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Peace Activist Jailed today

Virginia Moffatt | 22.01.2007 15:48 | Iraq | Oxford

Chris Cole, a Christian peace activist from Oxford, was jailed today for 28 days. The jail sentence was in response to a nonpayment of fine for an action at the Ministry of Defence in 2004.

22nd January 2007

Oxford Man Jailed for Anti-War Protest

A Christian peace activist from Oxford was today jailed for 28 days by Magistrates at Horseferry Road Court , London for refusing to pay a fine of £661 in connection with an anti-Iraq war protest in December 2004.

Chris Cole (43), a father of three, from Wilkins Road, Cowley, Oxford, was part of a small group of Christian anti-war protestors who dug symbolic graves in the lawn of the Ministry of Defence in Whitehall and sprayed ‘Remember the Innocent – Stop the War’ on December 28th 2004 (the Christian feast of Holy Innocents).

Cole told Magistrates at Horseferry Road Court that he refused to pay the fine as it had been right for the group to protest the war. Cole said “Thousands of innocent people have lost their lives in the illegal invasion and on-going war in Iraq. Ordinary people have a duty to resist war-making on innocent civilians by their government.”

In July 2006, court appointed bailiffs seized the Cole family car in connection with the fine and sold it at auction for a mere £52.

Virginia Moffatt


send letters and cards!

26.01.2007 14:14

Please send letters, messages of support, cards etc to:

Chris Cole XA7269,
HMP Wandsworth,
PO Box 757,
Heathfield Road,
SW18 3HS



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Get him out

22.01.2007 18:32

The screws give political prisoners a hard time.


You are not alone friend

22.01.2007 19:10

Stay strong Chris many people are with you in solidarity for the stand you have taken. Don't let the screws fuck with you. You have the moral high ground, Prison is only there to contain your body, your heart and mind can never be locked up. Peace and respect to you Chris.


things are looking serious

22.01.2007 19:36

Well done and thank you chris. I am now hearing that many ordinary people are talking of not going home after the next anti-war demo on the 24th Feb. This must mean that so many are becomming increasingly aware and concerned over what is happening. It is likely that the 21,500 American troops, many of whom will probably be going into Sadr City, are going to pore fuel on the fire and upset even more people in Iraq and around the world. I think you are right to do what you have because out government is steering us into the most serious of crisis. I support you and hope your stay in prission is not to unpleasant. I think you have guts and an honor that is so rare amongst our politicians particularly ministers who are hand picked because they pose no threat to the current status quo.

Mr Ericson


22.01.2007 20:31

he'll most likely get any easy time from the inmates.


prison details + action after 24/02

22.01.2007 23:03

maybe they will get posted here, but just in case ... details for writing letters to Chris *should* be available via the Peace News site from tomorrow afternoon.

also, on the issue of "not going home after the demo" ... there are plans for some kind of mass, affinity-group-based action on the Monday after in London - focused on Trident replacement (cos the parliamentary vote is likely 12-15 March). There should be accomodation and training (for those that want) - sat-mon 24-26 feb. I guess more details will be posted somewhere on imc and also on the PN site /paper when things are firmed up a bit more.

watch this space...

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