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No Abortion Rights in Ireland

Jezebel | 30.01.2007 14:50 | Gender

And to think that Tony Bliar had ye all nearly hooked up to
the creationist philosophy his wife and immigration minister
so clearly advocate. Would you want a society where its ok
to rape and impregnate a 14 year old girl and then tell her
that she cannot have an abortion?

Nic pic!
Nic pic!

In Ireland little girls are seen as the biological chattels of the men in dresses.
If you have a womb , you are a woman. If you get pregnant you are a mother,
no two ways about it.

We have not signed the rights of the child into law, because if we did
a child would have the right to a free, safe and legal abortion in her country.
She would have the right to privacy and to her bodily integrity.

In Ireland a little pre-consent girl age 12-17, is classified within the
teachings of the catholic church as a woman.

The hospitals are dominated by a Catholic ethos, which makes it
criminal to have an abortion.

Pregnant women with suspected genetically inherited illnesses
must travel for diagnosis. They must abort out of state.

Catholic women collude in the oppression of their sex by supporting this
untenable situation.

In Columbia Monica Roa reversed this situation by fighting to
bring in laws that allow an opt-out on ethical grounds amonsgt
doctors but the hospital has to provide free , safe and legal abortion.

It emanates from the toxic, god-fearing patrirachical control of the ruling
Party, who supported Bushes war, who sold to Shell and who are lining up
for another election.

They also have the lowest female representation in the EU.

I would think lng and hard about who your prime minister gets into
bed with- and the opposition. Its time for the little parties to be heard.



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Abortion is the panacea you claim it to be.

30.01.2007 21:41

When I was fourteen I got pregnant and my parents talked me into having an abortion at 21 weeks. It was a very traumatic time and it has haunted me ever since. I wish I had gone full term and give the child up for adoption, but I never really had a choice. Going full term would have been difficult knowing I was giving the child up afterwards, but it would not have been the same as “aborting” it.
