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Big Brother Racism in the name of profiteerism not class.

Jo Bloggs | 19.01.2007 22:59

Having watched pervious BB shows in the past (Not this one) the BB environment does put a strain on people, as with every negative feeling, people to do nit pick in faults or differences, and unfortunately nit and picking is coined as racism now...

Having watched pervious BB shows in the past (Not this one) the BB environment does put a strain on people, as with every negative feeling, people to do nit pick in faults or differences, and unfortunately nit and picking is coined as racism now...

I have seen Shilpa in London not so long ago doing a filming sequence and in the preamble moment of a warm up session. I witness her berate a "minor" Indian dancer for getting in the way not a particularly gratifying experience by any means. It was also particularly amusing the way Shilpa was made a fuss off with a makeup guy, with a blusher in hand and powering away at her face every 30 seconds. It's not surprising that Shilpa as been tagged the Princess by others within the house.

People have to remember that BB although live it is still edited you are only ever seeing from one view point and, that is of the editor and producer. The producer has got thirty odd screens in front of him and it is his or her job to sell the show.

Having not watched the show this year on the basis of the so call list of celebritism I cannot comment what has been said. Nor do I trust the newspaper to tell a balance story, Sensationism sells newspapers just like T.V. sells.

Considering the BB show this year viewing figures was on the fall even before Jade and co. turned up (At witched point I stopped watching the show). I can't help but think that there is a monetary motive behind the “sudden” interest by newspaper and media companies. BB as a TV show is a very profitable business and you can’t help but wonder who has what finger in what pot of cash.

What also strike me odd is why BB producers put a stop to the comments being allegedly made within the house and also why didn’t BB simply pull the plug on the issue (not the show) when it was very well known the gauge of public reaction outside was known.

I feel this whole experience has unnecessary destroyed a number of people’s lives and careers in a petty stake of profiteerism.

I also think the Government involvement was totally unnecessary as this was a civil matter that has been let on purpose to spin out of control by the BB editor and producers.

There only one person to blame for this is the controller of the Channel four network for letting this to happen.

Jo Bloggs


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Class War?

19.01.2007 23:41

I did not watch such programs and was offended when it made the News. From what I saw there it was Class War, not Race War. A lot of stupid gits have made fools of themselves. As soon as it hit the News it was obvious that those two were going to make up, and maybe become best friends. The Sponsors have shown idiocy.

But then the Brits are all pretty daft as the program shows. And hordes of people are so Politically Correct they have addled their understanding of reality.

Joe Soap

Look, just fuck off with this irrelevant big brother bollocks

20.01.2007 00:45

I dunno which planet you're living on but on this one here, the country I'm utterly ashamed to be living in is engaged in a vicious, illegal war based on bare faced lies in which 600,000 people have been killed and rising by about 1050 people/day. The prime minister of my shameful country has just let some psychopathic arms dealers off scot free from an inquiry that was about to expose them as being putrefyingly corrupt. Meanwhile the psychopathic leader of a country that has thousands of nuclear warheads - enough to destroy the world many times over - is threatening to start a war with another middle east country over the pretext that they have one nuclear reactor. The very future of this planet is under threat as a result of rapidly accelerating climate change brought about because these same psychopathic leaders are intent on allowing hugely corrupt psychopathic oil corporations to extract and burn yet more fossil fuels - business as usual.

And while all the above somewhat important stuff is going on unabated, there's a bunch of retarded prima-donnas locked in a house being watched it seems by most of the country on TV. I've never watched this apallingly crap TV program and I'm staggered that anyone on indymedia would waste their time doing so let alone publicly admit to having watched such utter timewasting smokescreen drivel. It features people from the real world, some of whom surprise surprise, have racist attitutudes. It's hardly promoting those attitudes, more like laying bare for all to see just how stupid and ignorant they really are. So please keep discussion of this mainstream crap off indymedia right? It's not what it's for.

not all there

Dear I'm all there

20.01.2007 11:52

Does this mean you're actually proud of us being dragged into this illegal war? Do you also think that dross like big brother is a good distraction for the general population to make them forget about the elephant in the living room?

not all there


20.01.2007 12:19

6.8 million watched it.only 40.000 complained.


I'm all ears

20.01.2007 18:16

'I'm all there' Wtf you on about. Just coz you dodnt like a situation doesnt mean you run to some other place where other shits happening. You stay and fight. You probably wouldnt know the meaning of the word tho coz to you a struggle over real issues is probably i fight round the dinner table about who should be evicted from big brother and whether or not russel brand is funny or a twat. In the meantime in a world far far away from your house 50,000 people are gonna die this winter from the cold coz either theyre on the streets or cant afford to keep the heating on. You wanna know where that is. Why Britain of course. 4th richest country in the world. Think about that the next time your having your 'fight'.


But she showed remorse!

20.01.2007 18:58

Look, she saw the error of her ways and admitted that she got things wrong. That is a very rare thing to do, and Jade has gone up in my estimation for showing that example. We learn from our mistakes.

Innocent Bystander

Trivial pursuits

20.01.2007 20:27

Have to agree with Not all there.
Of all the problems in this world, people seem to be focusing on what happens in the BB house as if its the most important event in the last 10 years. Two people didn't get along. One was Asian and the other was a brash, loud-mouth, self opinionated English ignoramus. The next thing governments are debating the issue and the media goes on a field day.
Is it any wonder people get pissed off when this shit creates more of a stir than people living in fear, people without enough to eat, people suffering and dying.
Boy do we live in a selfish, blinkered and completely unethical society.

Kevin Moffat

I Agree

23.01.2007 10:31

I also stopped watching this series of BB when Jade arrived - none of the others in the house being worth watching either. I've now ended up feeling quite sorry for Jade as I see in the papers that she is on suicide alert - is this a free country or not?

Whats on Radio 4 at the moment but a piece about bitching - if you can't bitch in the privacy of your own (or big brother's) house where can you bitch?? Its what people watch it for after all. And anyway, who asked Jade back onto this series of BB? Lets all learn from her mistake...Never Go Back! Move on...!

jean thompson
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