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Labour Party juggles with recycling rate in run up to local election

reporter | 31.01.2007 23:16 | Climate Chaos | Ecology

The Labour party has put an interesting twist on their work on recycling in Nottingham. In a recent promotional leaflet the Nottingham Labour Party claims to be 'committed to the environment' and that they will be 'prioritising Recycling and Climate Change for future generations'. Even more interestingly is the claim by the leader of the City Council Jon Collins that Labour has made the recycling rate grow at a fast rate: 'we are now in the top 3 of the UK's top cities'. However in a recent independent survey released by the Government, Nottingham City Council came an embarrassing 339th out of 393 local authorities, with a combined recycling and composting rate of just 18.6 per cent for 2004-05, less that 3 per cent higher than the worst performing authority in the UK, which is Tower Hamlets.

One resident of Sneinton commented on a previous article: 'Here in Sneinton we have been pushing local decision makers to get us proper recycling but they say we can't get it until 2009 or something. There is no cardboard recycling and there is only one place to take the recycling. Interestingly enough, the bins, especially the ones for the cans are nearly always overly full. This shows that residents want to recycle, but are just not given the resources to do so properly. The council has a mounth-full of how good it is on recycling but doesn't provide us with the facilities to do so, even after having been from meeting to meeting for months asking them for it. Where's the will to really sort this out?'

Links: Nottingham City Council Recycling .. .... Bottom of the Class again! | The released recycling league table

leaflet 01
leaflet 01

leaflet 02
leaflet 02

Walking off with the successes of grassroots campaigning
Walking off with the successes of grassroots campaigning

Even more interesting is that the same leaflet claims 'the success of the incinerator expansion'. It states that the Labour Party has 'consistently campaigned' on the issue. No mention of the NAIL Campaign or other local initiative. Consistantly campaigned? Interesting how politicians so blatenly hijack campaigning issues like these. I really wonder about their committment to sort out recycling in this city. Some areas can't even recycle the basics like cardboard. To quote Sneinton Resident: 'Where's the will to really sort this out?'



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More Labour lies then.

01.02.2007 14:49

Typical City Council propaganda. Anybody would think that there was an election coming up. Isn't it funny how Labour are claiming all the glory for a campaign that still has national Labour policy (of INCREASING incineration from 9% to 25%) weighted in favour of the Eastcroft expansion. If it wasn't for the NAIL campaign the city council would still think Eastcroft was a good idea and WRG would be expanding the cancer factory now!

Labour are claiming success for the incinerator campaign but when NAIL sent them ALL a questionnaire regarding the incinerator ONLY ONE COUNCILLOR EVEN BOTHERED TO REPLY (and for the record he was a labour councillor and spoke favourably of the expansion).

.......and where the hell does Cllr Collins get his 'top 3' recycling figure from? I think he has got himself confused. Cllr Collins - you are not a councillor in Rushciffe!


And lets not mention

01.02.2007 18:30

the enormous environmental cost of tarting up the market square (machinery, carting out old materials, new concrete and shipping stone from China!)All for the self egrandisment of the Councillors.
The city council still has its head in the sand and only pays lip service to carung for the environment.

Government is Chaos


New Labour New Lies

02.02.2007 12:59

This is typical of why people don't trust politicians, especially Labour.

before NAIL raised public awareness into Eastcroft incinerator, the worst polluting incinerator in the UK, our Labour city council was in favour of the incinerator and its expansion.

Councillor Brian Goocock actually claimed that the pant was clean and environmentally friendly? What planet is he on?

Labour never supported the NAIL campaign. Only the Green Party supported us from the star and then joined by respect.

You have to ask yourself one question. If what Labour say is true, why is it that the City is Eastcrofts incinerators largest customer by FAR !

Jon Beresford
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Councillor Grococks pants?

02.02.2007 18:11

Re. above post.
Why have we started talking about Councillor Grococks 'pants' now? Did he really boast that his pants are clean and environmentally friendly??! Perhaps they are fairtrade and organic cotton. Respect to him if they are.

Cllr Groocock said that NAIL calling the incinerator a 'cancer factory' was highly libelous so we had better say no more about the state of his pants or he will be hauling us through the courts.


New labour - new pants

06.02.2007 11:29

Nottm City Councillors are to be congratulated on opting for eco-pants. They are truly the way forward n such a confusing world.

Are they also the soluton to the cities lack of recyling?

Possibly, instead of having a second bin, residents could be issued with eco-pants. They then fill these up with recyclables and waddle down to te nearest bring site where they can empty their pants into the recyc bins.

Nail Supporter

Recycling – the good, the bad and the ugly

07.02.2007 16:38

It is not just in Nottingham where the council has a piss-poor performance on recycling and is out of touch with the public.

See for example the Rotten Borough of Rushmoor, another piss-poor council.

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