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Lib Dems vote for BNP

fly posters | 24.01.2007 13:18 | Anti-racism

Saw this in local press

Community's needs were put first
IN reply to Coun. Mark Townsend's letter regarding Liberal Democrat councillors voting for the British National Party candidate.
The Lib Dems are, by their very name, liberal-minded and democratic. We vote how we think the needs of the people are best-served.
At the full council meeting on December 13th, a position came up for renewal. This was on the board of Padiham Life, which comes under the Small Towns Initiative and backed by the North West Regional Development Association to the tune of £1m.
When it came to the vote, there was a choice of only two candidates – Sharon Wilkinson, BNP, who represents Hapton and Park ward, and Linda Gauton, Labour. Coun. Wilkinson is quite passionate about her ward members and was indeed shown in the Express recently supporting old people who had received threatening notices from the town council for not recycling properly. As the spokesman for her party she speaks up regularly for what she feels is right. To my mind, she is actively doing her job for the people who voted for her.
Coun. Gauton, on the other hand, is a person who I have yet to hear speak up at full council this year.
Given these facts and that Padiham Life is over represented by Labour, this would have helped to restore a balance and would have given Padiham people the best person for the post. Thus, Coun. Wilkinson was, to my mind and Coun. Sumner's, the better candidate.
As for Coun. Townsend crowing about a supposed crumbling Lib Dem administration that is allegedly falling apart, I think not. The only thing crumbling and falling apart round here, and in England as a whole, is the Labour Party. This is why people are looking to other parties, and it is not a crime in this country to vote for who you choose, Coun. Townsend, not until Dictator Blair makes it so.
The facts of the matter are that the Burnley people have had enough of Labour. Seeing many other councils successfully run by the Lib Dems, they have decided to give us a chance in Burnley and I say well done to them. It takes courage to break a lifetime's voting habits. This, however, is only the start and we are confident enough to predict we will show our worth to the people where it matters and not pay lip-service to worn-out Labour taunts.
COUN. JOHN JONES, Linby Street, Burnley

fly posters


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Liberal wankers

05.02.2007 17:55

Unbelievable.....the Lib Dems think it's OK to support a BNP councillor, giving them political credibility, to make a point in their local rivalry with labour.....wankers. How are they serving their area by supporting the far-right's politics of hate?
