than mice are?
Why are aardvarks so less important than ants are?
Why are monkeys so less important than bananas are?

In fact even by BREATHING you are effectively MURDERING millions of bacteria with every breath - shame on you! Yes the current meat and dairy industry is far from sustainable but there is no reason IMO why small-scale meat and dairy production under stringent standards would not be able to continue, it worked fine up till the Industrial Revolution. If people want to drink milk and eat meat, they will drink milk and eat meat, even if you want to impose enforced veganism on people. This is not an apology for the status quo - I am more than aware that the mass production of meat and diary will have to come to an end, and this will mean that milk and meat will obviously be in more limited supply in a post-capitalist world, but trying to force people to stop eating meat and drinking milk is not going to get you much support, and at the end of the way people will do as they please, unless you advocate harsh punishments for those who don't do as you say, which I don't seem to recall is very compatable with a world without expolitation.

I am aware that this will probably result in me being called "anthropocentric". FYI, I am not ashamed to have that label, I am human, therefore it's in my interest to promote the interests of the human race.

Mr. Humph

harsh punishments

06.02.2007 02:02

Liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, cancer, brain disease (maybe even bird flu!) are just a few examples of how dead corpse eaters can die through being involved in the consumption of the decaying flesh of others.

Make your choice.

Hammer Horror

Meat and health

06.02.2007 18:19

"Liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, cancer, brain disease (maybe even bird flu!) are just a few examples of how dead corpse eaters can die through being involved in the consumption of the decaying flesh of others."

Strange, there are many examples of people living perfectly long lives while still having dead things in their diet. Like tobacco smoking, just because it's unhealthy is not going to prevent people from doing it anyway (and I bet a lot of vegans who preach about the health benefits are quite, quite happy with kippering their lungs with carcinogens). Neither is threatening or guilt trippning people, that is more likely to get them to dig their heels in and declare themselves "dead animal eaters and proud".

Oh and by the way, vegans and non-smokers die every day. (Ripped off from Bill Hicks)

Mr. Humph


06.02.2007 21:05

You put the interests of humans way above the interests of animals, simply because you are human, so why is it wrong for racists to put the interests of his or her race way above the interests of other races.

One struggle, one fight - human liberation, animal liberation!


So what if I do?

06.02.2007 22:35

"You put the interests of humans way above the interests of animals, simply because you are human"

Which is what humans have done thoughout their existance, whether it hunting and eating animals for survival (and early on in our history that was necessary), to eliminating those animals that spread diseases and competed with humans for food. I feel no shame in condoning this.

You think that animals share exactly the same level of intellence and comprehension as humans. I don't. But so long as you don't go round attacking anyone who doesn't follow your beliefs, I am happy to adopt a "live and let live attitude" (and yes, I am being hypocritical cause I am happy to condone the killing of animals). But hey, blame my ancestors, the chimpanzees, they are happy to eat monkeys cause they feel like it.

Mr. Humph


06.02.2007 23:50

I do not feel non-human animals have the same degree of intelligence as humans. But I feel this should not be a factor in whether we have the right to eat them or not, if such things have a factor on what basis do we allocate rights to the severely mentally disabled? The philosopher Jeremy Bentham put it well when he said, “The question is not, can they reason? Nor, can they talk? But can they suffer?”

People will do a number of things in order to survive, but at this point for, most of us in the UK there should be no life and death reason for eating others. Tradition or the “we have always done it this way argument” is not reason for saying something is moral or immoral.

Also, even if you only believe that animal farming needs reform it would make sense not to drink/eat (most) dairy products, until after the socialist revolution.


Mr. Humph

07.02.2007 13:17

Mr. Humph said:

"I am aware that this will probably result in me being called "anthropocentric". FYI, I am not ashamed to have that label, I am human, therefore it's in my interest to promote the interests of the human race."

Then Mr Humph went on to say:

"Strange, there are many examples of people living perfectly long lives while still having dead things in their diet. Like tobacco smoking, just because it's unhealthy is not going to prevent people from doing it anyway (and I bet a lot of vegans who preach about the health benefits are quite, quite happy with kippering their lungs with carcinogens). Neither is threatening or guilt trippning people, that is more likely to get them to dig their heels in and declare themselves "dead animal eaters and proud".

Oh and by the way, vegans and non-smokers die every day. (Ripped off from Bill Hicks) "

Mr Humph, you seem to say things just for the sake of argument and contradict yourself along the way. In one statement you claim to promote the interests of the human race then you rave on about unhealthy diet and smoking, seemingly promoting these bad habits.

I walked past our local school today and it is shocking to see the large amount of child abuse that is accepted in our society and promoted by people like yourself. I say it is child abuse to feed our children a high saturated fat diet, everything we feed them contains animal products.

Yes people who eat meat and smoke can go onto live a long life but many, many more go onto die from heart attack, stroke, cancer and a wide range of health problems. The health service is bogged down with people who abuse themselves. What better way to raise money for childrens hospitals than educate people and promote healthy living through diet?

The top three killers in the western world are preventable through healthy diet and living and the fouth biggest killer is big Pharma (ADRs)

Apart from the health aspect of the animal food industry factory farming is one of the biggest contributer to global warming and the distruction of ecosystem world wide. Farming in the UK has almost distroyed our wildlife through intensive farming methods and much of the worlds grain is, as you rightly said, grown for animal feeds!!

The greatest impact we could have on our planet would be to go vegan and we are all aware of native africans who live off the land and I would rather keep it that way than push our westrn lifestyle on them!

I am vegan and yes I do agree that many vegans are too aggressive and in your face to the point it is off putting but they are in the minority. I can't see how they expect to insult people in the way they use words like rotting flesh etc And expect to win people over to the vegan diet.

By the way, a vegan lives a life free from animal abuse and doesn't go out of their way to kill animals and for you to start going on about bacteria is pathetic really. We are aware that we will cause they death of some life, what we strive to do is limit the amout of death and leave as little footprint as possible. What is in our control to do so we will strive to live as cruelty free life as possible.

I am vegan because I want to promote all life not just human, we do need each other...


ALF/Bite Back

07.02.2007 19:34

Has anyone sent info about this to the ALF website or Bite Back website? Because i think it would be of interest to them.


BiteBack and ALF sites

07.02.2007 20:37

I found the article on the Animal Liberation Front site:

No sign of it on biteback, maybe you could e-mail them?


What next?

08.02.2007 00:15

"I found the article on the Animal Liberation Front site:

No sign of it on biteback, maybe you could e-mail them?


Yes really sad isn't it? What next, nock a door run? Some ARs need to grow up!


Build a bridge – get over it!

08.02.2007 19:24

DVD, it’s a publicity stunt, build a bridge – get over it! One non-violent fight, fight as one. PETA has done well using them, this was a bit more local and less sophisticated, but along the same lines!


Not very clever.

08.02.2007 21:19

"DVD, it’s a publicity stunt, build a bridge – get over it! One non-violent fight, fight as one. PETA has done well using them, this was a bit more local and less sophisticated, but along the same lines!

Yes it was a negative PR stunt and I don't think Viva would like kids running around causing criminal damage leaving Viva leaflets behind!

PETA don't advertise their PR stunts on Bite-Back or the animal liberation front web site after running off.



09.02.2007 00:14

Negative? Killing animals for milk is negative; hopefully this will get people talking whether they agree with the action or not.

Did you know that PETA activists put fake blood on the Burberry shop windows?



09.02.2007 11:22

"Negative? Killing animals for milk is negative; hopefully this will get people talking whether they agree with the action or not.

Did you know that PETA activists put fake blood on the Burberry shop windows?


Yes killing animals for milk is negative but people with not think anything other than stupid idiots. What do you expect a trolley full of products covered in paint is going to do? I will have reached a handful and that's it, the message will have been lost.

PETA kill thousands of animals also, didn't you know? Yes activisst did put fake blood on a Burburry shop and it reached the nationals, not Bite-Back or the "ALF" site. They also didn't run off.

This sort of action is childish and counter productive.



09.02.2007 14:50

PETA is a large, big budget organisation and the campaign was in central London so yes it reached the nationals. This action was a smaller, more local action and was posted to indymedia (and yes a copy was found on the ALF site).

Fight the animal abusers not each other, if the this action keeps the milk industry in peoples minds, well its played a part.

And PETA does put animals to sleep, it seems you have a problem with them as well!


I beg to differ.

09.02.2007 20:56

"PETA is a large, big budget organisation and the campaign was in central London so yes it reached the nationals. This action was a smaller, more local action and was posted to indymedia (and yes a copy was found on the ALF site).

Fight the animal abusers not each other, if the this action keeps the milk industry in peoples minds, well its played a part.

And PETA does put animals to sleep, it seems you have a problem with them as well!

Ring PETA up and ask they all about their euthanasia policy, I did. PETA put animals down and in large numbers, I suggest you do some home work.

Yes this was posted on Indy, the animal rights section of Indy, that tells me it was an action to boost egos and say "look what I have done everyone" I am radical. The industry is already in peoples minds, well, on the Animal lib section of Indy...

The action also linked Viva, a main stream AR group with criminal acts, not good.

It was childish.


Promoted Newswire

09.02.2007 22:09

It was posted on the main page (and added to the promoted newswire), Cambridge page and the health page as well as the “animal liberation” page.

I know PETA’s stance on putting animals to sleep, but it’s the people buying the “pets” that are causing the problem really not PETA! I’m for one movement you seem to be for a split movement.

I know your vegan but are you an AR activist, just a question?



10.02.2007 02:29

God fucking dammit. If Milk was so bad, people would ban it by now. DURR.

If you don't like milk, that is entirely YOUR problem, don't take your bullshit on us and ruin our health, I personally don't like being a stick that'd break in half if hugged. Sorry.



You now question my activism?

10.02.2007 15:12

"It was posted on the main page (and added to the promoted newswire), Cambridge page and the health page as well as the “animal liberation” page.

I know PETA’s stance on putting animals to sleep, but it’s the people buying the “pets” that are causing the problem really not PETA! I’m for one movement you seem to be for a split movement.

I know your vegan but are you an AR activist, just a question?


And the responce was that it was a childish action.. I help out a kennels, they do not put animals down instead they spend time finding loving homes for them. PETA are not an animal rights org and I suggest you read up on AR philosophy before you try pull the rightist card.

Yes I am an animal rights activist and an vegan and have AR related convictions. I am all for what ever helps against the abuse of animals and this action I believe was a childish prank that did more harm than good.

I am not all for the unconditional support for every action claimed in the name of animals rights either. I think some actions go too far and people should speak out against these actions to show that not everyone supports violent actions.

Do you support all AR direct actions?


Any group could have done it.

10.02.2007 15:16

"PETA is a large, big budget organisation and the campaign was in central London so yes it reached the nationals."

Didn't need a big budget for their stunt just good PR savvy.


Direct Actions

10.02.2007 16:57

I don’t support all AR direct actions and agree that some actions should be spoken out against, but this should be kept to a minimum as much as possible. Maybe you feel this action was so evilly harmful that its worth braking movement unity to condemn it, that’s up to you!

I feel the action was a productive action, if it got one person thinking about the live export link to milk or thinking about animal protection issues. We need people on all fronts for the battle for animal rights, it’s not going to be won by one approach.


Movement unity???

10.02.2007 17:58

"I don’t support all AR direct actions and agree that some actions should be spoken out against, but this should be kept to a minimum as much as possible. Maybe you feel this action was so evilly harmful that its worth braking movement unity to condemn it, that’s up to you!

I feel the action was a productive action, if it got one person thinking about the live export link to milk or thinking about animal protection issues. We need people on all fronts for the battle for animal rights, it’s not going to be won by one approach.


I think this action was ill though out and childish.

1. Viva leaflets were left at the scene of a crime, then it was posted on

2. The staff at ASDA will send out more of a bad message than this sent out a good one.

3. The kids who did this will probably be caught in the future due to cctv cameras.

Tell me about this movement unity? You do understand that extremism within the AR movement is a very small part? You yourself said that you do not agree with all direct actions so who are you to question me when I disagree with this action? I have given you three good reasons why I think it was a negative action.

Tell you what, look at it this way. NETCU will have all the cctv from in and around ASDA and sooner or later the people who did this will pop up and they will be knicked....

Think before you drink before you drive.......................................



10.02.2007 22:30

Those fuckheads at netcu will be storm raiding the houses of people who take damaged goods back to woolworths soon. They're fucking deranged, and so is their boss.

piper alpha

And another child creeps out of the woodwork.

10.02.2007 23:15

"Those fuckheads at netcu will be storm raiding the houses of people who take damaged goods back to woolworths soon. They're fucking deranged, and so is their boss.
piper alpha "

But in the mean time they are putting AR activists in jail, some for long time. Actions like this helps fill the jails..



11.02.2007 11:58

I think DVD is just trying to start arguements, i dont think your AR at all. You are making negative comments against anything, anyone says on here. Probably works for fucking NET-CUnts, seems to be abit protective about them! haha, seriously DVD get a life and stop spending all your time on this website. If you are AR then go out and do something useful !


Thanks ALFie

11.02.2007 16:27

Thanks ALFie, some sense at last! (Even if your post was a little over the top! lol). The points DVD bring up seem minor and all actions have some negatives. DVD also seems to think he/she has the right to condemn this action, but I don’t have the right to condemn him/her condemnation.

The stunt was simple and small but hopefully will get someone talking, if ASDA staff are vegan I don’t think this will make them drink milk, if not they would drink milk anyway!


Do something?

11.02.2007 23:49

"I think DVD is just trying to start arguements, i dont think your AR at all. You are making negative comments against anything, anyone says on here. Probably works for fucking NET-CUnts, seems to be abit protective about them! haha, seriously DVD get a life and stop spending all your time on this website. If you are AR then go out and do something useful !

Read what you wrote then tell me who is just trying to start arguments, I don't start arguments, I finish them...

Protective of NETCU? I wounder what these kids will be thinking if NETCU come around kicking their door in at 8.00 in the morning for something that was ill tought out and childish. I suppose they all walk to and into ASDA with balaclavas on? I suggest you grow up and recognise good advise when you see it.

I am an animal rights activists and I suspect I do much more than your "Look at me I am an ALFie" post.

Great post. congrats.


Free speach.

12.02.2007 16:31

"Thanks ALFie, some sense at last! (Even if your post was a little over the top! lol). The points DVD bring up seem minor and all actions have some negatives. DVD also seems to think he/she has the right to condemn this action, but I don’t have the right to condemn him/her condemnation.

The stunt was simple and small but hopefully will get someone talking, if ASDA staff are vegan I don’t think this will make them drink milk, if not they would drink milk anyway!


I haven't said you do not have the right to question my opinion of this ill thoughtout "action" but you have not done that at all. I have said why I think is was negative but you can't point out a possitive.

Yes the action was small and will get people talking negative more than possitive. ASDA staff will go home and say some idiots came...... Leaving Viva leaflets in the trolley!!

Two neg points I have pointed out not to mention the high risk of arrest for what? I can think of more possitive and leagal methods to get the point accross.


Go on then

12.02.2007 18:49

What do you suggest then, oh wise one? dvd?


Information maybe?

12.02.2007 19:55

"What do you suggest then, oh wise one? dvd?

Street stalls, Viva and PETA are a good start. Viva and PETA are often quoted as the orgs that turned people veg*n....


animal rights movement

12.02.2007 20:09

DVD, It takes all types to make a movement, the animal rights movement is small and I think its good when people experiment with new ways of getting people thinking, if people are thinking its a good start. Also it may motivate other activists to do something, not putting them off, as you seem to be!

Respect, Love and Animal Lib!


Small movement?

12.02.2007 21:43

"DVD, It takes all types to make a movement, the animal rights movement is small and I think its good when people experiment with new ways of getting people thinking, if people are thinking its a good start. Also it may motivate other activists to do something, not putting them off, as you seem to be!

Respect, Love and Animal Lib!

The animal rights movement isn't small at all, the grassroots movement is small and I don't think it is good for people to experiment in this way because it is counter productive, been done before and you are going to get nicked for not thinking things through.

If you think that this is going to motivate other activists you are much more naive than I first thought.

I would rather put young activists off this sort of ill thought out action and put them on the right track.

You keep saying if people are and it may.....



14.02.2007 00:06

I personally don't give a shit what actions people take, if they're risky or if they're not. That's up to whoever's carrying them out. Saying that, every single action that is taken in the name of animal liberation I stick by to the death. There's no time for debate. Action not words will win the day and save lives.

Earth Rising

All mouth, no action?

14.02.2007 15:41

"I personally don't give a shit what actions people take, if they're risky or if they're not. That's up to whoever's carrying them out. Saying that, every single action that is taken in the name of animal liberation I stick by to the death. There's no time for debate. Action not words will win the day and save lives.
Earth Rising"

Not much going on in the UK to say we have all these people spouting off "actions not words" with every other post. I for one welcome the down trend in violence and want to see how the mainstream orgs will act.

Another "look at me I am an ALFer" ego monster..

Yeah actions do speak louder than words so why you wording off all the time?



14.02.2007 22:48

DVD, if you think every action taken in the name of, say, SHAC is on biteback I think you are probably very mistaken!


Bite Back

14.02.2007 23:16

"DVD, if you think every action taken in the name of, say, SHAC is on biteback I think you are probably very mistaken!

If you think most of them are not then you are very much mistaken.

Stick to supermarket trolleys..



15.02.2007 22:02

Please don’t imply my involvement with this action!


Good target, bad job

16.02.2007 00:33

Im all for varying forms of AR/enviro direct action but this is rubbish. Not only does it send out a negative messege to the wider public, I as a vegan wouldn't get what it was about and probably think it was just some local kids for abit of a laugh. A good target, but a bad job.

mail e-mail:

The light at the end of the tunnel..

16.02.2007 21:15

"Good target, bad job
16.02.2007 00:33

Im all for varying forms of AR/enviro direct action but this is rubbish. Not only does it send out a negative messege to the wider public, I as a vegan wouldn't get what it was about and probably think it was just some local kids for abit of a laugh. A good target, but a bad job.



Good Job Good target

17.02.2007 01:04

and the rest of 'em!

(V) (A) (E)

Go (v) (a) (e) !!!

17.02.2007 22:19

V A E, great post! Support the movement!


You're all as bad as the meat-eaters

13.03.2007 14:27

Anyone who thinks it's O.K. for humans to die (whether by being killed or otherwise) is just as bad as the meat-eaters who think it's O.K. for animals to die.

Meat-eaters eat animals for various reaons: because they wrongly feel they have to (eg. they ridiculously think it's healthier to be a meat-eater than a vegetarian or vegan when of course the reverse is true), because they don't realise how cruel farms and abbatoirs really are (with misinformation now having been compunded by the watered-down sanitised 'kill it, cook it, eat it' programme), or because they don't see animals as living beings with feelings - they just see them as "meat" - in other words, they see them as less important than theirselves.

For you to want to kill a person, or wish death on a person, because you see them as somehow "less human" then you makes you as bad as them.

And what if the family is vegan but only one person eats meat? You don't care about the suffering you will cause to that family (the same kind of suffering you argue against when it comes to cows and other animals used for food)? Or if even one person in the family is vegan? You don't even care about the suffering that you will cause that person?

I used to eat meat. Happily. Then I realised how wrong it was and became vegetarian (partly due to to TV, partly due to the internet). After years of happily beaing a vegetarian and eating dairy and products with egg in them, I discovered information that caused me to realise how much suffering the dairy industry and the egg industry cause. I am now vegan and have been for at least 2 years.

In short, I am vegan because I realised how much suffering I was contributing to by eating animal products. It was hard at first because I didn't replace any nutrients that were now missing (eg. calcium from milk) with nutrients from other sources (eg. from soya alternative to milk) but now I'm fine, I make sure I get what I need. If I had died as a result of some "animal rights" action, I would not be here now and able to encourage (emphasis on ENCOURAGE, not pressure, as pressuring just annoys people) to be vegan. My family would be suffering immensely, and all for the sake of someone claiming that all lives are important whilst not really believing that because they are happy to harm humans.

I have always loved animals, but didn't realise at first how sickening the animal products industries really are. Now I do.

We need attitudes to be changed not more anger and hurt and upset.


To Steve Mclean

13.03.2007 19:25

Steve Mclean, those are the cheapest prices I've ever seen for vegan stuff like that - please let me know where your business is and how you manage to keep the prices so cheap. My e-mail is

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