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All the Prime Ministers men

dp | 01.02.2007 13:21 | Analysis

The cabinet are discussing House of Lords reform today, presumably to discuss lowering the membership costs. Not coincidentally, they also chose today to relase news that Tony Blair was again questioned by police in the 'cash for peerages' scandal last Friday. Perhaps Blair should convert to judaism rather than catholicism simply to ensure he has a safe haven to bolt to like Lord Levy has.

Martin Bright, Political Editor of the New Statesman called it "potentially the most spectacular scandal in British politics for 100 years". Alex Salmond seems to be on the mark again comparing Blair to Nixon.

The police asked for a news blackout for 'operational reasons' and Downing Street surprisingly agreed and lied to the media for a week. So what operational reasons could have prompted the media blackout ? The only thing to progress in the operation was the rearrest of Lord Levy on Tuesday. So this is the polices way of saying 'we don't trust Levy not to bugger off to Israel if he suspects he is going to get charged'. Levy could face life imprisonment for 'perverting the course of justice'. The police probably remember Dame Shirley Porter disappearing to Israel to avoid paying her fines for corruption in office. This raises the question why have people in high office who can seek political refuge in a foriegn power with impunity simply because of their religion ? The crook shouldn't have been granted bail.

1. To impose or collect (a tax, for example).
2. To draft into military service.
3. To declare and wage (a war).



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01.02.2007 13:53

Tis someone else.The old boy network would have told El Bandito Levy Blaugh had been questioned.
