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Global Warming: Here Are the Hard Facts

reposted | 23.01.2007 19:13 | Ecology

This is an article that tells it like it is.
Show this to your friends that are in
denial. It is quite disturbing but it is
loaded with irrefutable facts.

"It's too late to avert global warming"

By TOM WATKINS, January 21, 2007



Go here...

24.01.2007 07:33

Climate Change!!


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The error in logic is right there in the first paragraph:

23.01.2007 23:10

"India and China are just beginning their industrial revolution and are increasing their demand for power and transportation. And their populations are eight times that of the United States (over 2.4 billion people). Even if they were to cut their emissions to only 25 percent of what we produce now..."

India and China currently produce nothing like 25 per cent of the CO2 emissions per head that the USA does.

So the entire article is based on a forecasting fallacy - that they somehow must follow the same path as the US.

True, there will be some warming but changes now CAN make the difference between major discomfort and utter disaster in 50 or 100 years' time.


Who are you, laptop?

24.01.2007 05:57

Where are your figures on how much India and China are polluting?

Give us your wisdom on this subject with some documentation please. There are thousands of scientists who all agree to this data......but are disagreeing. Who pays your salary, laptop?
