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Racist Pigs try to extend their remit

Ilyan | 21.01.2007 09:40

The Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) Wales has written to a backpakers hostel asking it to remove the advert. "foreign passport holders only".

The first time I heard of Jim Crow in Wales was the Mackworth Ballroom in Neath in WW2. It was first introduced there by the management who banned white GIs. It was modified by the US Army introducing two MPs into every dance to keep order. Each to deal only with his own race. The white MP was often busy, and even when getting into trouble, was not aided by the black. Strict Jim Crow in that.

It was regular, except when there were no GIs on the week of the Aldershot American Indian Rising, every white US MP in he UK was drafted to Aldershot to supress a small US MP (probably white) induced dispute over the drinking laws. There were gunshots, and streets were closed.

The Pigs in the Commission for Race Equality are clearly overstepping their remit and enlarging their power base. they are demanding that the advert publicising the No Brit policy be withdrawn.

Nationality has nothing to do with race. People can change Nationality, but not their genetic makeup. The Welsh Race relations board make fools of themselves, or are malevolent power base builders.




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21.01.2007 09:47

Perhaps they could go and stay at your grotty little B&B Ilyan or maybe sleep on the floor of your failing second rate computer shop ?


Welsh Tourist Board

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21.01.2007 10:34
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regarding your previous

22.01.2007 00:17

still waiting for your reply you little shit stirring mixed up div, Have any of your mates managed to blood themselves on some unsuspecting victim yet ? and just for the record born at st jimmy's, lived in gipton all me life you loser....regards c.o.g

concerned of gipton

title improvement

22.01.2007 13:22

That title should have read Race Pigs, rather than Racist Pigs. Though there are people in Wales who regard the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) Wales as anti welsh since they prohibited a requirement that employees caring for welsh speakers in Old People's Homes be required to speak welsh.

There were 3 comments posted that have been deleted, One that I saw before it was deleted. led back to lies and obscenity. If people have things to say on this obviously provoking subject, then there a much better chance of people reading what you have to say if you do not misuse the English language or make a proper fool of yourself with inaccurate personal attacks.

There is a very good item by George Orwell advising on how to write effectively. I have to go out to plant or earth in trees now, so I do not have time to find its URL. If you are one of those idiots who think Orwell was a Tory - Know that he carried his rifle alongside the Anarchists in the fight against Franco. He was warning against the likes of New Labour in "Animal Farm".


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