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Deacon Dave - Sunday event postponed

Deacon dave | 20.01.2007 21:19 | Palestine | Sheffield

Deacon Dave was due to give a slide presentation about his recent 2 month stay in Hebron Palestine on Sunday 21 Jan. It has been postponed until Sunday 11 Feb at 6.30 at Christ Church, Pitsmoor

Sorry for any inconvenience. We just heard that a friend from Christ Church has committed suicide and so church people are too upset to be able to discuss any other issue.

Deacon dave
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See also

20.01.2007 21:30

The original article about the talk.



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Sorry for your loss

24.01.2007 00:41

It must be especially hard for a good man like yourself who has faith in the present and who is surrounded by hope to lose someone to dispair. I rarely pray but tonight I will for you and your friend.

I constantly keep a bit of cloth you passed to me on an action.
Some of us fall but keep on keepin' on.
