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Spring Into Action - A week of events on Climate Change, happening in Nottingham

Eastside Collective | 01.02.2007 19:56 | Climate Camp 2006 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Sheffield

A week of workshops, events, music and action on climate change happening at different venues across Nottingham, from Thursday 5th – Wednesday 11th April 2007.

Climate change is real and it's happening now. Governments and corporations dream of continued economic growth - economic growth can't solve this crisis, but we can. A massive and concerted effort is needed on the scale of 'Dig for Victory' or the 'Home Front': A war on climate change.

We can't continue our current way of life - the oil on which it all depends is running out too fast. A shift to a locally based economy will have to happen, with food and energy being produced by the people that use it. The only question is when? We could start now, or we could wait for a future of war, famine, hurricanes, droughts and floods. We need to gain the courage and change fast enough to cultivate a new world, before it's too late.

'Spring into Action' is part of an emerging grassroots movement against climate change. Born out of the Camp for Climate Action 'Spring into Action' unites people across the east of England into making changes in our own lives, creating small scale solutions in our communities and resisting those who still seek their own short term gain over a safe future for us all.

So get involved, come join a workshop or run one yourself, come and help organise the change that you want to experience in our world.

Tel: 07765 217118
Email: info [at] eastsideclimateaction [dot] org [dot] uk

Public Meetings:
Monday 5th February 2007, 7:30pm, Leicester, Friends Meeting House, Queens Road.
Thursday 8th February 2007, 7:30pm, Nottingham, International Community Centre, Mansfield Road.

Next Planning Meeting:
Thursday 15th February 2007, 7pm, Nottingham, Sumac Centre, Gladstone Street.

[ Map ]

Eastside Collective
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Further Planning Meetings

23.02.2007 13:18

The next Spring Into Action Planning Meeting is on Tuesday 27th February 2007 at 19:30 at the Sumac Centre.

Details of this, and future meetings, including venue map, can be found at

mail e-mail:

Full program available

02.04.2007 16:55

The full program is now online. Please go to the Eastside climate action website for it:

imc person


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Analysis of climate change

08.02.2007 02:23

O ittttttttts so middle class concerns

Openly Middle Class Teacher

Long Live Autonmous Marxism and Industralization, thats cos i support this campaign and talk shite, god !


Mirage Warrior

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