Failed Logic and Rhetoric in the USA
barra | 29.01.2007 12:22 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Iraq | World
Hillary Clinton and the neo-cons have much in common, their policies in relation to a continued presence in Iraq (oil theft) are similar as are their inept, amateurish and transparent attempts at rhetoric. Hillary’s latest offering was a statement to the effect that the Bush regime has dug a “deep hole” in Iraq that would take some time for “us” to emerge from! Notice the tactic of blame laying [political capital] while at the same time ensuring continued presence in Iraq on the basis that “we” would be rectifying all of Bush’s mistakes – very good Hillary, continued neo-colonial occupation and oil appropriation has nothing to do with it! Are Americans so stupid that they no longer recognise horseshit when they see or smell it?
My personal favourite is the crapulous line of “supporting our troops”, REGARDLESS of the politics in Washington! Well, don’t that beat all, Jethro? The absolutely astounding logic of elevating cannon fodder to the ‘sacred’, while oil and money dynasties grow fat on the misfortune of others beggars belief! How anyone could fall for such crap is beyond me – but I suppose “only in America”, applies. Fools willing to die for the profit of others do not cut a holy or envious picture around here, Jethro! Perhaps a demographic analysis of American troops who have died fighting in Iraq would place emphasis where it belongs.
Last but not least is the disaster theory or (transparent) scare tactic. Both the neo-cons and Dems support the notion that withdrawing from Iraq would lead to a ‘disaster too horrible to imagine’; a world-ending apocalyptic scenario in which ‘Satan’ would feast on our first born and America would be reduced to a quivering mess! The no-talents and bereft consultants who advise American politicians have forgotten we’ve heard it all before during the VIETNAM WAR, with the slight variation that the whole of South East Asia would fall to the Communist Devil!
Americans seem to scare very easily – home of the brave, my arse! The fact is that Iraq is already the most horrendous disaster of the 21st century – America and its allies cannot avoid taking full responsibility and making full reparation for their criminal acts of vandalism. Paying compensation to the Iraqi people would indicate a step in the right direction. Withdrawing from Iraq and allowing the international community to stabilise the region is the only sane solution – but that would involve losing the oil, wouldn’t it you lying, murdering, scum. If it quacks like a murdering thief it just might be a murdering thief!
Let’s call a spade a spade, America – your pathetic attempts at deception no longer ‘cut it’ anywhere.
God does not bless lying, murdering, thieves, America!
Last but not least is the disaster theory or (transparent) scare tactic. Both the neo-cons and Dems support the notion that withdrawing from Iraq would lead to a ‘disaster too horrible to imagine’; a world-ending apocalyptic scenario in which ‘Satan’ would feast on our first born and America would be reduced to a quivering mess! The no-talents and bereft consultants who advise American politicians have forgotten we’ve heard it all before during the VIETNAM WAR, with the slight variation that the whole of South East Asia would fall to the Communist Devil!
Americans seem to scare very easily – home of the brave, my arse! The fact is that Iraq is already the most horrendous disaster of the 21st century – America and its allies cannot avoid taking full responsibility and making full reparation for their criminal acts of vandalism. Paying compensation to the Iraqi people would indicate a step in the right direction. Withdrawing from Iraq and allowing the international community to stabilise the region is the only sane solution – but that would involve losing the oil, wouldn’t it you lying, murdering, scum. If it quacks like a murdering thief it just might be a murdering thief!
Let’s call a spade a spade, America – your pathetic attempts at deception no longer ‘cut it’ anywhere.
God does not bless lying, murdering, thieves, America!
