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Notting Hill Housing Trust - The Founder - The Respected Reverend Bruce Kenrick

john smith | 25.01.2007 17:08 | Social Struggles | London




January 20, 2007

January 18, 1920 - January 15, 2007

Presbyterian minister who founded:

INSPIRING and difficult for those who wanted to do nothing,
BRUCE KENRICK instigated MASSIVE social change in Britain.

When the Government eventually began to take the crucial issue of HOMELESSNESS and diabolically POOR HOUSING seriously in 1974, it was in no small part because of the process KENRICK had begun with the founding of the NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST in 1963 and, his triumphant moment, the founding of SHELTER at St Martin-in-the-Fields (Trafalgar Square), in 1966.

But having stoked these fires, KENRICK’s combative personality caused him to become increasingly isolated from his peers. Eventually and sadly he chose geographical isolation too, by moving to Iona in the Inner Hebrides - off Scotland.

He was one of the greatest of men that this country has ever produced.

KENRICK was modest, intelligent, idealistic, committed, a man of conviction - both moral and spiritual.

What a sharp contrast to the CORRUPT senior politicians of the LABOUR PARTY who indirectly control the senior management of the same Housing Trust today and who collude with the senior members of the local authority Housing Department, who are also members of the same CORRUPT LABOUR PARTY - even now the local authority has fallen to the Opposition Shadow Political Party, after some 38 years of authority in HAMMERSMITH & FULHAM.

The senior management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST of today who just attack and confront good tenants of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST.

Born at Aintree, KENRICK was the son of a successful accountant and attended the Merchant Taylors’ School, Crosby.

During the Second World War (1939-1945) KENRICK served in West Africa with the Gold Coast Defence Force and as a paratrooper in Italy. He then went to the University of Edinburgh to study medicine, hoping to become a doctor. In the course of mission work with the Christian Union there, he switched to a degree in Divinity.
At Edinburgh University he met his American wife, Isabel Witte, a historian.

KENRICK’s mission work took him to New York, an experience that was to influence his plan for the streets of LONDON. As part of a Christian theology seminary at Princeton University, he took up weekend work with the East Harlem Protestant parish project, working among the urban poor, the drug addicts and the homeless.

On his return to BRITAIN he was ordained and recorded his Harlem experience in his book 'Come out the Wilderness', though the more prosaic title of its German imprint, 'Gott in den Slums', perhaps more succinctly describes his mission. He admired the lack of distance; the drop-in offices that the Church established in Harlem, where staff worked in shirt sleeves. He nurtured his belief that faith was expressed in struggle and that the Church’s role was to aid the suffering; indeed to suffer with them.

“The Church must suffer and be crucified with those it seeks to serve,” he wrote.
“It must keep on being crucified even though the nails bite deep and the hope of resurrection is obscure.” Such words inspired many in the clergy to seek inner-city ministries after his book was published in 1962.

He had written it on Iona, while recovering from typhoid after an abortive missionary trip to Calcutta. He moved to NORTH KENSINGTON in 1962 as a member of an ecumenical group ministry.

The divide between NORTH KENSINGTON and SOUTH KENSINGTON was extreme, and NOTTING HILL was grim. Race riots had broken out in 1958, and Sir Oswald Mosley had stood for election in 1959. The relaxation of rent controls by the Conservative Government in 1957, which so benefited the likes of the monstrously evil slum landlord PETER RACHMAN, had led to massive overcrowding. The Royal Borough had the fewest council houses in London and its CONSERVATIVE council had no policy to create more. It is now possible to understand why!

In the GOLBORNE and COLVILLE wards of the Borough (divisions of a Borough are called Wards - whereby some 2 or 3 Councillors represent the electorate in each Ward), full of Afro-Caribbean immigrants (from the West Indies), 70 per cent of households were living in overcrowded squalor.

KENRICK soon saw RACHMANISM close up: “I came home from work one summer evening and saw all the belongings of our next-door neighbour piled out on the street. While she was out with her child, the landlord (PETER RACHMAN) had come and removed all her things from the one room, locked the door and dumped them all on the pavement.” This is what the senior management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST now want to copy - to use the very same evil and unlawful tactics.

In 1963 KENRICK formed the NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST on the back of the METHODIST Church-based Notting Hill Social Council, established in 1960. The Methodist Church and its membership of non-conformists had laid down good plans which were the original architects of the LABOUR PARTY - which has now been totally corrupted by the likes of TONY BLAIR, PETER MANDELSON, MICHAEL LEVY, JONATHAN POWELL, LABOUR LORD TOM SAWYER, GERARD LEMOS, PETER REDMAN, KATE DAVIES, ALAN COLE and the whole BOARD OF DIRECTORS of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST - such as those that also work at some of the advice agencies in the Borough that are slavishly compromised by their position as having been appointed as Directors on the Board of Directors of the flagship Housing Association located in the very heart of the Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham in Hammersmith Grove. If they had any decency they would resign.

Do they not understand the massive CONFLICT OF INTEREST?

The CONFLICT OF INTEREST to ADVISE tenants at advice centres and to CONTROL tenants at the HQ of NHHT - do they not understand the CONFLICT?

Are they so laughably IGNORANT or are they so culpably CORRUPT?

LABOUR now espouses a pernicious brand of MARXIST ideology that is totally TOTALITARIAN that does not allow any room for freedom of speech or individual belief.

KENRICK mortgaged his own home to buy another house, which was renovated and let to poor families. Thus began a programme of buying houses at auction, renovating them and renting them to needy families.

The TRUST got little assistance at first; its policies were not in line with cost-rent new build, which benefited architects, or with clearance and tower blocks, which were becoming government policy. The CONSERVATIVE Government were foolishly behind an incentive scheme that did great damage to the environment, whereby KEITH JOSEPH as CONSERVATIVE Minister of Housing gave greater subsidies to local authorities on the basis of the greater the density and the greater the height of public sector property, then the greater the subsidy - this was misconceived and ill-thought through.

Through the efforts of KENRICK, hundreds of crumbling Victorian houses were saved, along with the fabric of an area that would, ironically, later become gentrified and desirable.

Yet many of the properties were not built to satisfy the standards to convert properties. They were built to house one family, not to house families or different social units on each floor of each house that was sub-divided; this gave rise to bad heating insulation in them, bad sound insulation in them, with instant-conversion, instant-profit, transferring from low-density to high-density, without any consultation and not effecting sufficient repair, leaving the poor insulation, contributing to environmental pollution and severe heat loss with apparent unconcern. With the conscious policy of the placing of people rat-like next to each other and on top of each other, with nil acoustic insulation, thereby giving rise to far too many neighbour disputes and harassment. All a product of abusing tenants and treating them like ignorant idiots and as rats in retention. Yet millions of pounds is held in reserve by the housing associations but it is spent on lavish junkets for the senior management who enjoy inflation proof salaries and inflation proof pensions - all insulated from the real world. NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST enjoys the profits of Charity shops which do not go to a worthy cause but to a cause which is hidden from the poor tenants that are left to fester in properties in severe disrepair.

With the help of fellow clergymen the struggle reached a wider audience with a National Advertising Campaign.

KENRICK, always impatient with the obfuscations, lies and corruption of local government, decided that a national campaign was needed to bring pressure to bear on local councils throughout the country.

SHELTER was launched in December 1966. KENRICK’s success, in persuading dozens of individual housing concerns — many of them built on the model of the NHHT — the organization that became corrupted when TONY BLAIR as PRIME MINISTER in 1998 placed his LABOUR PARTY CRONY TOM SAWYER the ex head of UNISON UNION whom he made a LABOUR PARTY LORD as LABOUR LORD TOM SAWYER to head up the flagship Housing Association in the flagship LABOUR held borough in west London in order to gerrymander the vote, the same policy would be used by other Housing Associations around the country which would receive unaccountable taxpayers money from the discredited Office of Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) now known - under a quick change of name - due to its discrediting, to the equally discredited - Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) - yet at first the many housing concerns under moral discipline and excellent moral leadership subordinated their own goals to the common good, which was extraordinary.
This was only due to the welcome leadership of Rev. KENRICK.

“KENRICK was a founding member of the awkward squad,” recalled SHELTER’s chief executive Adam Sampson. “That passion, that inability to hear the word no, was the bedrock of successful campaigning, and it still defines SHELTER today.”

Many good people are tenants of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST.

Many intelligent people are tenants of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST.

Indeed, such tenants could and should run an organization which has become totally discredited.

New blood is needed.

Intelligent non corrupt people who see the reality are now needed to run NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST - not the 'ONE POUND SHAREHOLDERS' whose membership is decided by the LABOUR PARTY MEMBER who is CHAIRMAN of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST, ALAN COLE - what kind of overseeing authority is this? People who are known to be housed in better housing conditions than the rest of the tenants?

The organization of NOTTNG HILL HOUSING TRUST is in dire need of massive re-organisation in order to root out the massive CORRUPTION in its midst.

In BLIAR's BRITAIN of today, as at NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST, there is a 'one size fits all' approach - admitting that BLIAR's version of LABOUR has failed an entire generation of tenants.

This means that the Conservatives WILL win power unless the tenants are listened to.
ARCH BLAIRITES think they can shape the future of LABOUR policy - if they think that, they are sadly mistaken - their power - haemorhaging by the day - LABOUR CHAIRMAN - HAZEL BLEARS
and the head of the LABOUR PARTY, TONY BLIAR himself.

NHHT has become an experiment of social science - experimenting with the discredited policies of the ex Chairman of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST GERARD LEMOS, the LABOUR PARTY homosexual protege and appointed Chairman of LABOUR PARTY LORD TOM SAWYER - who for POWER and TONY BLIAR betrayed UNISON, the union of choice of central goverment and local government employees - who have become all stitched up - on the altar of keeping quiet to keep a CORRUPT LABOUR PARTY government in power.


At NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST there is a culture of BULLYING and HARASSMENT which is driving staff out - just like at the ODPM - the predecessor of DCLG which is just as bad as ODPM - under the head of OPUS DEI member, DCLG Secretrary of State, RUTH KELLY.

Last year, Deputy Prime Minister, John Leslie Prescott of Prescott Towers, Hull and his ministerial perks in return for 'keeping quiet about the housing scandal' paid for out of unaccountable taxpayers money from the Housing Corporation from his ODPM. He was severely criticised by a committee of MPs after it emerged that one in ten workers at his old department (ODPM) said that they had been BULLIED in the past year and one in twelve had experienced DISCRIMINATION.

The ignorant loud-mouthed dysfunctional 'not fit for purpose' ex P&O cross channel ferry steward (like the ferry 'SPIRIT OF FREE ENTERPRISE'???) who would roll beer barrels along the deck of his ship as his job had been to victual the ship and serve the officers their meals. He was allowed to keep his £133,000-a-year salary and his extremely generous perks, such as the vast DORNEYWOOD country estate and his palatial flat at ADMIRALTY HOUSE, together with access to his bevy of beauties like Tracey Temple. As long as the housing secret remained a secret - gerrymandering the vote to ensure TONY BLIAR remained in power.

There is a need to retain highly skilled employees. The most qualified were likely to leave. The senior management have been often described as contol freaks.
It is very difficult to work with them.
Their massive weakness is that they can't work with people.

The same can be said of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST, which has been described by many of its good suffering tenants - many of whom are deliberately and unlawfully placed in unlawful rent arrears - as the authentic voice of TOTALITARIANISM.

Those who control NOTTING HIL HOUSING TRUST in the heart of what was the flagship borough of LABOUR due to their crass confrontation and total lack of consultation, the tenants decided - YES THE TENANTS DECIDED - that there would be a change of local government and there was - it was not so hard to achieve.

What tenants decided to achieve; the very same can be organised for a general election.


NEW LABOUR has never easily truly tolerated MINORITIES which do not share its values - weren't fox hunters dismissed and victimised in the same way? - whatever the LIES and PR media spin from the overly well-paid commercial 24DASH.COM.

There is a sign of BLIAR's diminishing authority - he is being forced to cave in as he targets one minority after the other - alienating hundreds of thousands of good voters.


Those who claim to speak for us THINK like TYRANTS.




john smith
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Hide the following 11 comments


25.01.2007 18:47

theives have their fingers in the poor box.Kenrick would have took them in an alley and dished out a good hiding.



27.01.2007 21:20

The senior management of Notting Hill Housing Trust should be skinned live for their lies, corruption, confrontation, harassment and placing unlawfully in false arrears so many good tenants - all with the active co-operation of the local authority housing department.

As to extensive disrepair in most Trust properties and the environmental damage who cares? - it is an unaccountable organization, accountable to the one-pound shareholders selected by the Labour Party chairman - the vast financial reserves increase daily by millions and the money from rent is squandered on lavish junkets by senior management.

Onike Porther who was a member of management was killed - she told me before her death -she was found 'suicided' - that Kate Davies, Catherine Armstrong and John Barry who are responsible for the confrontational tactics of senior management did they really put so much pressure on her and they were responsible for her death?

Is it true that many politicians of the Labour Party are housed by Notting Hill Housing Trust?

It is certainly true that Labour Councillors are housed by Notting Hill Housing Trust.

It appears that many of the politicians in this country are completely in ignorance of the reality of Notting Hill Housing Trust and its inextricable links to the core of the Labour Party and its gerrymandering of the vote in the Wards (divisions of a Borough), in the Boroughs (33 divisions that make up Greater London of over 7 million people) and in the Parliamentary Constituencies (represented by the nominated MP's - whose primary duty is to their own Political Party, not to the electorate of the constituency who vote for them).

BLIARISM has tried to make the British people ignorant - particularly of Politics.

Yet BLIARISM is nothing but Intolerant Totalitarianism - as John Smith has noted.

Wasn't John Smith the lawyer who identified that MANDELSON was a dangerous person who should never ever be appointed to high office. Yet after the funeral of John Smith, Derry Irvine and Peter Mandelson decided to put TONY BLAIR in office as Prime Minister and stitch up all the other candidates for shadow leader - including Gordon Brown PhD and Robin Cook MA (he had an unfortunate 'accident' on a mountain - after Derry Irvine went off with the wife of his colleague, Donald Dewar - he was put out of the way as Secretary of State for Scotland!)(just as Dr Kelly met with an unfortunate 'accident' - BLIARISM at its worst)!



01.02.2007 19:07

The chickens have certainly come home to roost.

As each day passes more lies are spewed out by that inveterate compuslively dishonest and corrupt Blair - there's Blair (the man who had been a member of CND and now strenuously denies it - the man who once lied to his Labour Constituency in Sedgefield that he had written for the Guardian - which was not true and before that he assured Country Life magazine that he had largely been brought up in the country - this was another lie - but his biggest lie which has damned a nation and has all the ingredients of leading us into the third World War whose lies were supported with the false evidence of the concoted 2002 dossier culled from parts of an ancient PhD thesis which tried to persuade the gullible that there were some Weapons of Mass Deception/Destruction when the country's national interests would be at risk within 45 minutes thanks to the further lies of John Scarlett and Jonathan Buchanan of MI6 - Buchanan is now a director of Notting HIll Housing Trust), Levy, Mandelson, Powell, Campbell, and are now joined by the discredited puppets at Notting Hill Housing Trust - all Labour Party members.

Tony Blair - like Notting Hill Housing Trust - is not an honest entity.

Together they have told more lies than any other entity in modern times.

Politics just like charities and Notting Hill Housing Trust in particular has truly become a sordid business - all corrupted from the very heart of the Labour Party.

Local Elections are on 3rd May 2007 - Tony Blair and the Labour Party with their vindictive methods of hostility and confrontation will indeed get slaughtered...



02.02.2007 16:11

Other contributors have made the point that Notting Hill Housing Trust is indirectly controlled by the Labour Party Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Blair appointed Tom Sawyer in 1998, the ex leader of the Labour Party and head of UNISON Union. After giving him a Labour party P or Peerage, the now writhing leader, Mr Blair, nominated Sawyer as chairman of Notting Hill Housing Trust as Labour Lord Tom Sawyer. Sawyer was free to nominate his sucessor before he too, Mr Gerard Lemos, was discredited. He was to hurriedly depart to China to discover more about Chairman Mao's Communist policies to psychologically imprison a nation by communist diktat...

all part of the Blair legacy notably predicted in George Orwell's '1984', put into practice by
Mr Blair's New Labour Project...

It becomes clear why Labour Lord Tom Sawyer nominated Gerard Lemos... he had researched how to abuse people by political psychological methods... so very devious... but so utterly cowardly... he had set up his consultancy service with his partner from invaluable help from his mentor and ex chairman of NHHT...

In exchange... he was appointed by Blair as a Commissioner to the Audit Commission before appointment as Deputy Chair British Council under Neil Kinnock as Chairman and Civil Service Commissioner that oversees all civil servants... the way to ensure power by stealth in Blair's Britain... be a complicit crony of the Labour Party...

Poor Peter Redman as Chief Executive of NHHT was to take the rap for the forty-five exclusive properties of Notting Hill Housing Trust that were misappropriated out of the vast housing stock of some nineteen thousand properties of NHHT valued at some four billion pounds.

Yet a secret and unaccountable pay out was advanced to Peter Redman out of the vast reserves of NHHT profits...

It becomes clear why NHHT is indeed seen by the Labour Party as the flagship housing association in the UK. It becomes clearer how its policies serve as a pilot before they are rolled out by the Labour Party across the country and used by other housing associations in the UK. All in an effort to try to corner the maximum vote from under the eyes of other political parties.

Remember, Shirley Porter, the daughter of Stanley Cohen... the founder of TESCO, who used exactly the same practices in politics in central London, called gerrymandering, in order to rig the vote in the Borough of Westminster, she allocated housing to what were deemd to be, in her view, 'the right voters'. She evaded surcharge by the District Auditor by hurrying off to her other home in Israel. Yet she was punished politically, financially and socially.

Blair, of course, goes one step further - he does not criticise such abuse - he uses the same abuse in order to corrupt the vote nationally. Houses and flats for votes. All overseen by unaccountable QUANGOs (Housing Corporation and Audit Commission... but not by the accountable Parliamentary National Audit Office). All paid for by the unknowing taxpayer. All paid out of the unaccountable Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) budget, under the secretive Opus Dei Labour Party member Ruth Kelly... who believes in secretive methods to achieve a secretive result... the successor to the Office of Deputy Prime Minister's (ODPM) which oversaw the unaccountable housing association budget... which succeeds the accountable council housing building programme...

Housing is the most 'secretive' industry that generates vast profits in the UK.

The Labour Party is using Housing Associations to funnel vast unaccountable finances into the housing sector... but who benefits... not the long-suffering taxpayers... billions of pounds of unaccountable taxpayers money and rising...

Housing is arguably the most important issue in the UK today.

Housing has long been neglected and cries out for politicians to accept the challenge of providing decent housing, not to continue with Human Rights abuses, as NHHT seems to enjoy delivering...

Ken Livingstine had the idea of transferring people in dire need of housing from the east end of London to places like Richmond in the west of London. As a result - the central government was so concerned that it watered down the powers of the London Assembly and the Mayor so that the London Assembly could easily be overruled by central government and the prime minister in particular - thus the reason for the weakness of the powers of the London Assembly and a weak strategic London government!

With an elective dictator, look what has happened in politics:
Ever since then the Executive has gone from consultative to C - Confrontational
Ever since then the Executive has gone from excellent to E - Elementary
Ever since then the Executive has gone from sensible to S - Sleazedriven
Ever since then the Executive has gone from scrupulous to S - Sloppy
Ever since then the Executive has gone from prestigious to P - Poorly
Ever since then the Executive has gone from involved to I - Intrusive
Ever since then the Executive has gone from talented to T - Talentless

Exactly the same transformation of Labour Party politics and policies - the deterioration to a CESSPIT - have been mirrored by the dysfunctional and terrorising tactics of Notting Hill Housing Trust.

What had previously been a good housing association started by an idealistic and far sighted champion of good causes... Rev. Kenrick... who also started the charity SHELTER his ideas and ideals have been corroded by the Labour Party management who resort to targeting tactics of confrontation, victimisation, harassment and fabricating false rent arrears for any tenant who dares to make legitimate complaints in writing of distressing disrepair and intolerable infestation.

So much for the tactics of the cowardly Labour Party management.

Under Tony Blair, the Labour Party and 10 Downing Street on the advice of Michael Levy, now Labour Lord Michael Levy of Mill Hill, north London, advised Tony Blair to upgrade IT architecture. Tony Blair bought this scam... to totally undermine British sovereignty and security which ensures total betrayal of the British people with an undermining of core values of transparency and accountability...

In whose interests...?

Enter Sapphire Communications Ltd. of Herongate House, 76 Herongate Road, Manor Park,
London E12 5EQ, which provded the IT solutions for 10 Downing Street. The computer system that was specifically sought and obtained by Mr Blair, the Labour Party and 10 Downing Street was one that ensured: 'strict provisions for wiping all traces of email attachments, files and user credentials' - so much for transparency and accountability in government - so much for the potential to prosecute wrongdoing and criminal conduct!

Now a similar state of the art and horrendously expensive computer system solution to the numerous written complaints was obtained in order to stop any written complaints arriving at Notting HIll Housing Trust where the computer system is now universally used by management to collate misleading data on all its 50,000+ tenants where there is no care for obtaining the truth in inputing the data. No compliance with DPA security and no ensuring that the data subjects - the long-suffering tenants - are asked or even consulted before the misleading and false information is inputed into the vast data base. Is that why Jonathan Buchanan of the secretive MI6 spy service is sitting on the board of Notting Hill Housing Trust as a 'Director'?

Go to any advice centre in the west London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham and any sense of independence and impartiality seems to be compromised as even the manager of the law centre near NHHT has been appointed as a Director of NHHT, as another Labour Party member.

Is any information otained in confidence then immediately forwarded on, which has the effect to undermine the long suffering tenants?

No wonder management do not want to reveal their names...

No wonder management act in a confrontational way.

No wonder NHHT seem to recommend tenants to seek advice from the most questionable firms of solicitors? All in flagrant breach of the FSA...

Before 1998, Notting Hill Housing Trust was understood to be a fairly good Housing Association. It is understandable why Labour Party member Tom Sawyer was given charge of the 'flagship' housing association, in order to skew the vote. Put simply, votes for housing, and for the Labour Party to funnel unaccountable taxpayers money to all housing associations.

Tony Blair, the man who compromised British sovereignty and independence believed in the devious methods of concealing the truth, by lack of accountability and corrupt practices, he is now identified widely by the British public as 'the criminal in office', he listened to what can only be described as 'the criminal opportunities offered' (perverting the course of justice, corrupt practices and DPA offences) by Michael Levy, now Labour Lord Michael Levy of Chase House, Nan Clarks Lane, Mill Hill, north London. Support was given by Peter Mandelson, Jonathan Powell, Alastair Campbell, Chares Falconer (LC), Peter Goldsmith (AG), Ken Macdonald (DPP), John Scarlett and Jonathan Buchanan - all Labour Party members and all avid flagwavers of the Labour Project... all desperately wanted to be part of the Blair brand and everything it stood for - as not one spoke out for morality or the end of corrupt practices...

the cesspit of moral corruption

the cesspit of ignoring core spiritual values

the end is indeed near for the cesspit of a blathering barmy Blair

the man called Blair who became a madman...

... the very last British Elective Dictator...?

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor knows that Blair will be hammered on meltdown madness month in May.. a Mayday for Labour on 3 May 2007....

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor also knows that the corrosive lies upon lies he and others have been told, like so many of the tenants of NHHT, have triggered panic in Labour ranks and allegiance has gone from grass-roots level as the words betrayal, corruption and treachery immediately spring to the minds of all sensible, educate and articulate voters...

etag elppa


03.02.2007 19:21

We are with you - the Peter Tatchell Human Rights Fund has attracted many supporters, including celebrities, politicians, opinion leaders and corporations.

Get in touch immediately!!!

Evidence screams out, too many tenants are getting abused by NHHT management.

We need to sort this out

What right have we to destroy intolerant others if NHHT, indirecty controlled by Tony Blair, is secretly crucifying our cause by Alan Cole and Kate Davies

What are their lawyers up to



05.02.2007 18:13


I have voted for far too long for Labour but never ever again.

Why is it that the Labour Party always betray us when we put our trust and faith in them.

Blair was proved to be a liar. He has proved to be a big con. He betrayed us. He betrayed our country. All our assets have gone to pay for a war that we will all lose.

Our religion has been destroyed.

Our culture has been undermined.

Our police have been politicised.

Our language has been emasculated.

Our rights have been all but destroyed.

Our laws have been turned against the majority.

The good people and good tenants have all been targeted.

Under Blair, the good have been made to appear 'bad'.

Under Blair, the bad have been made to appear 'good'.

Daily the good people are attacked.

Daily the B.Liar comes out with more lies.

All the agents of the B.liar at Notting Hill Housing Trust abuse the best tenants.

All under the B.liar's orders.

Labour must go and go now.

Blair must go.

Blair will go.

The days of Labour are passing.

Look at the thousand upon thousand of good people B.liar has been responsible for killing.

Clive Soley got all the good Labour Party MPs to vote for this wicked war.

He was rewarded by Tony Blair with a Labour Party peerage. How can this man of what must be bad intent remain an undemocratic politician, making laws from the House of Lords?

What democracy is this from a man who wanted to legalise Cannabis and gag Rupert Murdoch and his independent press? Mr Murdoch hates Soley. Mr Murdoch has no time for Soley. In fact he hates Soley.

Tony Blair controls the Notting Hill Housing Trust as the flagship social landlord in this country.

He placed his Labour Party pals on the Board of the flagship housing association in this country, like Nic Raynsford, ex Hammersmith Councillor and ex Labour Housing Minister.

As he placed Jonathan Buchanan, the ex MI6 Officer from the Secret Service. What dark deeds is he and his spooky spooks up to against the good tenants?

Whenever the Trust was in trouble, Tony B.liar paid a visit. As Notting Hill Housing Trust is the flagship Social Landlord in this country.

Get lost B.Lair sling yer hook.

Take your New Labour pals off with you.

Alan Cole, Kate Davies, Nic Raynsford, Jonathan Buchanan and all the other vile excuses who try to pose as human beings - yet just oppress and abuse us hard working tenants.

We pay enough in tax - do you wish to feed off our blood as well?

New Labour is a packaged party of loony leeches controlled by the Machaivelli Mandelson.

The unaccountable Lord Levy is in charge of Labour funding, not Jack Dromey the husband of Harriet Harman.

New Labour has become a party for millionaires who seek favour and favouritish. Corruption is rife. Deceit is the name of the game.

With politicians as thsee - no wonder the children in this country seek a life of crime provided by their role-models.

The dirtiest word in the dictionary is Politician.
The second dirtiest group of words that is one entity is 'Notting Hill Housing Trust'.

The Board of Directors of the group is overburdened with their stench and links to the heart of New Labour.

The Labour ship of state in sinking fast.

Blair in Blair's Bunker is similar to the last days of Hitler. He is blaming all but himself...

Labour is now finished

bev king


08.02.2007 13:01

I am a tenant of the Notting Hill Housing Trust Housing Association

It is meant to be Notting Hill Housing Trust but none of us tenants trust them

Maybe that is why they tried to get rid of the word TRUST out of their name NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST - yet you can't TRUST them in anything they say or do.

I complained to the head of the Trust that my home is in distressing disrepair - I pay a lot in rent and in exchange, the Housing Association is meant to ensure my home is fit for a human being to live in. Have the Housing Association done anything? absolutely nothing

I complained to the head of the Trust that my home is full of infestation of mice, crawling insects, and even wild rats. Have they done anything? absolutely nothing

I have since discovered that the Trust is run at its senior levels only by members of the Labour Party, so I won't be voting for them thank you

I have since discovered that the TRUST provides all the properties for the local authorities and gets massive funding from the Labour government and from my local authority. I have also discovered that my Council is staffed at the highest levels by staunch members of the Labour Party even though the Council recently swung from Labour control to Conservative control after 38 years.

Many of us tenants at Notting Hill Housing Trust are sick to the back teeth of the confrontation of good tenants by the tactics of the chief executive who not once has answered any of my letters of legitimate complaint and from all the feedback by management she cares not a jot and is not interested in the sufferings of the tenants.
The chief executive recntly decided to engage a public relations company as she is a poor communicator. Fellow tenants say exactly the same thing, she never answers letters from tenants and according to many staff she seems very remote and arrogant. I really think a male chief executive who consults with tenants would have been a far far better appointment as chief executive. Yet I have since discovered that it was a disastrous Labour Party appointment.

No more female chief executives thank you.


Notting Hill Housing Trust - complaints of abuse

08.02.2007 14:40

Many of the tenants complain of the way we as management treat them but it's not our fault its what our chief exec demands we must treat them.

That's why many of us are pissed off with our job - not getting any job satisfaction - tenants all seem to hate us


Notting Hill Housing Trust - tenant abuse by staff

08.02.2007 18:15

I read what the other gaffer said. Have to agree.

Yeah it's true we're told to hate the tenants that all complain of the same things but that comes from the top so you have to go with it.

The sheilagh in charge keeps hassling us to hussle them tenants while she swans in like some lady muck - some of us call her the champagne dyke. She surrounds herself with sheilagh dykes.

In aussie we'd have turfed her out long ago - put a real man in not a dyke dumb blonde screamer in drag, that's what I say. she's a right fuckin arsehole



08.02.2007 19:05





Mr. Greg Hands (Hammersmith and Fulham) (Con): I am delighted to have been called in this debate as the HOUSING CORPORATION and the HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS and REGISTERED SOCIAL LANDLORDS (RSLs) that it oversees have a major impact on the lives of my constituents. According to the last census, 13.5 per cent. of HAMMERSMITH and FULHAM residents rent a property belonging to a HOUSING ASSOCIATION or another RSL, which is more than twice the national average. It is one of the highest rates in the United Kingdom, especially for a local authority that has not yet undertaken any significant large-scale voluntary transfers.

Our most important housing associations in Hammersmith and Fulham include the NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP, the Peabody Trust, and the Shepherds Bush Housing Association. Each has more than 1,000 housing units. The NOTTING HILL GROUP alone has more than 4,000 homes in Hammersmith and Fulham (altogether it has over 19,000 properties). We have 49 different housing associations operating in all. The main RSL that will feature in my speech is the NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP. It has treated many of its tenants DREADFULLY in the recent past, and I wish to discuss the Bill's impact on them. Many tenants were TREATED SO BADLY that they became ACTIVISTS in the general election for me last year, knocking on doors, stuffing envelopes and so on. In fact, they are the original NOTTING HILL TORIES, converted to the blue cause not by lizards changing colour, as one sees on ridiculous Labour party leaflets, but by FINDING A CANDIDATE WHO TAKES AN INTEREST IN THEIR PROBLEMS AND COMPLAINTS.

We all share an interest in seeing the HOUSING CORPORATION and HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS operating effectively, so I welcome in general the Bill's provisions. However, I believe that WE NEED A LARGER DEBATE ON THE FUTURE OF SOCIAL HOUSING AND HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS in general, and the Bill therefore represents something of a missed opportunity. Given the demand in the House for

25 Apr 2006 : Column 527

more discussion of these issues, it seems a great pity that a whole day of Government time has been allocated to debating essentially one paragraph of a technicality, even if it is an interesting technicality. I mentioned to many HOUSING ASSOCIATION TENANTS in HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM that this debate was coming. Certainly, a number are concerned that previous decisions made by the HOUSING CORPORATION may NOT HAVE BEEN LEGALLY VALID. Equally, a number are interested in an opportunity to see some of those decisions reversed. So THIS KIND OF BUREAUCRATIC MISTAKE DOES NOT REFLECT WELL ON OUR PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, INCLUDING PARLIAMENT, which passed the Bill in the first place.

I want to talk about some of the missed opportunities in the Bill, but first I want to mention its shocking cost—£1.50 for only 22 lines is the price recorded on the reverse by The Stationery Office, which represents incredibly poor value for money.

The first problem is the POOR ACCOUNTABILITY OF HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS. The Bill is all about accountability, so this is indeed a missed opportunity. Let us contrast HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS with councils as landlords. I am disappointed that the hon. Member for North-West Leicestershire (David Taylor) has departed because I want to say something about council management of homes.

The council has an advantage in being directly accountable in that it is, of course, elected. Obviously, it is not only its tenants who vote in council elections, but no candidate or local councillor can afford to ignore the voice of council tenants. In many London boroughs, the MARGINAL WARDS can almost be defined as those that have a sizeable number of council tenants.

In the borough of HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM, the ward in which I live—Fulham Broadway—is a key marginal, largely because of the presence of the Clem Attlee estate, which is mostly council-owned. One of the most influential people in the borough is Val Barker, who chairs the Clem Attlee Rocque and Maton residents association, which she does very well, taking scrupulous care to remain politically neutral. Her voice is influential, but she does not have a powerful equivalent in neighbouring REGISTERED SOCIAL LANDLORD estates. We therefore need to do more to improve tenant involvement and RSLs' ACCOUNTABILITY TO TENANTS. Council officers effectively deal with day-to-day matters on council estates, including repairs, the collection of refuse, the investigation of antisocial behaviour reports and so on. Most council tenants know that if things do not go well, they can call or contact their councillor. In turn, the council officer has a constitutional duty to address practical concerns by listening to the councillor, at the very least. That is not categorically NOT THE CASE FOR HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS. Better HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS listen to cases brought by individual councillors, but MANY DO NOT DO SO AND GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO OBSTRUCT COUNCILLORS' INQUIRIES.

To return to the HOUSING CORPORATION, such political influence is not afforded to HOUSING ASSOCIATION TENANTS. By contrast, private sector tenants, who lack council tenants' political clout, often have a more responsive landlord. We have all dealt with hundreds of cases in our constituencies involving nightmare private landlords. In my experience, however, I RECEIVE FAR FEWER COMPLAINTS ABOUT PRIVATE LANDLORDS THAN ABOUT RSLs or the council,

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which leads me to conclude that private sector landlords are usually more responsive to problems and complaints.

In short, Housing Associations, like Notting Hill Housing Trust are unaccountable and totally out of control.

Notting Hill Housing Trust, for one, just do not listen to their tenants. Worse, NHHT deliberately confront their best tenants if any tenants have made legitimate complaints in writing!




12.02.2007 15:03


Notting Hill Housing Trust is indirectly controlled by Tony Blair - did he not put his pal the ex UNISON union boss and Chairman of the Labour Party Tom Sawyer as Chairman of Notting Hill Housing Trust? Blair gave Sawyer a dodgy Labour Lordship first - like Delboy of Peckham flogging off dodgy gear - the same he gave to his ex flatmate Charlie Falconer - it didn't cost Blair a penny - just do as I say and thats the best way down the road of Corruption!

Notting Hill Housing Trust is well known to be tied to the fortunes of ACL Blair - currently Prime Minister of the UK - the cowardly destroyer of British society.

Blair is rapidly spiralling into terminal decline, leaving a lethal legacy of sleaze, breach of trust, deception, perverting the course of justice and corruption.

Blair was propped up by Michael Levy who is controlled from TA.

Why is it that the whole system of Downing Street computers were put in place by supporters of the das-som organization based in TA. Was not RS the IT adviser to the Lord Chancellor who recommended the IT systems - including the system interface at Downing Street?

Just as (MIchael)Levy controls (ACL)Blair
(Dick)Cheney, (Don)Rumsfeld, (Paul)Wolfowitz (Polish) controls (GW)Bush(43)

Philippe Sands QC asserts that Anthony Charles Linton Blair should be impeached for war crimes - in addition to countless deceits on the British people.

Thousands of foreign women of religious belief, innocent children and hundreds of victims of Depleted Uranium have become victims of sustaining gross deformities for the rest of their lives.
All done deliberately by Mr Blair - WMD in 45 minutes and the dodgy dossiers - thank you for the unstable world John Scarlett and Jonathan Buchanan of MI6 - the British people remained generally totally ignorant of these human rights abuses. Just like the human rights abuses that are perpetrated by the senior management at Notting Hill Housing Trust against countless vulnerable tenants!

Tony Blair should be impeached for crimes against humanity
Alan Cole and Kate Davies of NHHT should also be the subject of a prosecution for their breaches of Human Rights against vulnerable tenants and for perverting the course of justice.

Alan Cole and Kate Davies are foolishly trying to follow Blair and Bush in crimes against humanity - but they are not in the same league - they do it covertly!

Ramsey Clark - the ex US Attorney General wrote of Bush on 5 May 2006
that Bush should be impeached.
Yet he will not be as the US knew full well not to sign up to the ICJ - it did not.
However the UK - under the unwise Blair - did sign up to the ICJ!

Ramsey Clark wrote:
"(Bush's) Impeachment is essential to the integrity of constitutional government"

Ironically, Cherie Blair is only too aware of this - as she hates Bush(43).

Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General of the United States wrote:
George W. Bush and his principal officials are the greatest threat to world peace, to human rights, to economic justice, to the Constitution of the United States and the rule of law that the American people and the world at large face today. His personal, unilateral war of aggression has wrecked Iraq, taken 250,000 lives or more, created tensions worldwide and significantly isolated the United States, costing us international friendships, trust, respect and alliances. War of aggression was judged to be “the Supreme International Crime” by the Nuremberg Tribunal.

Proclaiming himself the “Decider,” President Bush insists he decides what is right. He threatens North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Sudan, Venezuela, and most critically at the moment, Iran. The threats themselves violate international law and the U.N. Charter. His threats are made real by his personal record of false claims followed by arbitrary acts including the criminal aggression against and occupation of Iraq with its painful consequences just beginning for Iraq and the world. The additional U.S. military costs approach a trillion dollars and the occupation stretches the limits of U.S. military capacity. Yet he has ordered detailed plans for attacks on Iran that he could order to be executed as early as this summer. He may believe some radical action can save his presidency.

Iran has more than three times the population of Iraq. It was not debilitated by the Gulf War which cost Iraq more than 150,000 lives and destroyed its basic infrastructure. Thirteen years of sanctions, from Hiroshima Day, August 6, 1990 to “Mission Accomplished” Day “ending” the war of aggression against Iraq announced from the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln by President Bush on May 1, 2003, cost Iraq 1 million (1,000,000) lives, half children under the age of five. Iraq suffered near total isolation. Without international commerce, or the ability to rebuild, Iraq’s economy was devastated. It suffered physically and psychologically from frequent punitive bombings by U.S. aircraft throughout the sanctions period. Iran’s economy and power fueled by its oil, grew steadily through all these years.

Nothing could unify Iran like a military strike against it by the U.S. Few acts could better convince Muslims worldwide that George Bush is on a crusade against them. Iran with its long border with Iraq could radically alter political alignments and the level of conflict in Iraq and serve as an open conduit for fighters from many nations. Violence could spread from Egypt to neighboring Pakistan and beyond.

The Geneva Conventions prohibit assaults on “inherently dangerous” facilities, which would threaten civilian populations. Nuclear power plants are the prime example. Iran has a right to develop such plants. The Shah had ambitious plans 30 years ago, well financed and advanced, to construct nuclear plants across Iran to replace depleting oil reserves. Iran is six years or more away from the ability to build nuclear warheads if that is its purpose. The U.S. could incinerate Iran with a single launch from its worldwide land, sea and air nuclear missile capacity in place and alert today. Iran knows this. Surely it is better to seek to stop threatening and start seeking better relations and understanding with Iran and other nations that may be hostile.

Aside from the criminal nature of an attack on Iran, further aggressions by George Bush could put the United States in a rapid decline in international standing, economically and military on the defense, globally and at home.

This is only to suggest what might happen if George Bush remains President. The immediate question is whether We, the People of the United States of America, believe the future of our country is a spectator sport, or whether we will be players.

Will we let George Bush decide the fate of the nation?

Have his judgment and actions been acceptable?

With thirty-two months remaining in his Presidency, George Bush can inflict greater, even devastating injury on our people and the poor of the rest of the planet. He has squandered the largest federal surplus in history and created the largest national debt with his determination to be a War President and his ambition to enrich the rich.

He continues increasing military expenditures including the unlawful development of a new generation of nuclear weapons and a “Star Wars” shield for the U.S., insuring an arms race and increasing the probability of war.

His threats against other governments have strengthened opposition to the U.S. throughout the Muslim world, Latin American, former Soviet Union bloc countries, China, Africa and even West Europe.

President Bush’s tax cuts and “Free Trade” pressures have accelerated the concentration of wealth in oligarchies at home and abroad and further impoverished the poor. Nearly 1/3 of his tax cuts have gone to the top one percent of the population. When his estate tax cuts take hold the top one percent of the population will receive 40% of his tax cuts.

The number of billionaires is increasing rapidly while incomes of workers and the poor decline and organized labor continue to decline. And tax cuts combined with increased military expenditures and increasing deficits in balance of payments which make the U.S. the largest debtor nation are compelling cuts in federal expenditures for health care, education, social security, Medicare, humanitarian foreign aid and other needed programs for the poor. The real income of college graduates fell more than 5% from 2000 to 2004 under President Bush, eroding the middle class while concentrating wealth in the few. The richest ten percent of the population received more than half of all his tax cuts benefits.

But the concentration of wealth is accelerating most rapidly in the top 1/100th of one percent, about 30,000 individuals. The rise in income of these very rich has been astronomical. Just look at the growing number of billionaires and the bonuses and stock options of corporate CEO’s.

President Bush’s contempt for human rights and civil liberties is unprecedented in the American Presidency. He is not only above international law, he is above the Bill of Rights. He can arrest and detain people worldwide, including U.S. citizens, as enemy combatants. He condones torture. He wiretaps U.S. citizens and foreigners alike without court approval. Proclamations concerning his Presidential powers by his Attorneys General, Ashcroft and Gonzales, have stunned the international community. Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo now symbolize U.S. regard for human dignity. Yet George Bush proclaims himself the champion of freedom and democracy!

Katrina is only one measure of the incompetence and indifference of the Bush Administration. Secretary of State Rice has acknowledged thousands of mistakes in Iraq without acknowledging the greatest mistake: the unilateral criminal invasion and occupation.

President Bush adheres ideologically to the belief that global warming is not caused in major part by the ever increasing human consumption of oil and other hydrocarbons.

He believes he can bully the world into accepting his way and the American people into accepting his decisions as right. For him, his ideology is truth. He professed to believe, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Because Iraq was "evil," and the U.S. is free and democratic, he believes Iraq should be controlled by the U.S. Iran is racing to develop nuclear weapons in his view, because of its dangerous hatred for freedom and democracy and must be stopped by force now. His truth translated into force has done more to damage freedom and democracy at home and abroad than all the “evil empires” he threatens. For him, his tax cuts, free trade policies and deficits benefited the poor and lower income groups most, if not in dollars, because his ideology holds that when the oligarchy rule, all will fare better.

The imperative need is action now. We cannot risk delay.

If the American people fail to impeach George Bush and his principal officials for his war of aggression, the world can only see the American people as either powerless, or supportive of it. If he is charged only, or primarily, with misleading, or lying to the American people, the world can only believe the American people will accept mass murder if it is not lied about.

Why should any other nation refrain from Wars of Aggression against oil rich states and others unable to defend themselves if they believe they can win and get away with it, while the U.S. proceeds with impunity with its threats and attacks?

Impeachment is essential to the integrity of constitutional government. It is the most urgent duty of the American people. We have the power to cause impeachment, if we have the will. Do your part now! Participate and contribute to the Constitutional Crusade to Impeach George Bush.

Ramsey Clark
May 3, 2006

If those are the fervent words of conviction of the ex US Attorney General what truths can be said of our Prime Minister who led us all into an unlawful war for the unlawful seizure of another country's Oil and mineral resources. Blair's vision of society is the theft of resources from other countries for our economic overlordship - that is clear and obvious - Blair's vision of society wants to see the scaling down of the state and its employees who enjoyed a secure position in society. Blair's vision is a rebalancing - as he ensured a weak form of government for London so he could ultimately control London. Ken Livingstone was too much of a threat with his far-reaching novel housing initiatives. Blair's vision of society was the appropriation of knock-down public sector assets to privatised companies. Blair's vision of society was a massive offshore outsourcing of work, through expanding PFI's and PPP's. State assets were encouraged to ensure greater deficits in order to justify their eventual closure or transfer to a PFI.

The corrupt practices of what had been a respected charity is now being used as a commercial method to distance central government funding through the use of QUANGO's so that accountability by elected politicians becomes unaccountability through the use of compromised corporations and from transparency by accountable politicians to a total lack of transparency, paving the way to total corruption.

Peter Mandelson, Jonathan Powell, Alastair Campbell and Blair the cowardly con merchant...

