Banned website returns
publish | 21.01.2007 02:23 | Liverpool
The banned website The kirkbytimes returned today with a vengeance.And not only that but it reproduced the web pages it was banned for.I reproduce a simple copy here.The rest can be found at
Illegal article No 1
Originally published back in February of 2003, then taken down in 2005 after photocopied print outs of the article, with yellow marker, was sent to The Kirkby Times editor with threats to issue legal proceedings with immediate effect. Bully tactics. Tactics used by the rich and powerful on the poor and powerless. We know them well!
Sonae wanted two articles taken off, but here they are again. We republish the material not as some petty middle finger up to the polluters of Sonae, but for the people of Kirkby, the majority of whom do not want Sonae here, never wanted it here and have never, ever, condemned The Kirkby Times for publishing what was the opinion of the local people.
The kirkbytimes became famous all over the world and was quoated by many national and international newspapers in the fight for truth about corporate crime.And was also ignored by many more.This is a direct challenge to the ban of the site by the publisher with a challenge us if you dare.A don't publish and you will be dammed.
Illegal article No 1
Originally published back in February of 2003, then taken down in 2005 after photocopied print outs of the article, with yellow marker, was sent to The Kirkby Times editor with threats to issue legal proceedings with immediate effect. Bully tactics. Tactics used by the rich and powerful on the poor and powerless. We know them well!
Sonae wanted two articles taken off, but here they are again. We republish the material not as some petty middle finger up to the polluters of Sonae, but for the people of Kirkby, the majority of whom do not want Sonae here, never wanted it here and have never, ever, condemned The Kirkby Times for publishing what was the opinion of the local people.
The kirkbytimes became famous all over the world and was quoated by many national and international newspapers in the fight for truth about corporate crime.And was also ignored by many more.This is a direct challenge to the ban of the site by the publisher with a challenge us if you dare.A don't publish and you will be dammed.
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