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Events at Cowley Club, Brighton

Harry Cowley | 28.01.2007 17:53 | Free Spaces | South Coast

Here is the latest list of events at the Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton, East Sussex.

Weds 31st Jan, 7pm: V is for Video Activist - Schnews film showing

Thurs 1st Feb, 8-9pm: Evening Meal in the bar - Vegetable and nut bake with mushroom sauce, parsnip mash and salads

Fri 2nd Feb, 8pm: Ground Zero DJs

Mon 5th Feb, 6.30pm: General Meeting - all members welcome to discuss the running of the club, make proposals etc.

Thurs 8th Feb, 8-9pm: Evening Meal in the bar - Jewish food, plus cocktails.

Fri 9th Feb, 8pm: Gig: Astpai, Austrian punk, The Steal, positive hardcore, and Andy Fiction, melodic punk

Sun 11th Feb, 5pm: Film and discussion with Oaxaca activist

Tues 13th Feb, 7pm: Film showing: And still they dance, documentary about the community resistance to the building of a Shell pipeline in Rossport, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Thurs 15th Feb, 8-9pm: Evening Meal in the bar - Curry Night

Fri 16th Feb, 8pm: Gig: Breach plus support

Sat 17th Feb, 8pm-late: Dub night, fundraiser for delegation to Palestine

Sun 18th Feb, 2-6pm: Sunday roast fundraiser for Brighton ABC

Thurs 22nd Feb, 8-9pm: Evening Meal in the bar - Italian delights

Thurs 22nd Feb, 8pm: Bar collective meeting, all volunteers welcome!

Fri 23rd Feb, 8pm: Gig: Los Albertos, fundraiser for Oaxaca

Sat 24th Feb, 8pm: Gig: Crowzone/Scrap Recs

Sun 25th Feb, 2-5pm: Sunday Roast in the bar, fundraising for The Refugee Trust

Tues 27th Feb, 8pm: Open Mic night

Harry Cowley
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and what's in it for me?

28.01.2007 18:07

i see the schnews parody of social centres is for real!

normal joe

that is the best schnews for ages

28.01.2007 20:23

and the cowley is fucking wicked too!

reformed crust